Going back to framing.
Just before Christmas I was working for a stucco company and only working with boss. Well he kept working me and they didn't pay and hid from contact. So ripped me off big time right before Christmas. It was very frustrating being told you have to work for it and then when you do it's still doesn't pay lol. Same time last week I caught on fire with my cat. Caught some bad burns saved cat from serious injury. It Was scary I thought I killed my cat on accident. Still recovering from burns. Got burned twice in one week.
To think last year I was in a studio in monterey CA next to pebble beach and carmel valley and was bartending.
I'm so excited because not only do necessities get meant but you get to have some entertainment and do the things that make you joyful.
For me it's videos games first playing and collecting, going to the flea markets early morning on days off before heading out to the water, being able to afford the expense to fish etc. Few dollars for some live bait.
Cross fingers it works out. Then I can go fishing.