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About dhaynes

  • Birthday 09/02/1966

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    <p>Urbana Ohio</p>

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  1. dhaynes

    Worm Molds

    Go to the hardware store and buy a can of Durhams Rock Hard Water Putty. Find a small container that is 1/2" to an 1" deep that is wide enough to put for to 6 worms across. I have used various things like the top to a kids shoe box. Take your worms and glue them to the bottom of the box so they will remain stationary. Follow the instructions on the can and mix up enough putty to fill the box. Once it is mixed slowly pore the putty over your worms and fill the container. Let this stand untill hard. Turn the contanor over and gently work the block of hard putty out of it. The worms will stay on the container and they will leave a nice cavity of themselves in the putty, you may need to trim the edges some. I then coat the block with shelack. After this dries you will have a mold that you can poor hot plastic into. This is very economical. They are fragil. If you drop one it will shatter like glass. You can also buy molds and mold making material at www.lurecraft.com. I have some of their molds and they are good and will last longer than the putty but will be more expensive. They also sell plastic,sents and coloring. Hope this helps. Dave
  2. That question is easy. Don't throw nothin away. Take fishing the bait type you want to use. If thats all you have then thats all you can use it will force you to give a bait a fare shake before canning it. The next time you go try something else. Most all plastic will catch fish at one time or another. But never throw it a way. Put it in a box or somthing if you do not want to cary it. Try to limit the color selection you buy. Stick with a few dark, med and light colors and maybe a couple real bright colors for those days you are one some muddy water.
  3. You can't go wrong with P-Line floroclear. I mad the mistake of going to yozara and regreat it. I am now back to P-Line. Just don't forget to wet the line before you cinch the knot tight.
  4. I am not sure why this keeps happening to me. I will be typing along and the measage will just post. Anyway I could not shake the bait loose so I thought I would be smart and put one foot on the bank. Well I got wet after doing the splits. The second story is I took my chyropractor and his son fishing. Well he had to take a leak and could not bring himself to go out of the boat. He ask me to take him over to a big laydown that was vertical to the bank. The end of the laydown was in about 10ft of water. Well I took him over to it and held the boat for him so he could walk down the log and pee on the bank. Well he put one foot on that log and woosh out from under him it went and it was bath time. His sone and I laughed so hard we could not stand up. ;D
  5. Well I have two. The first one is about myself. Got my rattle trap hung in some rip rap about 3 feet out of the water. I know great cast. W
  6. My oldest son just turned 5. This will be his 3rd year to go out with me. When I go I do not fish when he is fishing. When he gets bored and starts petting the minnows I might make a cast or two. But I figuare when I take him it is for him. I get my fishing in. I want him to fish buddy tournaments with me when he gets old enough so I make sure that I do not make it miserable for him. When he is ready to go, we go. He loves driving the boat( in my lap of course). Last year we when out a few times. He would say faster dad. Well we would get to a spot and fish for a few minutes and he would say " dad this isn't the best spot we need to move. He realy likes the boat ride. His quote is " going fast is kinda scary but I like it." My daughter Just turned 3 so I will get to take her this year. My youngest turned 1 so It will be a wile for him. Hopfully all my kids will love to fish with dad. Mabey one of them will go pro. Kids are the future of our sport. Dave
  7. I use a Magellan 315. No bells or whistles but it gets the job done. You can get one for about 100 bucks. It is compatable with my map software from Lakemaster. I use it on lake Erie as well as relocating structure on other lakes.
  8. Go to the Ohio BASS chapter federation web sight. There is a list of all the federation clubs in Ohio. There are a few in the Cins area. The web address is www.ohiobass.org
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