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N Florida Mike

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Everything posted by N Florida Mike

  1. When we were dating, I would take her wade fishing in the river.( Got to carry her across a swampy area to hard bottom) ? She wasnt afraid of gators, snakes , etc. She nearly outfished me on bream once she got the hang of it. We loved to camp and fish too. She got pretty good at bass fishing too. But one day… She hooked the” Bass of the Lake”. It was huge . She had it. It was towing us in the jon boat. … And it just came off. She’s only fished once with me since then…?
  2. That’s a pretty fish!
  3. They were biting good again today. , temps in the low 80s, partly cloudy, slight breeze. Decided to start at the south end of our island. Something told me to try the speed craw and I wasn’t disappointed. I used my lightest combo, which features 8 pound test and a 1/0 wide gap T Rig. They were all over it- caught 5 in the same general area, near eel grass dropping into deeper water. Also even got one on a roostertail when I noticed some bream beds… Bite slowed , so I went around a point and caught another one. Fished around the southeast end of the lake and got one in a deep hole on a uv speed worm. Caught a couple more on the craw, including one that bit when I skipped the craw way back under a dock. Caught another one on the same point on the way back, and got another one on the other side of the island on the craw. Switched to a grape shad culprit worm, and caught 2 nice fish on the same side of the island. Stopped off at the deep hole on the way home , and got 2 more quality fish on the Rage tail cut R. The only downsides today was missing several nice fish, and I tried a chatterbait with craw trailer to no avail off and on. Did not catch a fish on the super fluke either, which is unusual…but I ain’t complaining… Ended up with 16 again.
  4. I saved one once by submerging it in a bag of rice. After a few hours it was as good as new. The second time it happened, it was on my kayak. I even had it in a ziplock back on the dry end of the ‘yak. Water got in somehow… the rice trick didn’t work that time.
  5. For a couple of weeks now my right hip feels like it pops out of joint slightly with nearly every step I take. It doesn’t hurt at all, but has me wondering what could be going on …???
  6. I didn’t know anything about baitcasters when I bought my first ambassador back in the day. I put 12 pound stren on it, and went out in the lake , anchored, and kept throwing it with the wind until I could do it without a problem. The whole key for me was feathering it with my thumb. I never adjusted it on the inside( which is a good thing to do), but did fine tune it with the settings on the outside . After a half hour or so , I basically had it…
  7. I’ve caught more bass on Ugly sticks than any other rod by far. Specifically,I’ve caught the most on my 25+ year old 6.6 medium action U.Stik. Indestructible. stout and heavy at the butt end , and the medium action is just right for soft plastic fishing. I now use it mostly for somewhat heavier plastics, like super flukes, large worms, and larger stick worms… Not the most sensitive rod of course, but it’s sensitive enough for me. I have the highest landing rate with that rod too. I won’t often lose a fish once it’s hooked with it…
  8. I heard my dad say 1 cuss word the whole time I was growing up. My mom - not even one. It was part of their raising. I said “ butt” to my mom once and got my mouth washed out with soap. A lot of it is who you’re around. I had some rough and rowdy friends growing up, but they weren’t even big cussers., except one that took the Lord’s name in vain in every sentence. That and the F word bother me, especially when my wife or grandkids are around. I don’t enjoy going to sporting events much anymore, it is so bad. People ought to respect others enough to be able to restrain theirselves, especially around kids or women.
  9. Had my boss and his son over today . Primary goal was bream. The 2nd bream Alex hooked , as he had it almost to the dock , a bass clobbered the bream and he hooked the bass right in the corner of the mouth!! First bass ! 4.06 pounds…
  10. I’m not worried about it. Like Bird said, it would be their bad if someone ever tried breaking in our house. Not that we have much anyway that anyone would want…
  11. My thought process ? I wait until 1 vehicle dies , and then hope and pray I can afford another one.
  12. Doc said I had “ Minears disease” about 25 years ago. He said to minimize salt and caffeine. I didn’t have the character then to follow his advice, but minimizing salt did seem to help. It got worse and went into vertigo, which was awful. I went to another Doc, that prescribed to me “ beta histine? Something that sounds like that. It was a compound drug that really helped- to the point that I haven’t taken it for 15 years now. My right ear still rings, but it’s worse if I get into something too salty. No more vertigo, which is the main thing…
  13. Come catch my otter and you will get lifetime fishing in my lake whenever you want !
  14. Dogs are something else. Our 2 find interesting objects and bring them to the back door. Tonight there was a soft drink can, a box of fuses, a roll of duck tape, wood chips ( they’re eating my dock ), and a couple weird things that I couldn’t identify… ?
  15. Got 16 this afternoon, mostly on speed worms and yum dingers. It was one of those weather days I love. Maybe 10 mph breeze, cloudy, temps in the 70s. I caught most of the fish on the retrieve…
  16. Welcome. Jax is my hometown. Ive done some offshore bottom fishing, but not lately.
  17. I chewed red man, Levi Garrett, and beech nut for about 8 years. There was a twist tobacco you could only get out in Baker county… called “ white mule”. It would give you a buzz. I never got sick. I up and quit and only had one chew after that and that was it. I smoked a couple cigarettes once and hated them. Glad I did.
  18. I’ve caught the same bass numerous times off my dock. It was a 4 pounder I nicknamed “ Tyson” because he was so agressive and hit so hard… I caught him with various baits, sometimes the same one, sometimes different…
  19. Got several more on Watermelon red super flukes , from another work route pond…
  20. Praying for a solution and recovery @Catt. I have had lower back pain for over 10 years. If I stand on a hard surface working more than about 10 minutes it gets so stiff and painful I can hardly bend over enough to get in the work car. If I fish more than 2-3 hours in the JB it does the same. Probably a result of the farm and other hard work, sports , etc I did as a younger man. I’ve never officially hurt it with an accident though, and haven’t had it looked at by a doc. ( yet ). Hang in there brother…
  21. I’m exactly like you. Somehow , I’m back on facebook ( not sure how) . Now I’m getting all these friend requests that I will mostly ignore unless it’s family or close friends My wife will listen to my latest fishing stories nicely but that’s about it…
  22. I’ve told most of my karen stories already but not this one. I was wade fishing my home lake as a young man ( before I lived on it ), and I had permission and access from a friend that lived on it then. An older man came out and asked if I lived on the lake. I said “ pretty much” as I was out there a lot. He said it’s a private lake blah blah, and I told him I had permission etc. I kept fishing while he began threatening me with calling the police. When that didn’t work, he pulled out some kind of badge and said he was with the FBI, which didn’t impress me either. He gave up finally and went in the house. He wasn’t as bad as the crazy old lady that kicked my boat one time for tying up to her fence!
  23. It’s D BOMBS , right? ( not da bombs)? They look a little like zoom Z hogs, which I’ve done very well with.
  24. Great fish! Im gonna get me some da bombs after seeing that! Had not heard of them, but they look good !
  25. My wife doesn’t drive much anymore, but she was good with all her vehicles. Never had a wreck that was her fault. She would have been perfect had she not run into the side of the house once…
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