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Everything posted by mrpao

  1. Over the years mine has grown into a collection. Some old some new. Maybe, I'm weird but sometimes I just like to pull them out and tinker with them.
  2. Looks like the knob is even more recessed, making even harder to adjust it, if you needed too.
  3. Lightly used rod in great condition. $200. mrpao@yahoo.com 864-621-6356
  4. Two lightly used reels in mint condition. Probably no more than a few cast on each reel. Tatula Elite 100HS $165 Coastal SV TW 150HS $165 mrpao@yahoo.com 864-621-6356
  5. Check out Hedgehog studios. They might offer one. To be honest though, I've never seen one for that particular reel. But it might be out there.
  6. It's just bling. Most reels fish perfectly from the factory. The fancy aftermarket parts are mainly for show.
  7. That looks like the "Karen" Barbie.
  8. I use 6 lbs fluro for my dropshot setup. There is some line twist but just have to know how to manage it. I think fluro is more sensitive than copolymer or mono. Also to me, better slack line sensitivity than braid and less knots than braid to leader.
  9. The Poison adrena series are great rods. To each their own, but i got rid of my Conquest's and GLX'S and kept my Adrenas.
  10. Both the BG1500 and Fuego are decent reels. I would go with the Fuego because its lighter and on sale. The tatula 6'10" med is a pretty good rod and a light weight Fuego would pair up nicely with it. Or a cheaper alternative with be the Exceller. Its a pretty nice reel too. For your task at hand a 1000 to 2500 size would be plenty big enough. Most of my spinning reels are 1000 or 2000 shallow spools. Holds more than enough line for me.
  11. That's pretty darn cool.
  12. What reel do you have? And what side are you switching the handle too
  13. Sweet looking combo. Should perform well for you.
  14. It can be pretty fun. Especially when a nice one heads for the cover.
  15. Not just grasshoppers but crickets are also pretty good channel catfish bait. I usually put two on a hook under a float and throw it around some brush or under overhanging trees. If they are there, the float will usually go down pretty quick.
  16. What will you be using the reel for? That would determine which reel to choose.
  17. Looks like the US model only comes in the C3000XG FM. JDM version would be the same model - 23 C3000XG.
  18. The spools are not compatible between the different reels. The spool shafts are different. I think shimano designed them this way to keep people from just swapping spools. Instead, you have to buy another reel. SLX Mgl is top spool Curado 150 Mgl is middle. Tranx 150 spool on bottom
  19. Sonny's/ Triple S is the best I've tried. It stays on the hook and attracts them.
  20. I've used this line in 8, 10 and 12 lbs test. I still have several spools of it in my line box. It's a decent line that's fairly limp with low memory. It's a lot like berkley trilene XL. To me, there's not much of a difference between mono and copolymer. They will fish about the same. Both won't have the best sensitivity and will have some stretch. Still good enough for moving baits like crankbaits and topwaters.
  21. BB is the cheaper version Usually aluminum instead of CI4+ Heavier in weight too
  22. Nice combo. This will probably be my next P5 rod also.
  23. I keep my boxes on a shelf in the garage. I also label them by numbers if I have more than one specific reel. I keep the extra parts that i take off in them. I feel that if a person is willing to keep the original box then they're more likely to take better care of their reels.
  24. It's never good when they spray for weeds. What's happened is there is an algae bloom since the plants died. More nutrients in the water to feed the algae. They sprayed for weeds this spring in may local lake and it killed a bunch of shad and catfish. The DNR had to go around with 55 gallon drums netting up all the dead fish. They did that for about two whole weeks after the spraying. It looked horrible because there was dead fish floating around everywhere. Needless to say, spraying for unwanted weeds is devastating to the environment and fishing.
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