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N Florida Mike

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Everything posted by N Florida Mike

  1. I did that on my lake.Tagged about 20 fish and the tag supplier went up on the prices so I didn't order anymore. I caught one of them again around 200 ft from where I caught it the first time within a few months time. Another guy caught another one again.Its been 3-4 years and I haven't re- caught another one.I would really like to do it again if I could find a cheaper alternative.
  2. His mother in law is one of my customers.She seems to really like him.She knows Roland too,of course.When I found all that out I was telling her how much I had enjoyed their shows through the years and she said maybe she could set it up where I could meet them someday.Im not holding my breath over it,but that would be cool.
  3. Judging by some of the pictures you've been posting,youre doing better than you think !. But I know what you mean.Deep water's been a struggle for me too , not that we have comparatively much of it here in FL.
  4. I manage my lake for weeds, so I work closely with our hired aquatics co. A man that lived on the lake did it for over 25 years until he caused a fish kill in 2011. Since then,we are now into our 3rd company.Knowing what I know now,there is no way our local man did it legally.When he treated,nearly every weed in the lake would die,which actually pleased some of the uppity lake owners.Then the water would get murky and stink.He would tell us not to fish or even take a boat out,then ended up killing all the big bass and bream.I wanted to wring his neck. The point is,if it's being done right,no fish should die.I would also hesitate though before getting the gov.involved,which nearly always creates more problems than its worth.If you live on the lake and can get on the board or at least attend meetings and state your case, start there.Thats what I did at my lake .The fishermen need to be heard!. As far as the health of the fish, the more weeds the better for them. And as long as spraying doesn't kill the fish, it's a necessary evil.
  5. Welcome to the forums.
  6. My dad got me started.Caught my first fish when I was 4. My whole family usually went, which was sometimes My mom,dad,brother, an uncle,and 2 aunts.This was in Florida and I still fish a lot of the same areas. In NC I would go with another uncle,a cousin,and my dad.The biggest regret is that I never went with either grandpa because they both worked themselves to death and died relatively young. Both my sons fish,but one would live on the water ( and nearly has at times) These are:My oldest son,me and my dad getting ready to go fishing,and my granddaughter.
  7. I googled it and found a lot of Florida lakes that had been surveyed.I don't have the sites anymore but there were a couple different sources and they were easily found.Dont know about Georgia.
  8. Ive fished a lot of those kind of lakes.I always did well with a moccasin or red shad culprit worm.But you really have to slow down.We all know that fish don't bite all the time but when they slow down,we have a tendency to speed up,which usually produces less fish,at least with plastic worms. I would try to get ahold of the lake contour map and study it, if there is one. Look for close together lines near shore and fish that area. This characteristic shows a steep drop off which bass like,especially with cover nearby. Also look for floating ,isolated patches of weeds,lone cypresses farther out in the lake, and docks.Althogh I haven't fished these lakes much with spinnerbaits,I would try them around grass edges,cypresses etc. And rattletraps sometimes work well in deep holes in open water. Keep us posted.I love fishing those kind of lakes.
  9. Tying knots with his Tongue ?! Speechless !?
  10. You think that's bad?.Just try leaving the FREEZER DOOR ajar for 9 days while on vacation.All my bait ,dead shrimp,and frozen fish,squirrels and such all thawing out.O yeah the relationship grew that year!!?
  11. Wow thanks for starting this.I hadn't heard of him either. Wish I could fish with him someday. God help me to not grumble and complain with my light afflictions...
