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Everything posted by WI_Angler1989

  1. Awww man, RIGHT after it got fixed! That must have been frustrating. Good to hear they have decent service, especially since you've had them for years. Maybe I'll just have to save up for some if it's backed really well. You should let me know how much the lens repair costs when you get it!
  2. Those Costas, man, they sure are highly reccomended! Bummer about your lens! What's their warranty service like?
  3. Does anyone have any experience with Eye Surrender fishing glasses? I know that Costas are extremely popular, for good reason, but they're way out of my price range for now. Beleive me, I'd love to drop 200$ on a pair, but.... yeah. The Eye Surrender is a decent price for my budget and I'm just curious if they're good and work well, or if I should keep searching. Thanks guys!
  4. I guessed you may like swim jigs ;D
  5. Hey, guys! I'm looking to try my hand at making some hair jigs myself and need so advice. What kind of hair is a good starting point for cold water river smallies? Any advice is welcome, but good suppliers to look into are most welcome! I've done a good amount of reading on "how-to's" and such but I don't really want to go get generic brick and mortar hair. I like supporting good, quality companies more. Thanks in advance!
  6. In clear water (90% of the time here) my choices depend on the clouds as well. If it's a little overcast, it's easier to get away with something more gaudy like a jerkbait or small spinner. If it's sunny and clear a bottom contact lure work best. Something like a tube, craw or finesse jig. Grubs swam along the bottom work awesome anytime for me though! In overcast, wind, rain, sun, dead calm... any of it.
  7. I'm in central Wisconsin and don't ice fish, so a lot of the usual stuff: clean gear, organize tackle, restock, fees the Bait Monkey (a lot). I watch a LOT of fishing videos too. Whether for fun or to learn tips and techniques to try come spring. Other than that, all the same stuff! Work out a lot, cook, play ps4, work, and we do stuff woth friends a lot too.
  8. I hope to learn how to read, find and fish underwater structure in lakes better. Anyone can cruise the shore and shallows and see what's what, but I have no experience finding points, humps, flats, ledges, drop off etc on lakes. Learning that will also make it so I can fish any water and find seasonal locations without casting blindly. My main problem is that I don't have electronics and I only have a canoe.... so this may be a long process.
  9. Another vote for braid+fluoro leader and yo-zuri hybrid. I have 15# Power Pro Super Slick and 10# Seaguar InvizX for leader material. The last 3 years I've used Sunline Sniper fluoro for leaders, but I'm running low and the Seaguar was a killer deal this xmas. Figured I'd try it out. I use this set up for bottom contact stuff like tubes, craws and finesse jigs. For all my other stuff (grubs, aglias, jerkbaits, small cranks and topwaters) I use 8# yo-zuri hybrid. I used it all of last year for the first time and really enjoyed it. It'll probably become a mainstay for me.
  10. I tried one out on a warm day recently just to play around with it. No fish, but it was amazing getting a lure out still. The action they had was awesome!
  11. My favorite is the Cabin Creek Express Craws. They have a good size and profile for my waters. Also, I fish them exclusively on weedless draggin head/slider jigs.
  12. That's good customer appreciation right there. I wish I'd have gotten some when I made my order. I was lucky enough to get some to try from another user on here.
  13. Looks great! I got the k-custom too. That's my favorite so far, hopefully the fish agree! Lucky guy! Got a free pack!
  14. Any particular colors that work best for you? I know whites and black are reccomended a lot, but I haven't had much success on them. Maybe bluegill? Other baits in that color style get hammered
  15. I guess for me it just comes down to the waters I fish. I fish for smallmouth on rivers mainly and I guess the Plopper works in current well. When I'm on shore a lot it makes it hard to be picky too. You kinda have to fish where you can reach.
  16. Thanks for the input. That makes sense. The Rat almost sounds like it's fished like a jerkbait. Sometimes that would work, but the best fishing I have tends to be current oriented. I very rarely fish lakes too, so it might end up just collecting dust. Plopper it is! I'm guessing the small size will be best for my smallmouth here. Big lure get less hits, but the smaller one still catch the big girls. It's too bad it doesn't have a rattle like the originals though.
  17. Thanks for the input guys. I think the Whopper plopper would be fun to try. Depending on high waters it can be hard to fish off of the bottom slowly. It'd be a shame to not have good opportunities to use the Rat.
  18. Wise words! Let's say, for the sake of curiosity, what one would fish best in moderate to fast currents? I do think I'll get one with my taxes aka "Tackle Stimulus Package." I'm just not really sure how the Rat works... does it sink at all or dive? I know the Whopper floats the whole time and makes a lot more commotion from the vids I've seen.
  19. Haha no worries, man! I'm not offended, it just means more Brazil nuts for me! Honestly, I never liked them until it was the only snack option when I was cabin sitting for a couple weeks. Guess it worked out alright for me haha
  20. The healthier the better for me. If it's just around home I'll take my Kleen Kanteen of water, an apple, a small bag of almonds or Brazil nuts, maybe a banana, and jerky. It all depends on the day. In summer we always have awesome peaches from the local Farmers Market too! Any longer trips and sandwiches are hard to beat. Maybe a thermos of coffee or tea in the cold.
  21. Anyone out there have any experience with both of these topwater lures? An opinion on onw or the other? I've been drooling...I mean looking at them both but don't know if it's worth it, or if they've just caught the fisherman's eye.... They seem like they could work really well, and do for some guys on YouTube, but Idk if it worth shelling out 20 bucks when I have an assortment of buzzbaits, spooks, poppers etc already.
  22. I've got the 610mlxf dropshot rod. I absolutely LOVE it! I use it for all that same stuff as you want to use it for plus tubes, craws, finesse jigs and small topwaters on occasion. It works amazingly! The sensitivity is amazing too! I fish tubes (a lot) as a go to for river smallies and can feel the tiniest "tick" from a fish at a full casts length (with braid). My "two cents" on other rod powers getting suggested... I had the MXF shakey head rod first and switched to the ML dropshot. It just plain old works better for my style. I cast light weights (weightless-1/4) waaay better now. Plus it has an amazing backbone for its power. I've had to horse 4+ pound smallies out of current on my river and it's been a champ of a rod. No regrets for a second!
  23. Will post later tonight
  24. Sorry! Autocorrect got me. The epoxy finish on the rod blank is what I meant. I'll post pics later, I'm at work tonight.
  25. During some cleaning, I noticed one of my rods (st croix legend tournament bass spin) has a spot along the handle trim that the slow cure seems cracked. There a series of relatively small micro fractures. At this point it isn't bad, I can feel it'seems rough, but it isn't chipping off or anything. My question is what can I do to keep it from getting worse?? I've heard anything from epoxy to clear nail polsh when I Googled it. What's worked for you guys? I can always post pictures if necessary (at work now).
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