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Everything posted by Molay1292

  1. ABU Garcia sells them and the Lews handles are compatible as well. For other alternatives look at hedgehog custom reel parts out of JP.
  2. Give him the information he needs to make a good sound decision on his own. What ever he chooses to do with that information after that is on him.
  3. The Zara Spook is 4.5" and is the original plastic model, made to resemble the older wooden Zaragossa. Super Spook is a 5" bait with three hooks and heavy hardware. Super Spook Jr. is 3.5" and the Zara Puppy is 3" If it were me I would buy a bone white and a black shore shad in the Spook Jr. and start there. The size is good and those two colors will cover a lot of fishing. Get familar with the way the bait moves in the water, the sound it makes and then you can adjust to a bigger bait, one that spits, or has rattles. Great baits that don't break the bank.
  4. I will put my Lucky Craft up against your corn cob any old day......LOL, Toot Toot, there I done it for some of you guys.
  5. I purchased one a while back in the powder color. I have the regular W.P. in the same color and have caught several fish on the 130. When I used the Double W.P. I was a little disappointed with the way the lure ran in the water, if running the lure anything but slow it tended to lean to one side and leave the other blade not touching the water, not sure if I can adjust it somehow. I did not catch anything that outing on the D.W.P. but I did have a couple of blowups so I feel confident in it's ability to produce fish. Not sure just yet when it may be a better choice over the regular W.P. but I am sure that more time with the bait will give up some clues. Interesting bait
  6. I have used the Jackall Iobee frog for several years now, they are extremely easy to walk, the hooks are sharp and require no bending, no trimming required and they collapse well but are still durable. The only other frog that I use regularly is the SPRO, skips easier than the Iobee.
  7. The action of a rod just describes approximately where the flex point of the rod is. I does not describe the amount of force required to create the flex. You can have two rods both M XF the one with the softer tip will still flex to the same point as the other just require a little less force.
  8. In my mind it comes down to just a couple of things, the ability to locate fish, making the fish you locate bite.
  9. No top water collection is complete without some form of a Spook. My favorite is the Spook Jr. in Bone White. Inexpensive and very effective. Don't feel like you have to be in a hurry to purchase everything at once, the fish will be here and so will the baits.
  10. I have had to cancel a few trips due to the speed of the wind. Understand the wind in KS is probably as bad as most places you will visit, the area I live in our choices for close fishing are limited and sometimes the wind makes the lake unusable.
  11. I am always ready, just let me know when you have a seat available.
  12. Anyone have a good spot for large eating size bluegill, or green sunfish they don't mind sharing. Been having a craving for some fried bluegill and would sure like to have about 8-10 good eating sized. Thanks
  13. OK, well guess I am still not seeing the efficiency in this, but if it works for you then it's right for you.
  14. I can see economical, but the efficient part has me stumped a little. How is 1 rod and re-tying more efficient than two rods that are pre-tied the night before?
  15. Some other very good poppers are the Yellow Magic and Rio Rico, these are both of more a traditional design. I do like the Megabass but sometimes the traditional style out produce the newer versions.
  16. You will need to contact Bass Pro for an original replacement part. Plus, for you who repair reels on your own, as a business or as a hobby, we have the most extensive reel parts inventory in the nation. We even have parts that have been discontinued. If you would like to order parts directly from us, you can call us at (417) 873-5274 Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  17. It always hurts to loose an expensive bait but it does happen. My advice is you should wait until you can control your casts a little better than putting them 30 ft. into the trees to use an expensive bait, there are several good baits in a much more affordable price range. Sorry you lost your bait.
  18. I have had very good luck recently on the 130 in a few different colors but I believe the color T1000 has been producing the best in the clear water that I fish. I typically throw the bait, wait for the rings to move away, give it a couple of quick twitches to spray a little water and let it sit again, if this does not produce a fish, I will then crank it a short distance and repeat the process through what I believe is the most productive water. I have one 90 sized bait in the Yoda color but have not had any reason to throw it so far. A large majority of the fish come on the front hook. Another color that has been a good producer is Powder.
  19. You are going to make the Bait Monkey cry, and that is never a good ***......
  20. Most reel parts are able to be ordered as well as custom replacements available. Would be able to provide more detailed help if you would mention the make and model of reel.
  21. I would find out if someone else is fishing it and hauling the fish out.
  22. Picked one of these new reels up from the local Gander Mountain the other afternoon (Daiwa RG). I am amazed at how smooth and the quality of the build of this 60 dollar reel. I have been a Pflueger die hard when it comes to economical spinning gear, their line of reels is certainly tough to beat in the value for price competition. However, I am going to say that the President has some company at that price range and I believe that the RG is actually the better reel. If you get the chance, check one out and let me know what you think.
  23. Nothing that drastic, just a little messing with ya.
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