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Junk Fisherman

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Everything posted by Junk Fisherman

  1. Seasonal patterns will impact where fish are and that needs to be taken into consideration but I have many spots that produce year after year for me. There's a rock pile on a lake where I've caught a 6 lber, multiple 5s, and a lot of 4s over the years but it is only that good in June during prespawn. Calling it good is an understatement. It is the most productive big fish spot I've ever found. When I go there in a couple weeks, I'll naturally fish it but doubt I will catch anything big since the fish will be in their summer patterns so I'll quickly move to other spots after 15-20 minutes without much luck. There's another spot on a lake where I've caught two 6 lbers the last two springs (might have been the same fish). You better believe that will be the first place I go next March when I get there!! Locally, on Lake Michigan I fish the same waters but I do adjust due to the season. Back in May and early June I fished shallower, spawny stuff but now it'll be the same 1/2 dozen or so areas for the rest of the summer. Granted, I am always fishing new stuff looking for productive areas but I have my areas that I always fish. The key overall is to be willing to adjust on the water. Your historically good spots hold fish for a reason and to overlook them would be foolish. But it's also wise to keep exploring new water looking for fish-holding areas for the conditions you are faced with.
  2. Maybe this is common knowledge but I unsnag many of my Ned hangups in rocks, up to 50%, by snapping the braid. I grab the braid, pull it back creating a lot of tension, and then release it. It's crazy how effective that is.
  3. Dobyns Champion 763 SF Just too much rod. Too heavy. Give me my light baitcaster setup before going to a 3 power Dobyns spinning rod.
  4. My Xi5 is running strong after 7 heavy years of use and the spotlock works well enough for me. The cost of upgrading pays for a lot of gasoline!
  5. It depends on where I go and what my expectations are. For example, I went on Lake Michigan this past Friday and fished a bunch of new areas and found some good-looking spots that while were not very productive, I am optimistic they will be at some point. With a cold front, postspawn, and fishing new water my expectations were not that high. My biggest fish were a spawned-out 18"er and a 16" and a lot of shorts but it was still a good day. Contrast that to a couple weeks ago when I was on Grand Traverse Bay and I caught 2 over 5 lbs but had another in the 5 lb range get off when he ran my line into my prop and when a monster just came unbuttoned. That fish looked to be 6 to 7 lbs and I had a good hookset but it just came off. I've played that one over and over in my mind and I don't feel I did anything wrong. Had another big fish break me off and I had just check the leader line and knot before the cast. That day should have been my first 25 lb bag which has been a goal of mine for a number of years now. I was very disappointed in that day even though I caught 2 over 5 and had a 21-22 lb bag but I still think about what should have been.
  6. In May and June I usually stick to the Walleye Rearing pond area or areas by the north launch. In June in particular, the water will be way over 90 as you go towards the south ramp. I hit 100 degrees by the south ramp last June. Even by the WRP the temps will be into the mid 80s. I used to do better there in early June but I still usually go there once a season. I'm focused now on Lake Michigan.
  7. Loomis NRX, Megabass Destroyer, and the Daiwa Steez are the rods I'd consider. I'm partial to Daiwa so I would pair it up with a Zillion or a Chronarch if you are a Shimano guy. I'd max out the rod and keep the reel in the $300 range. Happy shopping!! That sounds fun!
  8. I use Mend-it to repair torn up plastics. It doesn't make them 100% but you can catch another fish or two on the bait before tossing it. And store the Mend-it in the refrigerator after opening. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Mend-It_Softbait_Glue/descpage-MIG.html Are there any Elaztech swimbaits that would work for you?
  9. Agreed. I always mix in a Neko too and have a hair jig handy as well.
  10. Ned Kehde said his preferred jig was a 1/16th oz with a #4 hook. I don't notice much difference when using a #2 vs #4 with bites so I stick with a #2 hook. But if the vegetation is heavier or if I am using a thinner bait, I'll go to the #4. The #4 hook on a TRD goes through weeds surprisingly well. I make my jigs so I've played around with hook size quite a bit. Most of my 1/0 Neds have been turned into hair jigs since that hook was way too big for TRDs, Hula Sticks, and Hawgs.
  11. The original TRD works well so that is what I use the majority of the time. There is very little vegetation where I fish for smallmouth so I definitely want an exposed hook. I don't use a texas-rigged setup for any of my smallmouth fishing. I don't like the EWG hooks on Neds that make it weedless since I do not like how it has affected my hookup ratio and I am actually quite pleased with how well a #2 hook on a Ned can get through light vegetation. You can shake off a lot of weeds during a retrieve if you have good feel of your presentation. I'll go to a t-rigged plastic if the weeds are too heavy.
  12. Did you buy that at Bedford Sales? That is the model I would buy if I were lucky enough to get a Phoenix. That's a beauty. Enjoy!
