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Everything posted by WI_Angler1989

  1. Oh yes, assuming most aren't "That Guy" then I say I confess that I'm guilty of winter. It's winter and I'm BORED! I lean more towards that guy, minus actually spending the $1748593 on tackle and just knowing what I WOULD buy if I did hahaha. I'm blessed enough to get what I need, a few that I want, and to research what I should do. Self control?
  2. Ahhh, but you see, there's the catch. The tools are useless without the knowldge. Perfectly logical. But the knowledge is useless without the tools. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is one thing, but to learn to use something and actually KNOW how to do it with it, you NEED the tools. It's a circle. I could read all day about swimming but drown the second I jump in the deep end. Maybe not the best metaphor, but the idea stands. Im jealous of those of you with those tools because you can and HAVE learned to use them by using them. Me, I don't have the boat or the sonar and honestly don't think I will for a long time. I just beat my banks and lug my passion in a bag on my shoulders, dreaming of the next step.
  3. Same. I bought 2 lucky craft pointer 78s for 7.99$ each. Hope for a sale, it's the only hope haha
  4. Beat away!......well that sounds wrong. Anyway, yeah his vids are great! Makes me wish I could fish his waters. Spinners and jigs work great for smallies too. I prefer smaller sizes and inline spinners as well.
  5. NDYakAngler will always be my #1 I like plenty but something about his speaks to me. It not just educational, you feel like you're there.
  6. They're the cure to my winter blues!! hahaha
  7. Looking forward to hearing your opinions. I've looked at that bag as well but get scared off by the price. I always justify making do with the normal backpack I use now.
  8. Awesome, just did! Thanks so much! You solved my problem pretty quick there haha
  9. That would be awesome! I'm game if you are
  10. I may have to just get over it... still, I don't have one at all yet. I've got a really nice 2x6 Arkansas stone haha may be overkill
  11. If it works, that's what matters right? I'm just having issues with size. Everything is too big and cumbersome.
  12. What do you guys use to sharpen and touch up your hooks while you're out? I could use a good and easy to carry file but can't seem to find one in stores that seems decent.
  13. Crankbaits are a classic early bait, I'd guess either darker contrasting colors or brighter chartreuse/firetiger would do well.
  14. So I've heard! And seen on YouTube (NDYakAngler). I picked one up and can't wait to use it asap! I agree, tubes and grubs on light line is hard to beat. Sadly I haven't got a lot of experience with smallies on topwater but hope to change that next year. Whenever. Happened to catch one on top it was a blast.
  15. I found a bunch of Pointer 100sp and 78sp at scheels in the clearance bin. Hard to beat $7.99 each. I guess you've gotta just keep your eyes peeled and be persistent. Otherwise I've had a ton of success with Husky Jerks like others had said.
  16. I've never really thought about superstitions while fishing. One thing I do, for whatever reason, is when I catch the first fish of the year on a rod, I take my thumb and get a little slime and rub it onto the rod blank. Kinda like the "blood" of my "vanquished enemies" painting my "weapon." It's silly but I find it fun. Good juju for me. An offering to the river gods.
  17. Apparently she's very attentive when I talk. While knew?! Haha I think a compromise with HER would be do able. My bank account on the other hand.....that may have something to say against both haha
  18. Like others have said, there's no "right" choice and you'll get a lot of varying opinions. Me, I like as long as I can manage Without the knot getting reeled onto the spool. I havent had too mant issues with the knot passing through the guides. The main reason I like longer is just to simplify it for myself. Longer means I can tie on many baits before I run out of leader. If it's too short, you have so little fluoro to work with.
  19. She's well versed thanks to my ramblings. And lucky for me, and my wallet, she looks good any where haha
  20. I think my girlfriend is working for the Bait Monkey. We just did our taxes and I'm getting a bit more than expected, so naturally I said I should buy a new 2016 Legend Elite spinning rod. Her response....."no you have to buy a new shimano stradic first." See?!?!? Either way.....major gf points for telling me to BUY the 200$ reel....not, "no don't buy it...."
  21. Even more envious then. I'm tired of hibernating.
  22. Hey, they're fish after all. Plus doing it on the dropshot is a victory! Very nice start. I'm jealous of those power plant lakes......even my rivers are iced up for the most part.
  23. They're a lot of fun, but I do agree the little ones can be a pain. Mainly because they're so often hooked wierd of took trebles in a small mouth
  24. Understandable, it's not cheap! It's definitely not gonna disappoint if you decide to save up for it. Best of luck!
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