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Buckeye Ron

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About Buckeye Ron

  • Birthday 03/14/1955

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Punta Gorda,Florida
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Will have to discover new ones!
  • Other Interests
    I play acoustic guitar and am a reformed guitar collector! I play primarily Martin and Larrivee guitars.  

    I love to garden, and having just retired and moved to Florida, I have to start learning all over as everything is different here! 

    I read all the time, something I’ve done since I was a kid.

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  • About Me
    I'm married to the love of my life and have three grown children and one a sophomore in college. I retired in 2016 from a nearly 28 year career as a health and safety manager at a major automotive manufacturer.

    I've been involved in ministry for nearly 40 years as a bi-vocational minister. I love to help people and always root for the under dog. 

    My best fishing memories are of when I was a kid and going fishing with my dad or my uncle.

    I am a life long fan of <strong>The</strong> Ohio State Buckeyes. OH...IO!! Go Bucks!!

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)



  1. I’ve got a 5000C tucked away somewhere that belonged to an uncle who only used it a couple of times and gave us due to excessive backlashes. I tried to clean it and after reassembly, it, well, let’s just say it no longer works!
  2. Yeah, I understand they’re measured in mm, but I don’t have anything to measure with but an old school, non metric ID gage. The guides are single foot, black, with a silver insert. The size 10 gets me close enough. Thanks for your help.
  3. Here is the largest guide. ID approx 11/16”. Next smallest guide still on the rod is approx 3/16” ID. I’m thinking the one I need is around 1/2” ID?
  4. I picked up a Fenwick HMXS 610MH spinning rod for a few dollars that is missing the second from the bottom, or 2nd largest guide. Can someone tell me the correct size replacement SS guide?
  5. Great, I’ll check them out. Thanks!
  6. I wasn’t sure which sub forum to post this in so..... I have two spinning rods that are in need of repair. A 7’ Falcon rod that has a broken tip right at the tip. The other is a 7’ Penn rod that needs the first two guides replaced, one is 1” and the other is 3/8” ID without the guide ring(which is missing in both). Even though I’ve never done this before, with the glut of info available online I’m sure I can do a fair enough job. My question is where can I buy just the two guides and tip without having to buy an entire set of guides? I’ve looked online at a few places and can only find complete sets.
  7. This looks promising. https://barlowstackle.com/Worm-Oils-for-Plastic-Worms-P1495/
  8. Yep, it’s probably pretty easy to use a few drops of veggie oil. I guess I was looking for something off the shelf that doesn’t smell too strong such as you’d find on a Power Worm or similar. In the old days we used Anise oil.
  9. I recently picked up a huge lot of name brand plastic worms that were not in plastic bags so they are dry and sticky. I’m looking for some type of oil or lube to douse them with. What I’d really like to use is something like Mann’s Jelly Worm scent if such a thing is available to buy. Any ideas or thoughts?
  10. And you will surely regret it every November thru April when you can get around due to the clogged roads. I moved here three years ago after visiting here for twenty years. My wife’s health was the one and only reason we moved here. Why anyone would want to move here full time unless for health reasons or some other quality of life issue is beyond my pay grade to comprehend. IMO of course.
  11. I’ll soon be 65 and have fished for about 58 of those years, so like the OP I know a thing or two about fishing, or at least I tell myself that I do. Personally I was late to the ‘braid game’, believing that if it ain’t broke, why mess with it? I started experimenting with braid when I moved to Florida three years go, and I’ll just say it has its place, no more no less. What I have found to be true in my case is that braid brings with it its own complications. Learning complicated knots, joining braid to mono or flouro leaders, all are things I never had to deal with as a strictly monofilament line fisherman. Fortunately for me, 95% of my fishing is bass fishing and I have little need for braid at this time. For me, that works.
  12. Because ‘some people’ can’t resist responding to them?
  13. I go on Medicare next March. As it stands right now, the whole program confuses the heck out of me! Pretty sure I am going to consult an expert before I decide what to do. My current retiree insurance runs out when I hit 65, and unfortunately for me(in this case)the wife is 7 years younger than me so I will also have that cost to absorb. Im thinking very seriously of looking into a part time job to help offset these impending medical costs.
  14. That Dance-N-Eel is a great lure with amazing action. Nice to see some of the older lures show up.
  15. I spent about $120.00 for a pair of Brooks walking/running shoes. Based on some of the other comments I’ve read here, I wouldn’t dare say what I’ve got in some of my dress shoes?
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