Cool Topic. Here are some things I can add.
#3. Spawning: I read an article about improving spawning success (I think it was from this site). You can increase spawning habitat in your local waters by using something to make a border (like cinder blocks) and then fill the center with gravel or small stones. Bass like to spawn on hard surfaces and if the area does not provide that they will not spawn or will not spawn successfully. So by adding some spawing areas you can help improve the spawn.
#4. Predators: Yes they do have predators. I had a small pond growing up that I stocked with Bass. I had 2 problems...1. No spawning areas and 2. Osprey. The Osprey cleaned out every bass I ever put in that pond. The pond was only 3-4 feet deep and made the bass easy prey. You would be surprised at the size of fish big birds can pull from the water. I watched an Osprey pull a 16-18" bass from the water right in front of me! I was astonished. Larger fish like toothy critters will also feed on smaller bass but in the waters where toothy critters live this will most likely not hurt the bass fact it may help by weeding out an over abundance of smaller fish.
Solution: If you do have a predator problem then add plenty cover to the body of water (weeds, sunken trees, fallen trees, rock piles, docks). Bass will use cover for both protection and to ambush prey. It is a KEY ingredient to successful bass waters. A body of water with no cover/structure will not be good for bass.
#8: Keeping Bass: I pretty much release all fish I catch but I am actually not doing the best thing for the body of water when I do so. Each body of water will have its own "Selective Harvest" needs. Many waters contain too many small bass or crappie or sunnies. These smaller fish should be harvested to keep their numbers down. Too many small fish will stunt fish growth because as a group they eat so much food that there is not enough food for fish to grow big. By harvesting smaller fish you allow the ones that don't get harvested to grow larger because they now have more food available to them. A perfectly balanced body of water will have a good range in the size of fish for all species. If there are lots of small fish... start harvesting! Keep some smaller fish and let the bigger ones go so they can grow big.