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Everything posted by Highschoolbassin

  1. Wanting to get my senior pictures made next summer on the lake fishing. What would you guys say my best bet is on catching quality fish at that time of year? I live in mid Tn so I'd prefer to stay within the state but not a necessity. Kentucky lake? Chickamauga?
  2. Thanks for the info. I'm definitely looking forward to it. I'm also getting to fish lake st.clair for the first time!!
  3. Yes it is. I'll be fishing out of a seperate boat while my sponsors up there are fishing a tournament on the chain. What's the water like? Assuming I should use light fluorocarbon?
  4. Hey I'm flying up to Michigan to fish for the second week of October and I'll be fishing this chain for two days. Does anybody have any tips for October? If not what are the lakes like?
  5. Thanks you guys I've definitely learned a lot! What's some equipment you guys would suggested
  6. Thanks for the responses guys. Anything I should really be trying to learn while using these?
  7. I hope to be fishing against you in 10 years lol. So good luck go out there and show em how we do it on bassresource! I set a 10 year goal to fish the elite series a few months ago so let me know how it goes!
  8. What are some of your favorite shallow water power techniques and how did you learn how and when to use them? Curious to see what everyone says as my home lake old hickory seems to set up pretty well for shallow power fishing. Thanks
  9. Thanks for all the replies guys! Sounds like a few of you had some rough years when you were young lol.
  10. Bass Cat Zoom Humminbird Strike King Motorguide Huk Gear Evinrude Power Pole Abu Garcia TH Marine Oakley
  11. Thanks guys for all the replies! Has really opened up my way of thinking
  12. Well guys I didn't do so hot this weekend. I caught 2 about 2 pounds a piece shallow. Guessing the fish are still shallow? Going back next weekend to try and redeem myself. Any tips on what I did wrong or what I should try would be much appreciated.
  13. If you could go back to your teenage years and do things differently to set yourself up better to fish in the elite series or a high level of competition what would you do?
  14. Thank you. I'll be sure to do that!
  15. Thank you. I'll be sure to stay watching it and the weather
  16. Thanks for the info. Do you think if the water stays up the fish will be shallow? I've been watching the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks and it seems like theirs gonna be at least one thunderstorm a week. I'm thinking this will keep the water level up? Will the fish pull out if the water level falls?
  17. Hey me, my father and my friend are gonna be on chickamauga the second week of March and was wondering if anyone could give any tips as to what to try or things to look for? Thank you
  18. I've had a 17' on a older model ford windstar. Went from the grill to past the back bumper. I do have a lot of experience tying stuff down with ratchet straps though so take that into consideration
  19. Gerald swindle. I just feel like I relate more to him than any other pro on the tour.
  20. Thanks for all the replies guys. Here's what I'm currently operating out of until next fall when I sell it and upgrade to a little nicer one for personal reasons not just for craps and giggles. And yes I am buying that boat with my own money. Making payments on it. Not too shabby for a high school kid if I say so myself
  21. Like I said I was just curious because I didn't know the answer. I've already bought my own bass boat.
  22. Ok thanks that's what I figured but I wasn't sure
  23. Say if someone under 18 had half of the boat cost already in their bank account. Could they finance a boat with a co-signer over 18? Just curious as to what the answer is not really considering it. Thanks
  24. I think that boat traffic and fishing pressure can make a key difference in some situations. Back in the summer before I had made the agreement to start making payments on my bass boat and was still fishing out of a modified v-bottom with a trolling motor. I had some of my best days by pushing that boat back into the deeper holes in a creek protected by a gravel bar where bass boats couldn't get in. These fish don't receive fishing pressure and generally you can convince them to bite.
  25. I think one thing you should consider is your water color. I mean in muddy water a black frog will show up better on top than a white frog in my opinion. Just something for you to consider.
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