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Looking for the big one

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Everything posted by Looking for the big one

  1. Don’t get a lip clip scale please, they can tear the fishes jaw and cause more damage. I’d suggest getting one with the hook that slides into the gills.
  2. Little Hawaiian smallmouth on the fly, also a new species for me. (Hope this pic shows up, I’m still having trouble posting pics)
  3. @AC870 I agree with you, it’s definitely overkill. But if I can get exactly what I specifically want and support a sponsor of our great forum then personally I’m willing to spend a bit extra.
  4. Thx ghoti for the reply. And yeah if I was gonna go custom... well mike, be ready for a call.
  5. I’ve recently had an interest in catching big panfish, really setting my goals on a 2 pounder. Was reading an article that recommended a custom built spinning rod on a 2 weight fly rod blank. I think it said 7 feet. Just wanted to get some input from those of you who build rods, as it sound to me like this rod would be too whippy.
  6. I know my post is a bit late, you might have caught her by now but anyway... Most of the big red ears (9”-11”) I’ve caught we’re in a deep clear lake casting out a nightcrawler on the bottom out deep. You might have to let your nightcrawler soak in the deep water with a small circle hook and hope that she finds it because she’ll probably be skittish in water shallow enough that you can see her. You could do this and also keep a rod ready to sightfish her with a weightless nightcrawler.
  7. There’s a reason that you’ll find lots of lifetime Shimano fans. Shimano and Daiwa are the kings of the bass reel industry because they innovate and make great reels, simply put. That’s not to bash Lew’s, it’s just that in my experience I enjoy my Shimano products more and they have lasted longer than the Lew’s reels that I have used.
  8. I think that given the thousands of sightings across the country it's undeniable that people are seeing something, but the real question is what that something is. If this thing were a new undiscovered species or a presumed extinct species somebody would have found some form of DNA evidence to support this theory. For this species to survive it would have to be found in numbers large enough to reproduce at least as frequently as they die off, which would likely be somewhere between, I don't know, maybe 25-55 years just estimating from a human lifespan along with natural environmental factors like illness, parasites, infection. SO IN CONCLUSION- the theory that this species exists is silly assuming that it does not have any supernatural powers like interdimensional travel or time travel, which if it were capable of we probably wouldn't be looking for them because they would have wiped us out already. OK here's my theory, if the things people are seeing isn't just a mangy bear or lion... (yes it's wack, what'd you expect in a bigfoot thread ?) There's a secret society of people who dress up in Squatch costumes across the country, maybe even the globe. They dress up as bigfoot as a weekend hobby, probably have a forum (one could call it a "Squatchresource") with all the tricks of the trade. This theory would also give a good explanation as to how they can never find DNA evidence of a real sasquatch, and how sasquatches as a "species" are smart enough to avoid capture. Sounds like a dangerous hobby, I'd want some sort of kevlar in my squatch costume. And thermal vision so I could chase people like Predator...
  9. I love the Rebel Teeny Pop-R for pond fishing, and have gotten some nice 2-4 lb fish on it. It's so small it looks like a grasshopper on the surface, but they hammer it. Like Reason said, finding the right cadence is a matter of figuring out what the fish want. I haven't changed the hooks out on mine because I'm typically dealing with a lot of dinks and am not too worried about losing fish, but I probably should before a big fish decides to bite. ? Also @reason did you move, I thought you were in Georgia or am I just crazy?
  10. Normally when I'm in clear water and I can see the bass, they'll rarely bite. Switching up lures to a finesse bait helps but when the fish know that you're there it's almost impossible to get bit. Even small bass are finicky in clear water, big bass are even harder to fool.
  11. My confidence lure is normally whatever I caught them on last trip ?. Recently it has been a 3/8 ounce green pumpkin bitsy flip with a zoom ultravibe speed craw. Nice little compact package, heck my brother even caught two stocker trout trolling with it in the middle of the lake ?!!! Last summer it was a dropshot finesse worm. Who knows what it'll be next time lol
  12. Lots of great info, I’ve had a Metamium Mg DC for a little while now and just spent some quality time on the water the other day with it. It took a little time for me to adjust it correctly, but eventually I was casting a weightless fluke about 25-35 yards without thumbing on a 6’10” MH fast rod. I was setting the spool tension where the fluke fell slowly and had the DC system on long distance mode. One quirk I noticed was that the farther/harder I casted the better the DC worked with that setting.
  13. I have the 7’3” H. It’s decently sensitive and I like the guides. I bought it for frogs because I don’t need an ultra sensitive rod to feel topwater bites, but would still use it for other things like jigs or t-rigs. I’ve got it with a Caenan 150 and 40 lb braid and it bombs frogs.
  14. Hey there, sorry nobody has said anything. I got that exact model this winter and paired it with a Curado K and 15 lb Seaguar Red Label Fluorocarbon. I like it, very sensitive and balances well with the K. Nothing bad to say about it, I use it for smaller jigs and t-rigs.
  15. Hey raider I’m in high school and I Run XC, Wrestle, and Play soccer. Getting your son started wrestling at a young age will 100% be helpful for later in middle and high school. Good luck to him, hope he likes it!
  16. The only difference I’ve heard of is the spool, corrosion isn’t an issue for the MGL in freshwater, only saltwater. It sounds like whatever material they use for the MGL spool isn’t saltwater corrosion resistant, I think that you would be losing the MGL spool and not gaining anything by buying the G. The G spool is probably not as good as the MGL.
  17. STAY AWAY FROM THAT MODEL BASS X!!!! I have one and was very disappointed. It’s a broomstick, not sensitive at all, with not many guides. Personally I don’t like the handle either with the split grip having only a small butt.
  18. I have a Fenwick Methods 7’ Spinning and an Okuma Nomad 7’ Casting rod and both do what you are describing. I haven’t experimented with both enough to comment on the difference between the pieces. These are both 3 piece travel rods that come with travel cases, and you get 5 total pieces with each rod. The Nomad is a very heavy rod, probably best suited for saltwater fishing, and the methods is also heavier than most bass spinning rods, I use it for inshore fishing.
  19. Aren’t Avid X’s micro guide rods? That could help you make your decision.
  20. My brother and I both got Curado rods recently and I love mine. I have the 7’2” MH while he’s got the 6’10” also a MH. Nice rods, right around your price range.
  21. My brother uses either 10 lb PowerPro Yellow or maybe its something lighter, not exactly sure, on his ultralight and it's very visible. I don't know if this helps or not for those exact other brands, but he seem to do well with it, he can cast weightless trout magnets *decently* far with it.
  22. @Comfortably Numb Do you find that Vision 110 blank fishes as well as the original, and if so where could one find it?
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