First off, If you are going to use my statements as quotations, please
do it in an accurate manner, and don't skew what I post.
I did NOT make any comments about the Bush Administration or their
environmental policies, NOR did I post that I agreed with their environmental policies. I printed the political petition that was sent to
us by Sierra Club. We do not appreciate receiving any UNSOLICITATED political material, either to the left or to the right!
Second, I did not state that global warming was a theory, I CLEARLY
stated the HUMAN INFLUENCE of climatic changes is STILL a theory!
Global warming is not the, "controversy", the theory that human influence is to blame is, and scientists are divided over this. Accuracy please.
If you would like to believe Sierra Club's statement that their organization has a large membership of hunters and recreational
anglers other than flyfishermen targeting trout, so be it. I don't
buy it for ONE MINUTE!
We support habitat conservation for ALL USER GROUPS, not just
hikers! Anglers and hunters fund most of those efforts, NOT SIERRA CLUB.
Here a breakdown of funding that Sierra Club included:
Influencing PUBLIC POLICY 40.2%
Information and Education 11.9%
Outdoor Activities 8.7%
Membership drives 21.1%
Chapter support 0.7%
Fundraising affliations 3.7%
Fundraising Sierra Club 6.6%
General Administration 7.1%
Looks like their political wheel is WELL FUNDED! Who did you call a political pundit?????
As far as endangered species go, maybe you should check out my bio
at, I was one of only a handful of scientists in the US granted permission to export CITES Appendix II chameleons from
Madagascar. I support conservation for habitat of endangered species
within reason in conjunction with good science and stakeholder interests consideration. Closing access to a river due to a few albino salamanders without involvement from all stakeholders, combined with
good scientific data is RADICAL!
I would also like that our company provides FREE OF CHARGE various chemical formulations to US Fish and Wildlife hatcheries for use on endangered species that assist with survival rates during transport and in treatment of disease.
There is a lot of lip service about endangered species, but what about invasive species. Invasive species are the number one threat to aquatic ecosystems. Both myself and my husband spend countless hours working with state and federal biologists on these issues. We have flown to various parts of the country on our OWN DIME to assist with some of these problems.
I am not the type of person to be railroaded by personal attacks. Nor
do I condone the activities of groups or organizations that put their
agendas above the HUMAN life and well being.