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Columbia Craw

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Everything posted by Columbia Craw

  1. Little finger behind the trigger.
  2. So I did pick up an Hakai about three weeks ago. The press material and limited reviews jumped my curiosity. I also too advantage of a discount. The first thing I noticed is it’s light, very light . it’s easy to palm and has the right length of handles at least: The spool is light and has a rapid start up. It took very little fiddling to get the cast control dialed in. Great distance with 3/16 ounce and great control. Very smooth. The manner in which the spool control worked through the final third of the cast is reminiscent of my Tatula Elite. I really liked this reel when roll casting square bills and power casting jerkbaits. It’s very fluid during the retrieve. The Hakai has some nice features and very good casting attributes overall and just feel tight. I’m going to match it with a 705CB and burn extensive rip rap banks the fall. Nice reel over all.
  3. I met Glenn and had a short visit about four years ago. We had to keep it short. His ice was melting.
  4. Try to find that kind a of information on any other forum.
  5. The only lagoons I’ve fished are the waste water system out in the county.
  6. Papa’s buddies.
  7. Tired of people dissing your eight trac? I know how you feel.?
  8. Will the real Hakai please stand up.
  9. It’s a fair trade off for the 10 percent Monday senior discount at Dunkin Donuts.
  10. At least it’s paid for.
  11. My lack of fiscal discipline is not something to be shared.
  12. September and October! As the days get progressively shorter the bite gets better. On the mid Columbia I throw top water, sometimes all day. On another deep impoundment, cranking from 10 to 22 feet is really consistent. Cooling water concentrate bait and bass in the tidal sloughs. Rip rap time. Fall is nice.
  13. Well said. After over 40 years, I think I have a grasp on the situations and conditions where a spinnerbait may be that high percentage lure I need to be throwing on the locations that I fish. I can’t speak for others. Pre spawn seems to present optimum conditions whether it be largemouth or smallmouth and I get to fish both. As the water warms those optimal situations lesson. Don’t throw in the towel .
  14. Guys that don’t check out Mike’s on line catalog are missing out.
  15. I ship it UPS to A-Jay so it can be properly disposed of.
  16. Took a guy out who has done it all, seen it all and is quick to tell you. I grabbed a TRD and cut in two and wallah, ear plugs. The color doesn’t matter. They all work.
      • 6
      • Haha
  17. Get on Google Earth and look at the Oregon side of the Columbia. There are numerous bank spots from Cascade Locks to well past Hood River.
  18. Leaving my binoculars in the truck.
  19. Old school? Sure. I don’t fish salt. There are specific techniques that are most often light lures with light line and I’m more comfortable with the reel hanging down for those presentations. I don’t do BFS Tom. It’s not my thing. There are occasions when allowing line to peel off the spool is beneficial and spinning affords me that ability when fishing the mentioned lure types. Options are a good thing.
  20. Aaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!! Put a hook on your reel hood.............. I can’t breathe!!!!!!
  21. Spinning: dropshot neds wacky shaky head free rig grubs hula grub hair jig spy bait tubes light carolina reepers neko Casting: Everything else
  22. A quick add to: casting motions such as roll casts or pitching are more accurate for me because the lure in in my line of sight from beginning to end.
  23. Casting accurately is extremely important and can dictate your catch success by itself. Being an accurate caster is part of fishing I really enjoy. It’s an accomplishment within an accomplishment when you get bit. I also want to be efficient as a caster. I want to be a backlash free as possible. I taught myself to cast spinning rods, surf rods, bait casting and thirty years of fly fishing. During the last sixty years I have learned some things that when applied, improved my casting skills. Understand the physical mechanics of your wrist joint and hand and the motions as a joint system. Sounds dry huh. The wrist has a range of motion. Point the thumb up and move the hand up and down like driving a nail. Limited motion. Place the palm facing flat and down. Move the hand up and down like slapping a table top. The result is a larger range of motion. First range is primary in fly casting and overhand spinning. The second is the motion that becomes the foundation for baitcasting. Still dry. Understanding the purpose of the rod and a balanced combo and how to set up the reel is next. The tip of the rod should be the final extension of your hand/fingers. Have you watched an NBA player drop a three pointer? Watch his finger tips and release . The lure’s speed and direction come from the rod tip. Control the tip and you control the lure. Still dry? The rod should do the majority of the work. The flexibility of the blank is for two reasons. Fighting the fish and powering to lure for lure speed. If you’ve ever fly fished, this makes even more sense. Knowing how to load or stress the rod in one of the many casting motions and then control and direct the lure as the blank unloads is the key to maximize distance and control direction. Not so dry. Now the reels come into play. Finally! spinning is easy. Release the line. Hope your distance is correct by the lure speed you generated or slow the lure speed up to stopping it by placing your forefinger near the spool edge or pressing the finger to the spool edge. Casting reels require more control. Properly set your cast controls but understand, the thumb is the ultimate cast control! Remember the wrist motion concept. Your motion is lead by the back of your hand, not the thumb. A backlash is just the result of the spools spinning faster than the line can exit the rod tip. The spool must slow at or more than the lure’s ability to pull the line from the rod. Light or wind resistance lures slow faster. Heavy lures generate spool retain speed faster. Match the speeds and no backlash. Rods can be loaded with various motions. Back forth, loop or circular rotations forward and reverse and in a pendulum swing. Learning how to generate the motions and apply them to load the blank takes practice and familiarity. Learn in the yard, not on a Trip. Set realistic distance goals to start. Same for target size. Vary distance and locations and mix it up. As you move forward learn to cast with two hands to reduce fatigue. You can begin a cast with your dominate hand/thumb and finish with your off hand and off thumb. It’s been a long read. Sorry but I’ve taught my grands kids using this model and others. It works. Have fun.
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