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    <p>Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend</p>

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  1. There the week before last and the frog bite is still good around the hay grass. Since the lake went back to normal pool and now about 1 foot low the green hay grass is everywhere. There is also a lot of schooling bass around the grass and actually all over the lake on points etc. Had the wife with me so I let her catch plenty of schoolers with a couple of 3 pounder mixed in most of the time we were there. Graphed out deeper 25 ft. range several places and there was not much going on out deep. Did catch one here and there out deep but never more than one in a location and not very big. That's why we spent more time shallow.
  2. Made it back to Toledo Friday with the wife. Turned out to be a great day. Wife caught her largest bass ever a 9 lb. beauty. We probably caught 30 fish on Friday all on CR with brush hog all in about 22 ft. of water. Saturday the bite was way off and we only had about 15 for the day all on CR brush hog in 22 to 24 fow.
  3. Thanks wrap and Catt. Was thinking about going to the lake in a few days and saw The wind was predicted to be blowing hard from the Northwest and thought Jacks would be protected and I could then fish the North side of Housen.
  4. Does anyone know if Jacks 944 ramp is open and if it is what shape is it in. Thanks in advance.
  5. Fished this weekend with the wife. It had to be the worst conditions possible to take someone out on the lake that hardly ever goes and usually the weather has to be just perfect. On to the fishing report. Friday the fog was so thick I could not even get out to the main lake from Housen. Did manage to catch about 15 with only 2 being keepers on CR baby brush hog w/r with dipped tail all out of one spot. Its a spot Catt talked about just North west of Fin Feather where Housen Ck. makes a sharp bend around an underwater point. It shows up good on the Navionics map. They all came from about 24 ft deep and there were a lot of trees underwater at that depth range that the fish were holding around. I could have continued to catch them but decided to move to look for a bigger bite. Never did find anything else. Went back to the same spot Saturday morning and only caught 2 small fish so started to head out to the main lake when I was going aroung the big point before White Oak creek I saw several loons diving. I stopped and ideled over the area and the screen lit up with bait and fish. Dropped the trolling motor and proceeded to catch fish after fish until the North West wind got up and blew me off. MY wife caught at least 10 and even caught a 10 lb catfish. All came on the CR baby brush hog. No great big fish but they all looked like they came out of the same mold and were all keepers about 14 to 16 inch fish. They largest one was maybe 3 lbs but only one that size. The water was between 20 and 22 feet deep in the area. Sunday we just slept in as the temp was about 35 and the wind was blowing fairly hard at daylight. Looking forward to my next trip as always.
  6. Thanks Ronnie.
  7. Making my first trip over this year to the Bend this Friday for the weekend. Any current water temps and has these few cold mornings moved the fish deep. Taking the wife so hoped to be able to put her on a few. I will post a report when I get back. Thanks,
  8. Thanks Catt I will check out those areas and for sure if there is a South wind blowing. Will report back on my trip.
  9. Thanks Catt, sure have enjoyed reading your posts. I usually fish in the Housen creek when I fish Toledo. I don't know it real well but have been concentrating on it with every trip. I plan to be there after the 1st with my wife for a few days. Am hoping for good weather as she is mostly a fair weather person. I never fished the South bank as it never looked promising so that shows I still have some learning to do about this creek. Thanks again for the welcome.
  10. All, I just joined in here. I have read most all of the post and have enjoyed all. I hope to contribute and learn more about Toledo as well. Zefman looks like you are getting the structure fishing figured out. That was a very good catch you just reported. How deep were the crankbait fish you caught and were they relating to the 70 foot drop off you mentioned. Thanks and enjoy reading about your trips to the Bend and I have to admit I am a little jealous that you get to fish with your wife like you do.
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