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About rtwvumtneer6

  • Birthday 03/21/1987

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Greensburg, PA, US

  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Presque Isle Bay (Lake Erie)
    Shawnee (PA)
  • Other Interests
    Music/Guitar, Food, Travel, Theme Parks

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  • About Me
    Family, fellowship, and fishing.

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Community Answers

  1. So, $12.50, give or take?
  2. Thanks, but I was never in Nebraska 🤣 Sorry @DaubsNU1 I just had to lol.
  3. Not new here, but I haven't been around in some time. Changed jobs, got married, and have had a few other personal items keeping me from spending any time on the forums (but thankfully not off the water). I thought I'd circle back to say hello, again. My story is pretty simple. I started bass fishing as a teen, around the time me and my buddies were all getting our drivers license. Started with a spinning rod, a few Senkos and ribbon tail worms, some 4/0 hooks and a some bullet weights. Times were simpler, and I was hooked. Yeah, pun intended. Then came college, a career that had me moving every 12-18monhts, and a nasty battle with alcoholism. The rods collected dust for the better part of a decade. Fast forward, and I was blessed with a second chance and a renewed passion for the sport. I suppose that's how I'm wired - one addiction for another. However, my wife doesn't seem to mind as much about the fishing 😊 Anyway, I fish mostly local lakes, county and state parks, and farm ponds. I've had the opportunity to fish some local derby's with a good buddy of mine and enjoy the competitive side of this deal. And I'm close enough to Erie that we make it up that way every couple of years. I've had the opportunity to fish in Texas on Walter E. Long (AKA Decker), The North River in the Albemarle Sound a couple of times, Headwaters Lake, and this March will mark our 5th consecutive year to Okeechobee. I'm blessed and thankful for everything this sport has given me, and hope that I can offer something on here that's useful to someone else. I think this is all about giving back what's so freely been given. Tight lines, -RT
  4. If anyone has the chance to get their hands on the new Expert Bayou, the Cara JC Flippin (7'10", not the Amistad XH) or the Ouachita Special, I'd love to hear your opinions!
  5. I'm also advertising for Cabelas like @A-Jay I actually got heckled at a football game this year (from a friend a few rows back)... "Nice jacket. Where can I get one?!" 🤣 I did get my wife the women's version which is a couple years newer and it's more discreet. I go up a size and layer underneath when necessary. Nikwax Tech Wash/TX.Direct Wash-In Fabric Care Hardshell DUO-Pack seems to do the trick for me to wash and restore the waterproofing.
  6. Agreed! And I only know they don't have kits because I've talked to them already 😃
  7. They're great! Unfortunately, they dont have any kits for that size boat.
  8. Falcon Lowrider CLC-7M Composite Cranker 4 Power M MS 7'0" 12-25 lb. 1/4-1/2 oz. Falcon BuCoo SR BRC-5-173 Deep Runner 5 Power MH MF 7'3" 10-20 lb. 3/8-3/4 oz. Falcon Lowrider LFC-7H Dragger 6 Power H F 7'0" 12-25 lb. 3/8-1 oz. Falcon Lowrider LFC-74H Heavy Cover Jig 6 Power H F 7'4" 15-30 lb. 3/8-1 oz. *Used to have this is model in BuCoo Falcon Cara CC-7-173 Amistad 7 Power H F 7'3" 15-30 lb. 1/2-1 1/2 oz. And... not a bass rod but a creek beater: Falcon BuCoo SR BRS-1L-16 Panfish 1 Power 6'0" 4-10 lb. 1/16-1/4oz. Not sure that I am allowed to promote or add a link to a YouTube video on here but I have one where I explain how I use each rod. You can search: My Falcon Rods (and what I use them for) because the transcript would be way too long to copy here.
  9. We did. Didn't have a boat that day and planned to beat the bank. Water levels were up. It was a challenge. Caught a few but not enough to say we figured anything out. I'm in western PA, though. Maybe we're talking about the same place? This is just east of Jennerstown.
  10. VMC Drop Dead Weighted Hook 4/0 - 3/32 oz. is another solid choice!
  11. Anyone want to show off their Jon-bass boat conversion? Real world experience with a 1754 would be ideal. Tips, photos, etc. are welcome. Looking for any suggestions/advice I can get. Plans are TM and graph at the bow, tiller TM on the transom, extend the back deck (and maybe install a livewell), and a bilge pump. Additional storage would be nice, but I'm not sure it's necessary.
  12. I use the composite cranker in the Flacon Lowrider series. It retails for around $130. Very parabolic (or some might call it slower action) which is great for treble hook baits. However, the graphite rod is likely lighter, and more versatile. And, for an extra $20, the Expert is a steal.
  13. Lake Poinsett... Is it any good?
  14. Looking for something a little closer than Headwaters or Toho. Won't have a boat but willing to hire a guide or rent. Lakes along the St John's River seems to be the closest option. Sure I'm missing a bunch as I've not been there, yet. Only played around on Google Earth. Suggestions? Thanks!
  15. I would suspect a few things... A lot of us who have been around were really making out. Buy the gift cards 10% off, then wait to use it when everything is 20% off. And also keeps them from getting buried with orders in a 72 hour window from the "early release email" to the public opening. Curious how TacticalBassin buyer guides will promote this...
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