My plans for 2025 are shaping up quite nicely. I decided to rejoin my bass club after a 2-year hiatus. I plan to fish the majority of the tournaments. The club made a couple changes that made it a lot more attractive to me; #1 Travel tournaments only consist of a Sunday tournament. This is great since I don't feel the need to necessarily take Friday off to prefish. #2 Our state man team will be determined by our top 6 events not the entire schedule and all our meetings. In the past, if you knew you were going to miss a couple events and meetings, you knew you had no chance for the state team. Now, you can overcome that if you do well at the events you fish.
Besides all that, I have a great schedule lined up with club events (great schedule), a spring break trip to southern Illinois (there are actually some good lakes in Illinois that fish great in the spring), a week-long, summer trip to Door Co, WI for smallmouth, and all my local fishing where I have done very well the last few years. I don't plan on taking a trip to Grand Traverse Bay in June as I've done for the last 10 years due to be very busy with club events and a family vacation. I do have a small window I could squeeze it in if the weather forecast is perfect but that is probably unlikely. And I'm really looking forward to fishing locally. I often do better fishing my local waters during the week than I do when I drive hours away to some hot lake that I don't have much knowledge of.
In terms of fishing, my plans are to be more focused and prepared with a well thought-out gameplan. I've been winging it the last couple years just fishing confidence baits and the spots I've always fished. I haven't really learned any new techniques and don't really feel that I've gotten much better. Fishing tournaments again will force me to prepare more and actively try to learn new techniques to gain an advantage on my opponents. I don't have any specific goals about big fish or placement in tournaments. If I am prepared, focused, and give 100% while on the water which are things I control, then the results are just part of the process. I can't control the results.