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Ohio Archer

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Everything posted by Ohio Archer

  1. Don't know your area but first you need to get the parent's permission to take the kid fishing. The sister's consent won't cut it. Otherwise, the drunk dad is going to get ticked at you and make it harder on the kid. And remember that you will be responsible for anything and everything that happens when he is out with you. Not trying to scare you away from doing this as it sounds like a great idea. I take one of our archery kids out on my boat from time to time but talked to the parents and showed them my boat before we ever headed to the lake.
  2. Got mine from a local Merc dealer. They had to order them but it was just a week wait.
  3. I guess no one runs this boat. I did find out that I "may" be able to get 3 batteries in the back compartment as there is no room for two in the TM battery compartment due to the EPA-mandated fuel filter taking up half the space. Lowe says they are looking at relocating the battery compartment but no one knows how long that will be... Manufacturers need to figure out that most of us want a 24V system on these boats and not make us jump thru hoops to rig them up. Looking at the Lund Impact 1675 as well.
  4. I use a split air line coiled around the shaft and a metal screen door spring on the head to keep my transducer cable out of harms way on my Terrova. Works well. As for Spot Lock, the boat will spin to point in the direction of the wind or current. While the TM will stay within a 5-7 radius, the tail of the boat will be moving in a much wider arc.
  5. Does anyone have, or has anyone taken a ride in, a Lowe Fishing Machine 165 Pro WT? I'm interested in this model to replace my bass boat but can't find much info on it online. Hardly any reviews and only a couple of videos. I fish northern reservoirs around SW Ohio and they are not "big water" by any stretch of the imagination. But they do get rough from all the boats that come out on the weekends. My 17' mostly-flat-bottom boat jars me pretty good and we usually take a bath each time out (which my wife just loves...not). How does this boat ride? Dry, smooth? How does it "fish" (mostly bass and some musky)? Any problem getting three size 29 or 31 batteries in the battery compartment? Thanks for any info.
  6. This type of power supply converts AC from your wall to DC that your 858 can use. It's been a few years since I played with electronics but some "power supplies" did not provide a "clean" DC output. There were ripples and dips in the power output. Not all DC electronic units like that and it would cause some issues. Things have probably gotten a lot better since then so the one you posted may be fine.
  7. Since you didn't mention what unit you're running it is hard to say. But if it needs more than 1 amp then no. This is a 1 amp power supply. It might work but then again it is not exactly a quality power supply. Not sure how your unit would react to it. I'm sure Wayne can give you a better opinion.
  8. I have the mobile app on my iphone as well. Seems pretty accurate as well as very convenient. I bounce it off my LM card that I have in my 999.
  9. IDK. Haven't fished it before. A couple of reports I read say the crappie bite is impressive and that there are many bass tournaments held on the lake due to the bass population. Some good pics in fishidy...
  10. Neither is OH, IN, Il or MI. Oh, well... No bass here in OH anyway so everyone else can just stay away... Same for deer...
  11. You can also use Navionics * and their Webapp. It lets you look at lakes without having to purchase anything. I use it at work or at home when I'm too lazy to pull my Humminbirds out of the safe and drag a battery indoors. May not show you exactly what the Lakemaster chart shows but they are pretty close. Using your unit with the Lakemaster card will give you more experience with your HB unit and give you a chance to play with all the features that the Navionics Webapp won't give you.
  12. Only if you were using a 24v charger. If you were to hook up a 12v charger to the (-) of one battery and the (+) of the other battery it would probably burn up the charger and hurt the batteries. Here's a good reference...page 5 has your (and my) setup. http://www.nyc-arecs.org/batt1.pdf
  13. Your batteries are hooked up in series...12v + 12v = 24 v. If your charger is 12v then hook it to one battery to charge it (red to red, black to black). When the first one is charged then move the charger to the second battery. If you have two chargers, hook them up the same way at the same time (one charger per battery). One charger is going to take a while to charge both batteries and they both need to be charged equally. Don't fully charge one and only 1/2 charge the second. Better to use two separate (identical) chargers or get a 2 or 3 bank (to charge the starting battery) onboard charger to charge them.
  14. Installed one on my 75 Merc and it made a huge difference in my boats handling and performance. I also stepped my prop up from 17 to 21 due to my rpms being too high (but I don't think that was a result of the hydrofoil. it was already running higher than it should have.)
  15. I've bought a couple of things from them. A Helix 7 SI and a MK mount for my Terrova. Both worked out well and the prices were right. I would have bought a 999 from them but my local Cabelas beat them on price during a sale last year.
  16. A friend passed on this tidbit of info: Some of his coworkers have been catching the snot out of crappie up at the northern campground. Not sure what they were using, though. There were HUGE schools of them offshore late-fall last year (right before Christmas) that i found with my graphs.
  17. Harverysburg is a no-stop light, one cop kinda town with a 4-lane running passed it. It is a truck route and there is always a local cop or sheriff sitting on the east side of town near the entrance to the Renaissance Fair. Same thing with Waynesville to the west. 275, 75 and 71 are multi-lane dragstrips most of the time ('cept rush hour then they are s-l-o-w).
  18. Caesar Creek is north of Cincinnati. Easiest way to get to the main park is to take I-71 north to exit 45 (Hwy 73). Turn left and go thru Harveysburg (watch the speed limit...there is always a speed trap). Cross the bridge and the park is on the right. Getting to the dam area is a bit more entailed but it is south of the bridge. There is also a campground on the north end of the lake. http://nebula.wsimg.com/94e26999dedf913fa5b2583b89491ec1?AccessKeyId=38103F75BAA438DB3E6A&disposition=0&alloworigin=1 http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/caesarcreek
  19. Haven't been out on the lake yet. Still getting my boat together. I doubt I'll get out on any water till mid-May. Crappie was all I caught up thru Christmas Eve. For me, bass have always been tough to catch at CC.
  20. I went from a 17 to a 21 on my Merc 75. I was turning too many rpms at WOT. I had also installed a hydrofoil (SE Sport) which snaps the boat up on plane. If I remember right my top speed is now 34-35 mph with a great holeshot in my 17.5' aluminum boat. Quite a few variables come into play when selecting a prop.
  21. You're going to have to work with the unit to get the most out of it. You can't just put it in the water and expect to catch fish. Go over an area you already know and see if anything new shows up on the display. Change the settings to find out what works best. Go over areas you have always gone past and see if you are missing anything. Practicing with the units will show you what settings work best in different conditions and types of water. Once you pinpoint where the fish are holding find other places that are similar. But no matter how good these units are you still have to entice the fish to bite...all technology can do is point the way. You have to do the rest.
  22. Quite a few large lakes around. Caesar Creek, East Fork, Cowan, Acton. They are all state parks with ample bank fishing and some have small boat rentals. They are not in the immediate Cincy area but are not too far away either. Many of the local parks have small ponds that can be fished (I have not done that so I have no idea how good/bad they are). Don't know anything about the KY side but I'm sure there are opportunities there as well.
  23. Had that happen to me on an '87 XR2. Forgot to hook up the 3-gal remote oil tank. Even though the tank on top of the engine was full, without the remote tank connected the system didn't pressurize. Locked up running across the south end of Okeechobee. Toasted the whole powerhead...
  24. Watch the weather even if it is not close to you. Good luck and have a good time. http://www.ohiobass.org/StateTournaments/Erie/Erie.htm
  25. Alum Creek is a big lake north of Columbus. Buckeye Lake is east but over run by boaters and jet skis from what I understand. Also, Hoover and O'Shaughnessy Reservoirs. Deer Creek Lake State Park south. Lotsa lakes around.
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