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N Florida Mike

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Everything posted by N Florida Mike

  1. Yeah I like animals in general, esp.good eatin' ones.But if its them or the fish, then yeah they're going down.esp. an otter.They will clean out a pond.
  2. Well, the geese have finally thinned out, ( remember my post on them awhile back?) So I'm on my dock the other evening at dusk and see an animal approach the lake on the other side.I think its a racoon but then it jumps in the water and swims out parallel to me .It was too dark to tell but it was either a otter or nutria.I can tell the difference if I get a good look at them.So I go out this morning and he's out there again.But he immediately went under and didn't come back up while I watched.I hope its not an otter because I had a big one clean out all my catfish a few years ago and now the fingerling cats have grown up and I'm getting nice ones again.Nutrias are bad enough.They've eaten 3 feet of my lake bank where my boat ramp is.Have trapped some of them but there seems to be an endless supply.Time to get my 22 fixed and get a new scope.!!!
  3. Nice fish.
  4. We have stocked grass carp in the lake.I don't see any reduction in the bass fishing and don't expect to.These carp can't reproduce so they won't overpopulate.
  5. Welcome!I love TRYING to trout fish in the smokies.
  6. We have some big grass carp(I snagged a 23 pounder last year.) I watch them patrolling off my dock and often catch bass with them around.They don't seem to effect the bass any.
  7. Swamp people is about the only one I watch the new episode of each week.I love MLF but I'm often busy when it comes on sat.Wicked tuna's pretty good also.Love all in the family and king of queens reruns.And still love Andy Griffith show.And old westerns.
  8. To be more specific, my favorite bream is redbreast.I don't overly care for Crappie( specks to us Floridians).To me they taste kind of bland.Probably the worst freshwater fish to me is warmouth.We caught a bunch of them in the Okefenokee swamp and they weren't good at all.Of course, they were all eaten But if you want to eat bass, go ahead.I think its almost comical that people get offended by that.As long as you're legal, then its perfectly fine.I fished my lake for 15 years when I was young and kept nearly every bass and we always had plenty.And for those of you who don't like to eat them that's fine with me.I am opposed now to keeping bigger bass just because they're fun to catch and I hate destroying them .I know how I feel when people tell me they keep big bass out of the lake.I don't like it a'tall.But if I spend my time and money to fish and want to keep a few then its my right.
  9. I am a big fish eater.Probably my favorite.in fresh water is butter cats, then bream , then bass.Fried, of course.I don't keep bass over 15 inch unless they die on me.Small, fileted bass taste good to me.We have to keep some so the lake won't be overpopulated.I also eat lots of saltwater fish, with sheepshead probably my favorite.
  10. Another "that guy" I fished with back in the day would nearly always do some crazy thing while fishing.One day he tried to see if he could stuff a whole pouch of red man in his mouth.He usually talked non- stop.Well,at some point I noticed he hasn't said anything in awhile so I look at him and he's turning green.Sick as a dog.He was about to barf so I put him on the bank until....Another time he suddenly grabbed my rod and began bending it to try and touch tip to butt and said "Is this an ugly stick?" And the rod snapped in half.I stared at him and said " No it wasn't".I was furious and kept staring at him so he climbed out of the boat and swam to the island we were near .The rod was the one I had caught my pb on!.
  11. Thanks.The pics dont really do it justice.
  12. Nice fish.My son lives in Omaha but I don't see any where to fish there..
  13. I like it either way.The older I get the more I want to make a difference in someone's life.A great way to do this is fishing.I invite different friends over to fish a lot.And family.My son and me fish a lot. That being said,I probably fish alone more often,cause my boat is 30 feet from my back door in the lake.I can quickly throw a trip together when I have a little window of time.
  14. Thanks..
  15. Had a friend invite me to his local pond today.This was the result.Caught it on a Zoom watermelon seed super fluke.Only fish on only bite.
  16. Not trying to be a know it all, but I've never heard them called coppernose .I've only known them as copperheads my whole life in Florida.I always have thought they were just mature male bluegills.
  17. Man, just get some sinking fish feed and bait up an area.It may take awhile to get them staying around.Then I either use a cut piece of bream or dead shrimp for bait.I only fish from dusk on into the evening.Caught 2 nice uns last night on the bream.There should be catfish in there unless otters has cleaned them out.
  18. Fished a new pond today and got a nice bass just under 4 pounds.While I was bass fishing I kept seeing big talapia in the area.I didn't know how to catch them.They wouldn't bite bass baits.The ponds full of them.Any ideas?I read where they bite live worms
  19. Haven't done that but I have fishing dreams occasionally. In one of them I catch bass out of my yard, but only at my childhood home.The weirdest one was catching a 5 pound bream off the top of the buckman bridge over the st johns river. ( Its probably 200 feet high at the crest.)
  20. I like the sinking feed better.When I used the floating feed, catfish never would come up to get it.
  21. Don't worry about it.My dad's idea of catch and release was catch and release it into his ice chest.
  22. Exactly.I can't figure it out but I love the show.Never sure if I'm watching an old show or new one.I CAN remember if I saw it before or not.Not sure who's ahead, in or out but its great.Seems like one week someone loses and then reappears later.Then someone wins or places and you don't see them anymore.Sorry y'all, I may be dumb but I'm really not stupid.
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