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Everything posted by Airman4754

  1. For lipless it's craw. For square bill, deep diver, and shad raps its shad color. I've really like the sexy shad 10XD.
  2. Quantum Tournament Grade combo 7' MH rod and baitcaster. I've caught my PB and third biggest bass ever on it and it cost $70. They've both been retired. PB was 12lb XL with a $3, 3/8oz double chrome willow, white spinnerbait from Sportsman's Warehouse. 4" Mister Twister chartreuse & silver flake grub trailer and a 1/0 Gammy red trailer hook. Out of the hundreds and hundreds of bass I've ever caught on a spinnerbait she was the first to ever get hooked by the trailer hook. I've never had one get it after her either. Tom still has me by 10lbs. Well, 11.2lbs actually, but who's counting? I suck lol.
  3. Yes, it's works. The cheapest thing you can do is get the 25 bags of the 5" Big Bite Baits sticks. Do what I said to them and they flutter the exact same. The only real difference is they don't weight as much so in warmer water run a 5/0 and it will match the Senko fall rate. I actually like these better in cold water because you can switch to a 3/0 and it falls slower than a Senko. The non salt core ones are still much more durable even after you soften them. Don't count any longer than 10, you don't want to melt them.
  4. I don't care what the wind is, I care about how high the rollers are. Anything above 3ft and I'm looking for some calmer water. With those new wake board boats with ballasts in them the biggest waves you encounter anymore usually aren't from mother nature.
  5. How to make every non salt core stick bait work. Boil a pot of water, dump them in, count to 10, dump them into a strainer, run cold water over them. Run a 5/0 EWG to match the fall rate of a Senko, smaller for slower. Done.
  6. When I'm on really pressured water I throw extremely small or extremely big. They've seen the middle all day everyday.
  7. That's why I wacky with a spinning real now. What a disaster. T-rig baitcaster all the way.
  8. You can get small tungsten for way less than $2. I think it's great for punching, but for everything else it's hard to justify.
  9. That's what I use it for. The 15lb is great leader.
  10. I haven't either. It obviously didn't happen to me. I hear a lot of stories from the Instagram fisherman.
  11. It's depends on the overall lake depth. Some of the places we fish can be over 300' deep, so the thermocline is going to be a bit lower than 20'. There can also be more than one. If you've ever fished for something like lake trout they hold at various levels. They're all at one of those levels, but it can range from 40' to 120'. Spotted bass work the same way.
  12. I've been told that a 7lb bass straightened out a super line EWG. I can barely straighten one out in a vice with pliers, but that's what I was told.
  13. 6" Kalin's Mogambo grub as a trailer. You'll thank me later.
  14. Are you using Vanish by chance?
  15. I've caught fish in the metro ponds of Tucson and Phoenix at night that the water was so hot the bass didn't have color anymore. They'd bite right at shore, so you're looking at water well into the 90's that would come up to 18" of water.
  16. ODFW called, you owe them $47 for looking at Oregon soil while fishing in Washington.
  17. Look around on this site. You'll see the term "confidence bait" and it ranges from a Ned to an 8" Hudd. I would bet the farm that everyone's confidence is only a few colors and they fish it pretty much the same way every time. If there is variation its because of water temperature or season. I would also bet baits they don't have much luck with they own enough colors and variations to make a chameleon jealous and they fish it differently every time looking for that bite. Now imagine you fish everything you have like a confidence bait. You're going to catch a lot of fish.
  18. Oregon, California, Arizona, Michigan.
  19. I'm extremely anal about efficiency, so I have a system for everything. I never buy more than four colors of anything. I will only use one kind of jig head, one kind of sinker, etc. I have a specific setup for everything and I fish them all in a way that makes sense for my fishing style to maximize the way I fish. For example my spinnerbait rod needs to have 14" of handle past the trigger for me to feel like I have complete control of the bait and fish. If it's 13" it feels like its going to come out of my hand and 15" feels too bulky and I'll be fighting the rod all day. My C-rig rod can only bend 3" as the weight slides over a rock so I have to have a rod that fits those parameters because as I watch my rod tip while I'm dragging I know if it goes farther than that it's snagged or it's a fish and I need to reel down and set up either way. Ridiculous, right? I fish every technique differently, but the same way if that makes sense. Like I fish my drop shot the same way every cast no matter what, but I fish a Neko differently, but the exact same every cast no matter what. I know what each weight feels like, I know when I'm on bottom, I know what a rock is, I know what grass is, I know what wood is, I know what a fish is. There are guys that can consistently beat me on a five bass limit, but as for sheer numbers you won't touch me. I'm not saying it's right or ever smart but I've never seen anything that makes me think I need to change.
  20. My MB's do everything I need them to with zero issues. I couldn't see myself changing them out.
  21. I went 6 for 6 on spots throwing a spinnerbait in March. That's the most I can remember for bass. I've had some crazy panfish streaks, but that's not that uncommon.
  22. I do that as well with the Kicker Fish lizards, they stand up so well on a shaky head and neko rigged. If you run the 8" with a 2/0 straight shank on a C-rig the whole thing rises up off the bottom slowly. I've yet to find a bad way to rig a lizard.
  23. 6XD's aren't very big. I throw them on a 7'8" Phenix glass rod rated for an ounce. If you're throwing a 10XD or other magnum cranks you'll want a crank rod rated for 3oz.
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