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About Tuna

  • Birthday May 11

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  • Location
    Eastern Iowa
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
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  • Other Interests
    I help property owners manage their ponds. In trade I receive fishing privileges. I only catch and release. Best advice for pond owners: Don't stock crappie unless you plan to fish the heck out of them. Otherwise you stand a very good chance of overpopulation after 7-8 years which will lead to stunting the size of the bass.

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  • About Me
    Enjoy creating new baits, rigs and hardware for fishing.

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Community Answers

  1. Thanks Big Hands! I'll have to check if it says "Poland" on the lip.
  2. Says "Poland" on the lip. Submitted a request to Salmo to identify. Not in their recent 2019-2021 catalogs. Thought I'd post while waiting. Found it snagged in some branches while kayaking local lake in 2019. The gills are flared on this crankbait.
  3. I know it has lure weights. If yours is a split grip, it's freshwater, if full grip it's InShore and a different blank. InShore and Freshwater are two different blanks. Confirmed by Daiwa. The rod mentioned in my ts is PCY702-LFS, not what you have. it's being sold by many vendors as a "freshwater" rod which it is not. The heads-up not worth the effort. I know that now.
  4. Missing ML. Light power is ideally suited for 1/16oz baits, maybe up to a 1/4oz if your throwing a float with a tandem rig. But the heavy end of those ranges don't fit with common techniques. The main thrust of my vent was that the Procyon rods aren't marked and the Inshore rods are broomsticks!
  5. Take it from me. I bought 2 of these clunkers! Solid cork butt grip equals In-Shore and Split Grip equals Freshwater. They are two different weights of rods. Info direct from Daiwa. Just look at the lure weight ratings. A freshwater "Light" would not be rated for 1/8oz. - 3/8oz. These are definitely mediums. I had to re-balance the two I bought with 3/16oz of hollow lead drilled into the butt just to feel close. Just wanted guys to know. May use one occasionally now when I go carp fishing!
  6. I have paddles both ways. Just leave the TM unless an area has a lot of surface vegetation. The rear skeg is always down. I have this vertical shaft unlocked so it will kick up if a hit an obstruction. Since the vertical shaft is hollow I can use a 1/2" x 8' solid fiberglass rod with a cap on top as a stake out pole in less than 3 FOW. Fun in the sun, always wear some type of protection. I wear loose UV resistant non-cotton long sleeve shirts. Wind flows through too!
  7. You need a front and rear keel of some type. For me, I use a trolling motor on front and on the rear, the (non-locking) vertical shaft and mount of an old trolling motor. I attached a 1/4" x 8" x 10 wally world cutting board to the vertical shaft which sits 2" under the surface. Since I use a removable sole (deck) so if I need to, I stand up to paddle with an adjustable SUP paddle. Best paddle option in my opinion.
  8. For a pond I fish, I dug out a recessed slip. Now, I just step in step out.
  9. Recommend bow vs. stern. Pulling easier to navigate and ~15% more usable power than pushing.
  10. Thanks, I have the dolly to make launches and recoveries at kayak type launch areas. I am looking for solutions for concrete boat ramps that have moss or vegetation attached below the waterline.
  11. First of all I'm 65 years old and I commonly camp "in a van down by the river." Launching a Sportsman 8 is not too bad using an extended dolly, but how do you get it recovered and loaded without a trailer on a boat (slippery) ramp by yourself? Posted this a couple months ago and wondered if anyone had an idea I haven't thought of. I do not want a trailer to store. Thanks. BTW, I too store mine vertically resting on 4" polyfoam.
  12. Hi guys. I have a Sportsman 8.5 and have done many mods similar to what has been posted on this 120+ page subject. I have just one situation to ask about. I fish many small lakes in IA. The majority have concrete boat ramps and no other launching options. I would like some advice and/or photos of a dolly meeting these criteria: Lightweight and able to transport 200 pound loaded boat on dolly up to 150' away. Not too heavy at the bow to haul by a small man. Easily launched from concrete ramps without getting feet wet (I have slipped twice, not good!) Easily loaded without scraping up the plastic pontoons and without getting feet wet. Ability to break down so it can be transported in a 73" pickup bed. I'm usually pretty good at figuring things out but don't want to burn up a bunch of materials if someone else has found an answer. I'll take some photos of what I've done including a rod, paddle and stake out pole holder. I have not seen the design anywhere and it works great! Thanks. I opted for an adjustable length, 3 pc. floating SUP paddle. I can stand or sit and still reach the water. Great for dislodging or retrieving lures also. https://www.amazon.com/BPS-3-Piece-Alloy-SUP-Paddle/dp/B07DR8ZV4K/ref=asc_df_B07DR8ZV4K/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312134194492&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9640096062417104577&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9018574&hvtargid=pla-644161414222&th=1&psc=1
  13. Found some other pics; Strange. Might have to buy some and use as low light diving buzzbaits.
  14. Saw this blank on an asian site, any idea what it is a knock-off of? Looks like a deep tail first craw.
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