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Everything posted by Nate

  1. My name is Nate, I live in Columbus Ohio and fish everywhere. I grew up on Buckeye Lake and know it in and out so i guess you would call it my home lake. I fish the ABA Tournament Trail.
  2. Sounds to me like the Bass were finiky and striking short. Try a Zoom Soft Plastic Baits - G-Tail Ringer.
  3. Awsome Catch... Def. atleast 5lbs but looks a bit bigger... I remember when i was his age and bass fishing but i never caught a bass that big til i was about 14. Congrats to him. And congrats to you, alot of dads now-a-days never take there kids fishing.. My dad never took me i ended up taking him when i turned 16 and got my licence. So we kind of reversed it... Haha.
  4. Anybody ever fish Buckeye Lake?
  5. There is a Gander Mountain in Rheynoldsburg and a Buckeye Outdoors in Hebron but both are an hour and a half away from you.
  6. Nice Bass man... Did you get any measurements of it or a weight?
  7. Hey man I know how you feel. It seem like everytime i take my girlfriend out she allways catches more. It's great at the begining but once they out fish you acouple of times it gets a little irritating. expeciilly when you change your lure and persentation to exactly what they are doing (because they some how allways pick the right colors for the right situation) and still no luck. But then finally your confidence starts building back up and you do alot better.
  8. Thats a nice fish. I have that same real and love it!!! The best real ever for $99.
  9. I would say about 3lbs.
  10. How big do you guys think it is?
  11. Has anyone ever used this before? Does it work? Does it actually help you catch more fish?
  12. Welcome to the fourm... Nice bass by the way...
  13. That is a white Crappie.... Black Crappie are a lot dark..
  14. WOW!!! Nice fish... by the way guys mine was on a gold bladed, white and chartruse chatterbait.
  15. Congrats on the big fish man... Did you ever find out what went wrong with your engine?
  16. That is a pretty fish niksfishinmom. Congrats.
  17. What is your biggest bass of the year so far and what did you catch it on? Mine is a 4lber. Pic in my is in my avatar.
  18. What is the best way to fish creeks?? The creeks i fish have fallin trees everywhere with very little deep spots. I think the deepest spot is 4.5 ft... Please help. Thanks, Nate
  19. Thanks guys for the info.... It was a big help... I think Im going back to the creek this weekend... Ill post more pics if i catch more.
  20. Yes it is rigged upside down. Garrett accidently put it on that way then realized it once he tied on his hook and decided to see if it would work, and it did.
  21. sweet.. thank you Idaho***er i really want to start catching morre smallies. there are hardly any place to catch them near me, so its kinda tough.
  22. This is my fist smallie. im guessing around a pound. Caught it in a creek in Utica, Ohio on a pumpkin seed and chartruse tube on a 1/8 ounce spot remover. I can't believe how hard it fought for how small it was. What are some other good smallmouth lures.
  23. My buddies and I had one of our tournaments for our clubs yesterday from shore. Sarted off bad. First we all carpooled and got lost so we were an hour late. Then I realize we forgot the scale so we decided to do a numbers tournament. Here is the results: 1st: Nate (me) 4 fish estimating 10lbs T-2nd: Matt 1 Fish estimating 2lbs T-2nd: Chris 1 Fish estimatin 1lb T-2nd: Garrett 1 Fish estimating 1 fish 1lb Not sure exactly if we got the weight right but we all voted on what we thought the fish weighed. How much do you guys think?
  24. Thank you RedneckRiot27. After I read your reply I went back down to the ponds and got on the deepest side and threw a Rapala (Craw color) and reeled really slow and caught two nice ones. No pics though but both about 4.5lbs.
  25. #1: Chartruse and White chatterbait w/ a Silver Blade. #2: YUM 4.5in Wooly Hawgtail Black & Blue on a 3/0 Gamagatsu Red Wide Gap Hook
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