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Everything posted by Burtonxj

  1. There Will Be Blood. Never gets old.
  2. Nose hooked White Ice Super Flukes
  3. Feel for all the UGA / Falcons fans
  4. Hope Drew gets himself one more
  5. Been on a Denzel Washington kick. The Equalizer. I need an Equalizer / John Wick movie. Dont lie. That was DINK WHISPERERS night.
  6. That’s just not true
  7. 7-Eleven cheeseburgers
  8. Bone Tomahawk. Kurt Russell is the ****. Highly recommend it.
  9. Burtonxj

    3 Degrees

    19 in DC Loving it.
  10. Catch the second one yet?
  11. I’m sorry Thats in the top 5 for me
  12. What are y’all watching? Just finished Wind River. Same guy that was involved with Hell or High Water and Sicario (Both are fantastic). Really enjoyed it. If you haven’t seen any of these films, do yourself a favor and check them out.
  13. Couple more Dreaming of Fancy Feast or lunch meat handouts
  14. Buddy caught me right outta the tent for a few casts before breakfast. Love camping at this spot on the Upper Potomac. And a runner up. Picture doesn’t do it justice.
  15. Get a fire going at work around 5:30 and I get another going at home around 5:30.
  16. Hayley the dog and Beans the cat. Rescued Hayley when she was about 4..she’s 10 ish now and we’ve had Beans since she was a kitten. She’s pushing 14-15.
  17. Nope. Many get new reels, break them down, and get them re oiled / lubed up...or super tuned. They’ll often preform better than new. But another vote for DVT. He did a couple of Stradics for me.
  18. Thanks for setting this all up Deak. I'm in for next year too.
  19. New or not. A lot of guys go through them regardless.
  20. You’re welcome man. Hope they catch you some fatties. Merry Christmas!
  21. Thanks Mike (kyhokie) I’ll blow through that pack of craws and I’m looking forward to trying out those keitech tubes. Trick darter and square bill just got rigged up!
  22. Love me some Potomac River
  23. Sent mine today. Should find its way to a doorstep somewhere Friday. Excuse the wrap job.
  24. And Foles is riding the bench with 4. What have I done.
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