  12. I fish with experienced, and unexperienced friends,and kids.I treat them all differently.With experienced friends I rarely offer help because they know what to do. I may offer baits I think would help them or offer for them to switch to the front.I make fitting comments like " log salmon " if they reel in a branch,or " if you can't join em, beat em," if they throw a short cast with a big splash.If they get hung up on a tree limb I might say " You after flying fish ?? " The only time in 40+ years I remember getting really mad at a friend was when one of them thought my favorite rod at the time was an ugly stick and did the butt to point thing and snapped it in half.He actually got out of the boat and swam to an island nearby to let me cool off. • With the unexperienced fisherman, I don't tease them.I try to see what the problem is and help.Casting and setting the hook are the worst.Most of the guys I teach are so unexperienced that they know it and really appreciate the help.I have actually done the hook set and handed them the rod thing and they seemed to appreciate it. Nearly all this type will do what I suggest without complaint.When they get better then the teasing may start!? One exception was when I took a good friend bass fishing for the first time.He was a good fisherman but had never bass fished.His first cast he thought he had a fish and was so excited.I told him to set the hook son.He did and it put up a good fight for a cowboy boot!!? I told him to cast back over there and catch the other one!. He was disappointed and mad at me,but he stuck with it and got to where he would often out fish me. •Kids. It's all about them ...
  13. • Caught my first fish on a swim bait. •The first year I've ever done well with a spinnerbait.( So far I've only caught 15-20 but that's more than the last 40 years combined !! )
  14. Got it !! I decided to put tension on the hook and then cut straight down the hook through the skin until it came free. Doesn't hurt too much.
  15. Yeah I've got a sharp knife but it's a bad angle.Trying to cut the hook in half but my old bolt cutters aren't doing the job.
  16. Think I've got it - pushed the barb on through.Just got to clip it off and pull it through.
  17. Well been a few years, but now I've done it again. It doesn't look too deep,but it's not budging.Not going to emergency room. Help ? Think I'm just going to get a pliers and do what I do on the fish.
  18. Probably the best eat-out hamburger I've ever had is from a local ( jax ) joint called Charlie's diner. It's huge .The one I get is the bacon burger which is fresh ground and mixed up with bacon ( not just bacon on top ) Charlie's is owned by Peter Thliverous ( known as Peter T.),who is a well known bass pro. I'm sure Lonnie g. Would agree. You can get the burger with tater tots and a good ole glass of sweet tea.But it fills me up for hours afterwards. Another one in the running is the bison burger from Ted's Montana grill.I get mine with cheddar cheese,grilled onions,and bacon.It is absolutely delicious.( For 15.00 a pop it better be !) As for hot dogs, home grilled for me,usually ball park.
  19. This often happens to me as well. If it's a bright,sunny day I start skipping under docks and it usually produces well.I have also done well slowly fishing deeper holes with a variety of baits.I caught several fish over six pounds one july fishing a deep hole slowly with a 10 inch Mann's jelly worm. Sometimes it's also a mindset.What I mean is that you get used to the bite slowing down at that time of day so you may start fishing too fast to compensate. Some of my biggest fish have come in the middle of the day. So keep your confidence up,relax and enjoy your time on the water.
  20. Sometimes I also have to sit with a straight posture and fight for air. I used to think it was brought on by my eating high cholesterol foods because the only thing they could ever find wrong with me is high cholesterol.So I quit eating those foods for years but I still had the shortness of breath.Whats really weird is that I never had it until after I got married!! Taking a baby aspirin seems to help when I have an attack. Not meaning to hijack your thread but just trying to relate.
  21. I have had shortness of breath for over 25 years. I have had a barrage of tests,including heart tests ( No heart trouble they say.) twice. 4 different doctors. None of them have told me it was asthma, but I have all the symptoms. It seems to be aggravated by stress,but sometimes it just happens. It gets so bad I have to change posture sometimes try to yawn so I can get a deep breath. It's been so bad that my brain gets deleted of oxygen and I feel like someone is holding a vise grip on it.Then I can't come up with simple words I'm trying to say. Doctor put me on blood thinners and that didn't help at all. They've never found what it is ,so I quit going to the dr over it and just live with it.
  22. Hey Todd, Welcome. To start with,you can fish the urban parks in the Jax. Area.Many of them have ponds/small lakes.Some are managed by the state and are stocked. Just Google Jax. Urban ponds and you should get some info. What part of town do you live in ? I assume you are bank fishing. Saltwater fishing is great too in our area. I started surf fishing when I was 4.That would be a good way to start. I can give you plenty of info. Based on your interest and where you are. Again, welcome to the forums and to the Jax. Area. Mike
  23. Yum dingers are good.Yamamoto senkos are best. Also the smaller zoom flukes. Also a small spinnerbait.
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