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Columbia Craw

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Everything posted by Columbia Craw

  1. I read this recently: I once met a man. I’ve never met a hero and don’t know what a hero is, but I have met a man.
  2. 1/8 ounce Speed Trap.?
  3. DUI Age Speed Inattention (cell phones) Fatigue Not good.
  4. Looks great
  5. NextBack in the late 70’s I fished it was forclub events and points, not cash. I loved. It. Those events were fun a no pressure. That club dissolved. I had done okay each year. For the next 20 years I only fun fished. That was fine. My buddy had a nephew who wanted to fish a small open. I knew the lake and we won. I fished with two other guys in 2000’s and we won several events and had numerous top ten fishes. Fact is, I didn’t really enjoy it. Too busy. I cut way back to just club events where small money was on the line. I wasn’t excited about those events and last year, called it quits to any competition based fishing. Just not my thing I guess. I like to relax and experiment. Don’t get me wrong, I whiffed enough in events to deflate any ego one might have. So, have fun.
  6. Yes. They can finessed out of my trees.
  7. I’m with Tom. I watched a show with Lonnie Stanley in the 80’s where he showed two tips. First was to divide the bristles in half and create a separation wedge. This creates a n open void in front of the hook point to increase hook ups. The second was to tie a half hitch over the hook eye after the jig is tied on. Stanley shared this allowed the jig to rock over limbs and branches. I split the weed guard. I pass on the half hitch.
  8. Daiwa Caldia 2500 for $133
  9. I live 25 minutes from the Edge site in Woodland. Their show room was almost done when I was there. I ordered an Epitone 725C. It’s expected around late November. It appears the production focus is on blanks for builders. Actual in house building is secondary at this point, thus the delays. I liked what I saw.
  10. Is that a water treatment facility?
  11. There was a recent thread asking what rod , if broken, would you immediately replace? So with that context, if I ran out of a plastic bait, omitting colors, what will I be replacing? Rage Bug Rage Space Monkey Rage Craw Rage Ned Craw KVD Finesse worm Robo Worm Fat Zoom Trick Worm Zoom Super Chunk Zoom Brush Hogs GYB Senko GYB Zako BBB Swimmon Hog Farmer Spunk Shad Berkely Flat Worm RI Man Bear Pig These, for me, are must haves.
  12. Ima Roumba, Pop R, YoZuri Pencil Popper -(the small one).
  13. I think, all over the country, rip rap is at it’s best right now because the various moss types have had all year the grow on the rocks and that is part of the food chain. It draws bait fish and crayfish. I’m a fan of crankbaits at all depth levels. I want to scrape those rocks with my lure. If the wind is blowing up on the rip rap, all the better.
  14. I’m trying to figure out where the profitability is for Bagley Baits. How can there be a meaningful margin for them and or even Tackle Warehouse when they ( various models) are on sale at a discount of 42 percent? I can’t figure out how anyone can produce a balsa bait with the number of steps it takes from raw material to packaging and distribution of a balsa crankbait . Anyone have an answer for this one?
  15. You are correct. Just Pencil 100. The popper is new and not on sale. Thanks.
  16. Yes they do. The YoZuri Pencil. Popper 100 is $5.84 and is a really really good bait. You snooze you loose in this one.
  17. Everything I bought from A-Jay
  18. Tom listened to the 5th Dimension when he was younger. Seriously, Unless anglers band together with the industry, special interest groups will litigate us right off the water. Locations are quickly being privatized and access limited or closed. Oregon and Washington agencies have declared Bass as invasive and trash fish. Don’t joke about it because some of us are already experiencing habitat loss and deadly changes to regulations.
  19. One of these?
  20. Champion 764CB RM even if I had to fork out full retail but I won’t because of the replacement policy.
  21. He accepts tips
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