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Everything posted by Molay1292

  1. Light, sensitive, and a lot more powerful than they appear. You will love it.
  2. Can you make a diagram, I am confused by your post.
  3. Depends if you hook them up in series or parallel
  4. Gliss is crazy thin and supple, cast like a champ. I have not tried it in UL class lines, but I would think it would be amazing.
  5. If it were a horse race, it would be very difficult to bet against the NRX.
  6. I use it on all of my spinning reels, it has impressed me over the last couple of years.
  7. Try running it with some CCI Mini Mags and see how it performs. I have a Mark III hunter and it gives me problems with bulk ammo. I think the bulk ammo runs far less clean than the CCI rounds. Also I am sure you know that grip is important with a .22 semi.
  8. I love these kind of threads, so far we have Kistler, K2, and ALX, I wonder how many more before it's finished.
  9. Yours is an easy one to figure because of the spool size, and the size of lines you have chosen. All you need to do is figure how many yards of main line you want to use and subtract it from the amount the spool will hold. The remainder is the amount of backing you need. It gets more complicated when you use lines of different dia.
  10. If they are Lews reels then your best bet would be to contact Lews.
  11. Muddy brown water in a river, muddy brown water in a pond, muddy brown water in a lake, muddy brown water with timber and laydowns, muddy brown water with grass, etc. etc. etc. You get it?
  12. I can tell you exactly how much backing you need if you provide some information about your reel and lines that you plan to use. 1.) How much line does your spool hold, for example 12/120 10/140 should be able to find easily. 2.) The dia. of the line you want to use for backing 3.) The dia. of the line you want to use as a main line, and how much main line you want to use. Provide me this information and I will give you numbers.
  13. In my hands the GLX is slightly more sensitive but a little less balanced. It also depends on which GLX you are asking about?
  14. How deep are you fishing?
  15. Sometimes this forum is a very good place for useful information, sadly this is not one of those times. Do a little more research on your own, or ask people in your local area what they choose to use. You might do a little research on Dean Rojas or Ish Monroe, two very good frog fisherman, see what they recommend.
  16. Try the Zman leech, works well for the smallies.
  17. Find a nice dimly lit room that is silent, close your eyes and try to think of nothing else but the situation you are wanting the answer for. The answer will come to you, trust your instinct.
  18. No need to defend your preference with me. I was asking as it is something that I do not practice. I keep my drag systems clean and in good shape and they work for me, but I am always up for learning a better way.
  19. 1/16, 3/32 and 1/8 but always the lightest that I can use with the given conditions. I make my own heads that use a wire keeper similar to the Zman.
  20. Lots of folks buying the loon color.
  21. If they are close to the same price and of reasonable quality, get the one with the most amperage.
  22. Makes you wonder how bad things have to get, or at least perceived, to think the only way out, or the best solution is death. R.I.P. My hope is someone learns there are other ways of dealing with your problems.
  23. I probably should practice a better method of setting my drag, but this seems to work for me. I just pull line from the end of the reel until it feels right to me. I can adjust on the fly and use my thumb on the spool if needed. Not what I would recommend, but works for me.
  24. Spook Jr. - Bone, LC Gunfish - about any color will work, Jackall Iobee Frog - Bluegill, or Brown.
  25. Don't forget to do some research on one of the more complex braking systems available, Daiwa's Magforce systems.
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