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Everything posted by rtwvumtneer6

  1. I've seen boats from $600 to $60,000 fish TMO. Not sure how effficient a pontoon would be, but the 2 rules I know for sure regarding the vessel are 1.) A functioning livewell and 2.) Electric motors only. (Unless otherwise noted for Raystown.) These are team tournaments so it's rare they have a boater looking for a partner, but you can fish solo if you don't have a partner. You can direct your questions to Dave (President) He will better assist you. I will send you a direct message with his email.
  2. I don't hear a whole lot about this hook, yet I find it to be very versatile. I will share that I change the screw lock to an Owner CPS. Though I don't throw the YUM brand stick bait, I will use it on the Zman Zinkers. It's also enough weight to help a plastic run true when buzzing it, and for sub-surface swimbaits (i.e. Keitech). IMO it really shines paired with a fluke. You can still keep the bait high in the water column then let it shimmy though holes in vegetation. The weight is placed in such a way that the bait will fall horizontally. If I'm using a GYCB Senko, it's going to be weightless.
  3. Feel like driving an hour south is a better solution for said individual ??‍♂️
  4. Are you looking to fish as a boater or co-angler? PA Bass Nation website would be a good resource. If you're looking for a competitive yet casual experience, I have fished a few of these TMO (Trolling Motor Only) events and had a good time https://www.tmobassseries.com/schedule
  5. Fairly certain the product in question from the OP example is a Curado. I received one that was actually a factory defect. Posted on here and attempted all the remedies to no avail. I exchanged it at zero cost to me. Problem solved, and have bought 2 more since then. Anyway, I'm on board with everyone who wants facts and supporting evidence.
  6. So, closest to the actual number wins a flatside crank? Is that what were doing here?
  7. Academy has a H2O XPRESS Ethos HD. It's $85 but I found it on sale for much less (that's why I bought it). Only right hand and I think just 2 speeds. Had my doubts when I ordered but it's replaced the Revo X I was using.
  8. I get it... It's a struggle this time of year
  9. Great point. That's always a fear when I get on someones boat. Pretty sure I would offer to replace the rod of I did that. Always find it funny when I get a guide and they start me out with the beater gear, and after a little bit of feeling me out, the rod locker opens up and the good stuff starts showing up on the deck ?
  10. I have memories of fishing a few times with my grandfather, and with my dad. I was young and had no patience. I'd find the bots and pieces left by other anglers and dangle it in the rocks at the bank. Sometimes I out fished my dad that way? After we were of age to drive, I would pond hop with buddies, and trout fish a few times a year, but baseball was a full time commitment. As I got into college my years and moved around through my early professional career, the rods always moved with me but never got used much. Without going into all the great details, I made a significant lifestyle change a little over 5 years ago, and fishing has become not only a hobby and a passion, but a critical part of my life. It gets me outdoors and active, is therapeutic, challenging, and offers a competitive aspect which I have always had a hunger for. P.S. 34 years old... With a lot to learn!
  11. Thanks @A-Jay. I've still got a lot of life left in my Guidewear, but have been considering an extra full set.
  12. Not on purpose. When I look at my local regulations, it appears that they try schedule the harvest season around the general reproductive schedule. I.e. bass are catch and release until mid-June. Doesn't always work, especially if we have a winter that hangs around for way too long.
  13. Any idea if the liner is included, or a separate purchase? Thanks!
  14. D and L Tackle Advantage Jig
  15. That's the same impression I got. Now I'm trying to figure out why they aren't more popular ??‍♂️
  16. I think I could deal with that. I remember how noisy braid was when I first started using it. Now I don't even hear it.
  17. Is anyone using them? Thoughts? Looks like Loomis has offered them, but outside of custom builds are any other manufactures using them? Seem like a good idea, but feedback I have seen wasn't great...
  18. A 7/0 hook... Gnarly! What's it weigh? Keep us up to date!
  19. Interesting. Wonder if it'll be another budget friendly model like the Quantum GForce? Interestingly enough, I have bought 2 of their rods in the last 5 years or so and actually liked the cheapest one better. Don't see myself doing that again, no matter who has their name on it.
  20. Scrolling through the Academy clearance sale. Anyone know how long this lasts? If anyone has any insight on their in-house brand stuff worth trying (including clothing) please give me a heads up!
  21. Funny, I was just sitting here wondering how big the stogie is going to be if he wins a ring. Now all I can think of is Coach O saying "Geaux Tigers!"
  22. I have 2 in 7.2. After 2 years they're holding up well. Frame is easy to palm. Use mine for mowing baits and treble hook baits. 6 speed should work well. I'd go for it.
  23. Do you also enjoy dead sticking senkos for hours on end?! I'm only joking. It's a productive technique, but it can be painfully slow for my liking. Too long of a leader and you'll have a hard time casting effectively. Usually start around 2'.
  24. Sorry, no experience with Daiwa but I have a couple of the SLX XT reels. I call the SLX the little brother to the Curado K. There's a noticable difference in size in the 200K and the 150 SLX visually and in the hand. The braking is not complicated. Adjust your spool tension like any other reel, set your 4 pins inside on/off to the combination that works for you and forget about them, and adjust the external SVS dial on the fly (i.e. wind change). Hope that makes sense... I'm half asleep ?
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