I’m not a hammer. What success I have has been influenced by my view of bass fishing. I look at it in a holistic approach.
I commit time to understanding the biological aspects of bass and their habitat. I look a the four seasonal patterns and how bass relate to their environment, and the environmental factors that impact bass behavior and how they locate themselves.
i look at maps, google earth or any other data that defines the environment. Being able to define structure, depth, cover and features help the process of illuminating water and ares that don’t fit the seasonal behaviors and those that do.
i w as my to know habitat, hard cover, soft cover, current, tidal influences and more.
The final piece is to know what lures and techiques to apply in the situations befor me and to have the skills to execute the techniques. I’m constantly evaluating and making adjustments. Doing the little things right. This all adds to success over time.