  13. It has definitely gotten worse in Grand Traverse Bay from when I first started going there 11 years ago when it was EASY. I didn't really know much about smallmouth fishing and I caught 2 5 lbers on my first day there and averaged 22+ lb bags for the week just by dragging tubes in rocky areas. And then the word got out and the massive influx of people started fishing there. In 2015 and 2016 the bent pole patterning was so bad I nearly considered focusing on other bodies of water. The year or two before the pandemic, things calmed down a little. 2021 was the most ridiculous zoo I had ever seen up there. There was a big college tournament in a nearby lake so it seemed like everyone took a vacation and was fishing the bay once their tournament ended. Last year was calmer and this past week was pretty chill. But overall, I've never had the success on that bay like I did the first couple years. Granted, I did just catch 3 5 lbers over the last couple days so I'll be back there next June. In terms of the smallie fishing around Chicago in Lake Michigan, I think it has stayed constant over the last few years. There are more tournaments than in the past (?) but I seem to have about the same success.
  14. I LOVE my sunrise silver mirror Costa Del Mars. They are amber and are outstanding in low light conditions- that is what they were designed for. I have green mirror for bright sunlight and personally feel they are a little overrated and would not replace them if they were broken or lost. But if I lost my sunrise silver glasses, I would be ordering another pair as soon as I could.
  15. One other thing and I've probably posted this before, get memory foam inserts. They make a HUGE difference. I have them in all my shoes. They can make a pair of basic Dockers or Clarks leather shoes and make them extremely comfortable. I'm a teacher and am on my feet all day and comfortable shoes is something I have been focusing on quite a bit over the last few years especially as I have gotten older. Ultra-cushioning running shoes and memory foam inserts are the most comfortable shoes for walking and standing all day.
  16. As someone who has had high-end running shoes from multiple manufacturers, Hoka Bondi's are easily the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn. I prefer my Brooks Glycerin, which are slightly, slightly less comfortable, for everyday work and running errands but for standing in the boat fishing all day, give me my Hokas. And I like Asics, Mizunos, and New Balance and I always buy the max cushioning shoes but the Hoka's are more comfortable for standing. And I know a lot of people wear sandals. Give me the most comfortable shoes possible and I'll use a cooling towel or some other method to combat the heat.
  17. That's a big channel cat. I'm angry that my scale didn't work cause that thing was heavy. It was a lot more than 15 lbs. My dog is 20 lbs and that fish was a lot heavier than my dog (who I carry way too much).
  18. Hit up a couple local lakes this past week. Tuesday 5-30 Braidwood: Water temps were anywhere from 83-88. Caught quite a few bass with the biggest being 18". Stupid tubes, swimbaits and Ned rigs did the damage. I did catch one of my biggest catfish ever on a free rig. Caught this on a ML rod and 12 lb braid and 6 lb leader. Helluva fight and I'm happy I got it in the boat. Wish my scale worked. Thursday 6-1 Wolf: Actually forgot my front fish finder so I had to fish blind. Thankfully, I have fished that lake so much that I don't really need sonar. The key development here was WEEDS. The lake has exploded with weeds over the last 3 weeks. I suspect they'll treat it soon. But frogs, topwater, and punching is going to be the ticket until they spray. Once they spray, I won't fish there again this year. Anyways, it was a frustrating day since I had to constantly navigate around big weed patches. Caught all my fish on Ned rigs on dropoffs and roadbeds. Threw the crap out of a frog and a buzzbait but never had any reaction to those baits. Caught a pike and a bowfish too. Caught several bass in the 16"-18" range.
  19. Along the lines of what AJ wrote, I put memory foam inserts in all my shoes and it is an absolute game-changer. It will make a pair of basic $75 leather shoes extremely comfortable. In terms of the OP's question, I wear my most comfortable running shoes when fishing. I opt for the most plush, cushioning running shoes such as Brooks Glycerin and Hoka Biondi. The most comfortable shoes I've ever worn are my Hoka Bondi with memory foam inserts.
  20. Be ready to go up to 3/8 oz or more when the wind blows.
  21. Welcome! Big fan of Cedar Lake as well! Just wish I could fish it more.
  22. 14 lb YGK Sol gives me 20% better casting distance than 7 lb Gamma Touch (this is the best casting straight fluoro I have used). That is quite significant when throwing light swimbaits and Ned rigs. Now factor in the sensitivity of braid over fluoro and there's not much of a comparison.
  23. Maybe if you don't fish super clear water. If you are and are not using braid with a fluoro leader then you are not using the most ideal setup. I've successfully used straight fluoro on spinning but there is no question that the benefits of braid to fluoro is a better setup for castability and sensitivity. To the OP- keep working that Alberto. It's a great knot. I'm not good at knots and I've abandoned the FG on 10-15 lb braid due to slippage. But I have no problem with the Alberto. 9 wraps up and 7-8 coming back. And I have really tested out the knot with the stray laker and carp on the big water so I know it can handle any bass I catch. Keep at it.
  24. That's what I do. I fish the big water during the week in the summer and will hit smaller bodies of water on the weekend when all their "derbies" are going on. This has become much worse over the last 2-3 years.
  25. All the d**n tournaments! Multiple circuits that fish seemingly every Saturday and Sunday on my local waters. I am not in favor of the whole "Grow the Sport" mantra.
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