They were biting good again today. , temps in the low 80s, partly cloudy, slight breeze. Decided to start at the south end of our island. Something told me to try the speed craw and I wasn’t disappointed. I used my lightest combo, which features 8 pound test and a 1/0 wide gap T Rig. They were all over it- caught 5 in the same general area, near eel grass dropping into deeper water. Also even got one on a roostertail when I noticed some bream beds… Bite slowed , so I went around a point and caught another one. Fished around the southeast end of the lake and got one in a deep hole on a uv speed worm. Caught a couple more on the craw, including one that bit when I skipped the craw way back under a dock. Caught another one on the same point on the way back, and got another one on the other side of the island on the craw.
Switched to a grape shad culprit worm, and caught 2 nice fish on the same side of the island. Stopped off at the deep hole on the way home , and got 2 more quality fish on the Rage tail cut R. The only downsides today was missing several nice fish, and
I tried a chatterbait with craw trailer to no avail off and on. Did not catch a fish on the super fluke either, which is unusual…but I ain’t complaining…
Ended up with 16 again.