No it was me. I was minding my own business at my secluded cabin in the Okiefinokie swamp, when I got a suprise visit from Tupac (Tupac lives). So we played a couple games of Madden when out of the blue he asked "Have you checked BR lately?" I said "Naw, you know I quit fishing when they outlawed the Alabama Rig in competition." he said "Well there's this clown that goes by Raider talking smack, saying he's gonna turn you into a coat." So I grabbed my iphone exed out of Candy Crush Saga, and couldn't believe my eyes. There's a welder, pipe fitter, and an electrician sayin' they gonna snipe me from a roof in Georgia. Well, I doubt I am even big enough to make a coat for you, mabye an ill-fitting blazer, but not a Squatch fur coat. I can't believe this, me and your sister went to prom, then you talk behind my back? C'mon Raider. I challenge you and your tradesmen friends to Ultimate Paintball, against me and Tupac. We are undeafeated, against the Leperchauns and Chubacabras, so far.