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Columbia Craw

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Everything posted by Columbia Craw

  1. I've been using Sunline Super Natural for six years now. It has the attributes I want and is very affordable.
  2. With 1200 views on this post, others must really want to know. I am the original skunk dawg. It happens. Evaluate where you're fishing and when and take a look at the lure selection. Experiment. You will get it. Many years ago I put in five eight hour days in the early spring. It was cold. Not one bite. It made me more determined than ever. Try to learn from every outing. It's fishing.
  3. The 766 is a beast. If you want a rod to boat flip an eight with, you got it. Very balanced. Just be ready for power, power and more power. You can punch up to 1.5 oz. no problem if that's your thing too. Enjoy.
  4. The Mean Joe Green Coke commercial. MY favorite of all time.
  5. Catt, that is awesome. There is a young man that has learned work pays off and he'll appreciate his combo for years to come. You are a great grand dad and have a bright grandson. Sam-fran-tastic. Doug
  6. Cast and Retrieve. Just joking. Flippin and Pitchin and cranking a very close second.
  7. Outstanding mount. Absolutely beautiful. Happy Happy.
  8. I'm waiting for the telescopic lure retriever that reaches to 36 feet. It's going to run around $1300.00 or so. just think.....250 saves and it's paid for itself but in style..
  9. Lawrence of Arabia. " No prisoners....No prisoners."
  10. Yes. If you request pics of specific rod you are interested in they will accommodate you. Dobyns has a trade in program so the majority are simply that, a trade in with no repair required. Any repairs are disclosed. They fall under warranty. It's pretty much a no risk deal.
  11. I have the same system on the legs of my walker A-Jay. I can make tight turns in the hallway now.
  12. I'm painting the blades of my ceiling fan the same color. Same goes for boat cleats and the inside of my truck's tailgate. That is a bold statement to the fishing industry. How bout a Fresca? Hmmmmmmmmmmm? I used to wear red socks but the hummingbirds kept molesting my ankles.
  13. I'd rather watch a replay of Lile Alzado box Ali.
  14. Out of the mouths of babes. That was great Sam.
  15. Fished and early shot. Off the lake by noon. Jay and I had almost two dozen.
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  16. I left my mid-depth crankbait box on the deck all day on my last rip. The high was 91 degrees. Four expanded and the finishes split. SOLAR RAYS -4, Normans DLN-0 To Norman's/PRACO's credit, they offered to replace them but it was my failure to put them back in the locker.
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  17. I think it has the same potential as the Dancin Eel.
  18. Don't burn a bridge. If the tech can't get to it, tell him you understand he's busy, take it to a shop that get it done in the time constraint you have but add you value what he did for you in the past. This is just one of those times you can't delay. If you trust his being a competent tech, and it's in the off season, use him again and see what you get. He'll understand. If he doesn't, then consider making a switch.
  19. I will generally start shallow because shallow fish are often aggressive. I will not hesitate to go deep. I also try to get action so my GS can get bit. That's important.
  20. I'm not a design engineer but this is what I learned in the late 70's. There are two main factors that address a rod's taper and power, tube diameter and or wall thickness. Before carbon fibers, graphite, the dominating material was fiberglass. To obtain a stiffer or faster action as well as power, designers either increased wall thickness or the the diameter of the tube and taper progression. Those design principals are still applied today. In the 70's and 80's, designers were experimenting with graphite, boron, titanium and different blends of glass. When you take into consideration the earlier graphite rods were drift rods and fly rods, bass rod design took a little while to evolve but it did and has. The materials applied today vary by manufacture. Some designs don't work well and the durability can suffer. I have friends who worked for two major rod manufactures located in Woodland Washington. Shouldn't be hard to figure out. Each had a series of rods that experienced significant blank failures. Both had thin walled tube designs and attempted to use a small diameter blank to make them light and still obtain a moderate action. Both companies either discontinued the series and or modified the design. I'll let you figure who was who. Rod design is a real science and has taken over 40 years to perfect, or at least attempt to perfect. If you've ever toured a rod manufacturing plant, and I have, you will be amazed at the process.
  21. Balance is very important to me, especially for tip up presentations.
  22. That was fantastic !!!!
  23. Depends on the body of water and season. If I had one technique that I look forward to, it's cranking, deep or shallow. Drop shot is right up there. The most fun is when smallies crush a spinnerbait in the mid spring but it's hit and miss on that bite.
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