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  1. Thanks for the advice! I was able to get some input from other artists and a very senior museum exhibit installer, and am going to re-hang the assembly with a stainless 1x7 strand leader line, coated in nylon for appearance's sake, with clove hitches secured with crimps. The final issue for me is in case of fire or other big heat, nylon will melt. Hadn't thought of that before hand, but the thought woke me up at 3 o'clock this morning. There seems to be no other permanent solution than metal. - Mlbassyaker - ha! I can almost see the bass too Cheers, Brice
  2. I appreciate the replies. I'll watch and see what else folks recommend, and will be in a city today so I will stop at Bass Pro and see what the braided lines look like. I'll post what I use and the results after a couple months as well, just in case anyone else wonders how to do this sort of thing.
  3. Hi all, I'm a glass artist and am looking for suggestions for transparent line to hold glass pieces above a commercial bar permanently. I installed the pieces I'd made in this "riverbed" suspended sculpture 3 weeks ago. The clear glass pieces are hanging by Seaguar 20 pound fluorocarbon. Each end of each clear piece has two strands of the 20 pound line. It looks great It has stretched I think it has stretched about 1/2" in 3 weeks. Before the fluorocarbon, I had hung everything with stainless steel wire, but with 40 separate lines going up to the ceiling it looked like a fence up there, and the glass isn't heavy enough to stretch the wire straight, so it was pretty tangled looking too. The clear glass pieces are between 5 and 8 pounds. I'm planning on rehanging it all with 40 pound test Seaguar fluorocarbon line, but will gladly take any advice or suggestions to heart. Thanks, Brice
  4. BriceTurnbull


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