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The Real Bigfoot

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    <p>Everywhere But Nowhere</p>
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    <p>Eveywhere but Nowhere</p>
  • Other Interests
    <p>Wandering aimlessly through the woods scaring hikers
    Eating Jack Link's

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  1. Well, I could have told the real story how it was your mom giving the piggy back rides to DQ. When Biggie Littlesfoot AKA Raider showed up. You two got in a knock down drag out fight over the last Dilly bar, and got us all kicked out. To top it all off while I was squatchin' home I almost got a picture taken of me by BigBill, but that was something I would have rather forgotten.
  2. PSHH...you didn't miss it, it didn't happen. I ain't going in no cage that some creeps in the woods left for me.
  3. Partially true, except for the fact I actually got you for $20...SUCKER!
  4. Absolutely preposterous, no such thing.
  5. Well played. But, the answer would be Bigfoots, Bigfeets, or Squatchies.
  6. Ok wise guy...what is the plural form of Bigfoot?
  7. We all know that's a big fat lie. The answer is...NO! Steve was always gulible. The probably said they had free donuts and hot chocolate, and he came running.
  8. I'm tired of being confused with Raider's estranged relatives.
  9. The fact I have my own BR account.
  10. No it was me. I was minding my own business at my secluded cabin in the Okiefinokie swamp, when I got a suprise visit from Tupac (Tupac lives). So we played a couple games of Madden when out of the blue he asked "Have you checked BR lately?" I said "Naw, you know I quit fishing when they outlawed the Alabama Rig in competition." he said "Well there's this clown that goes by Raider talking smack, saying he's gonna turn you into a coat." So I grabbed my iphone exed out of Candy Crush Saga, and couldn't believe my eyes. There's a welder, pipe fitter, and an electrician sayin' they gonna snipe me from a roof in Georgia. Well, I doubt I am even big enough to make a coat for you, mabye an ill-fitting blazer, but not a Squatch fur coat. I can't believe this, me and your sister went to prom, then you talk behind my back? C'mon Raider. I challenge you and your tradesmen friends to Ultimate Paintball, against me and Tupac. We are undeafeated, against the Leperchauns and Chubacabras, so far.
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