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Everything posted by GetBent

  1. Freelancer from what I gathered the prices of the yak didn't include the drive. The drive alone is $1000 msrp. So if the kayak is $1300 I doubt the drive is included. Either way I would wait if you can. I loved wilderness kayaks but hurt my shoulder and use hobies now. Now that there are more options I would have a more difficult decision. If the pro angler is too expensive the outback is a great option. I went from the PA14 to the outback and couldn't be happier. Now that wilderness has these new yaks I would have a hard decision to make.
  2. Any way you will add it here also? I don't do social media. Thanks either way.
  3. The bend was messed where you place the fish's head more than likely. That sucks either way. Things like this make me measure my board before use. I wouldn't have known if people as unfortunate as you were didn't post stuff like this. Sucks that it happened to you but thanks for sharing.
  4. LoL the gar and catfish gotta eat as well I suppose. I share your thoughts and I have only been to the er once. That was enough. I don't throw cranks as much either.
  5. Absolute- Take butt wipes when fishing. Check to make sure I have butt wipes at least 3 times. (I hate IBS and the moments it raises its ugly head) senko 6" stick bait and rage craws packed and ready. Speaking of butt wipes make sure I have some TRD for the Ned rig who has grown a place in my fishing arsenal. Send pics of fish to friends and family while they are still at work.
  6. I would vote pfluger. President on a nice $150 medium spinning rod. Too many brands to choose from. Choose one you like in an action you like but the reel mentioned above is a solid entry level reel. I use sustains when I'm bass fishing but use the pfluger for crappie. Reels never gives me problems and is smooth. Don't cheap out on the line. I would do braid to fluro leader. As far as lures go- get a ned rig setup. I use zman Trd and when I pay off my paypal balance I'm gonna order a bunch more. I thought that thing was overhyped. It doesn't look like much- I actually refused for a while because I thought it was silly. I took a chance and now it gained a spot when I go fishing. I use to leave my spinning reel at home all the time till I used it. Catches bass and crappie for me. I won't mention much else on lures cause I don't know where you're fishing. Ponds I would use small lures to catch numbers. Good luck
  7. Whatever you do, get a 5" screen or bigger. DI is a nice feature and if you fish open water or have horrible memory get gps also. Me me and my friends have spots named after odd ball land marks. One is huisache (small green bush with thorns) amongst a bunch of dead trees it's the only place with green branches. Underneath is a huge pile of rocks which always treats us good. Another place is the Gatorade spot. Someone a long time ago used it for a marking buoy I guess. There is been times the lake dropped 15' and without gps it would have been hard to find the exact area.
  8. Makes you wonder what type of person waits for a camera shot like that. I would get rid of the cormorants asap if possible. I would rather have 100 Pelicans than 2 of those vermin. (I am fond of Pelicans though)
  9. I had the 5 pro. Had a lot of problems and ended up with a different brand. I won't mention new brand because I don't want to start this brand is better than that. Just giving you my experience with my raymarine unit.
  10. Ranger triton Xpress are 3 good options. Ranger may be coming out with a 150 19 foot boat with a pad hull. Lots of speculation. Honestly I really like the ranger rt188. I'm a salt water guy in fresh water parts so I will probably go with a Ranger rp190. I am leaning on ranger cause of their reputation and it's the closest dealer to me.
  11. I wear a baseball cap with shirt that has built in buff for my face and ears when pulled up. I also wear sunblock on my ears, nose, and cheeks when I pull the buff down.
  12. Both work. Both are inexpensive. I say get both. Hello my name is GetaBent and I'm addicted to tackle.
  13. I would use 550 paracord before mono or braid. It will take abrasion better. How deep are you going to anchor? I often fish 20 fow with my hand line anchor setup. The whole 7ft of line for 1 foot of water is for boats anchoring in deep water. A kayak can get by with less than that. I would go the paracord route personally.
  14. I have Columbia blood and guts pants I like. I also like Simms but not sure if they make zip offs. I don't dare fish in shorts anyway. Hooks and sun wreck my chicken legs. I'm big on sun protection. Made a mistake by going barefoot in the kayak. Hurts more than it looks lol. Never again. Sunblock or something on my feet.
  15. Typical for bass to school like that but it could have been another species of fish as well. Try a palomar knot. Just as easy to tie and it has never failed me. I don't always tie it, but wish I had a couple of times.
  16. Not a monster, but not too shabby.
  17. Some Ned rig success. I didn't take pics of all the crappie. I had about 12. [URL=http://s215.photobucket.com/user/GetBent_08/media/73BFCE11-6B86-467C-BB5E-64EB024F2A54_zpsc4lcv2cu.png.html][/URL]
  18. I'm a Hobie fan. I would say the pro angler 14 would be a worthy look. They are expensive but fishing all day and not being sore is nice. Before I messed up my shoulder I paddled wilderness. They make a solid product as well. Test them out but put a Hobie Pro Angler on your list.
  19. 1st time use. Really like it. Here are some photos of some structure and side scan. Took me a while to figure out how to get the down scan and side scan at the same time. I didn't take too many pics sorry. Here are a couple of side scan and down scan with a decent bass on my crappie rod. [URL=http://s215.photobucket.com/user/GetBent_08/media/ECDD7D4D-8555-409D-959B-84D7E22ABFC8_zpsvow72iey.jpg.html][/URL]
  20. Caught this 3.6 dropping shotting for crappie. Electric chicken dockstr
  21. I bought the costas lens kit. Comes with the spray and wipe cloth. Does a good job of cleaning them. If I'm outside during the day I am wearing glasses. Small insurance for quality glasses.
  22. Not sure what makes it better, but I know it works lol my go to when I get a whiff of the skunk.
  23. Look for the sticky
  24. It's like a cheeto surrounded by fat kids- it won't last.
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