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Everything posted by Molay1292

  1. If this conversation comes up quite often, would that not suggest that there are a lot of people interested in this information? Being old is not an excuse for being rude. 99.9% of the conversations on this board have been re-hashed over and over, but most of people on this board don't seem to feel the need to make rude and offensive posts to get their point across. Why not add your observations in a positive way and contribute to the conversation instead of ruining it for those of us that find it interesting. Use your powers for good instead of evil. Congrats on completing your degree recently.
  2. Tim, I wonder if Cormorants like Ducks and Geese have the ability to see into the UV spectrum. If so perhaps they can see fish in unclear water with this ability. Just a thought.
  3. Great conversation, for the most part. It seems that the research centered around this should focus on what colors provide the best visibility for fish in a certain set of conditions. It seems less productive to try and determine what colors bass as a whole prefer to eat in particular conditions as it makes the assumption that all bass as a group prefer the same. What if each bass, like humans, has the ability to decide its own? Thanks for taking the time to share your research makelures. Without people like yourself, the rest of us would still be falling off the edge of the earth.
  4. Like with most things fishing, experience, and time on your particular body of water will teach you what the fish are doing, and help you select baits for the time of year, water color and condition, and seasonal pattern. Try lots of things, and you will have the benefit of experience when selecting baits to use. Keep in mind, just because a bait does not work one day, or even just at a particular time of day, does not make it an ineffective bait, continue to use and try different baits in different conditions until you have confidence in a group of baits, and then continue to fine tune those skills and baits. Best of luck
  5. I am in the camp that does not see it as one style of fishing or technique has to be in direct contrast to the other. Instead I choose to see them as options that compliment one another. When you become so adamant about one style of fishing you effectively eliminate a lot of options available to you. With the finicky nature of bass in general and their preference for one bait on one day and another the next, I don't understand why it would be effective to eliminate options.
  6. LCR 9MM
  7. We only have 1 independently owned tackle shop in own town. Most of the serious bass fishermen in the area visit it on a regular basis and the Staff also fish. They are all very good at helping and have strong advice.
  8. Swim Senko cut down a little work well but not very durable, Havoc Subwoofer is good also.
  9. Focus less on gear ratio and more on IPT, but as BB said something in the 6 ratio would be my choice.
  10. Vindicator should be running between 5K -6K rpm at W.O.T. Need to figure why RPM's are low.
  11. Sorry, I won't prove your point for you. You will have to write your thoughts out and share them.
  12. When you have two reels of equal IPT the reel with the physically larger gears will have more "cranking power".
  13. Never even notice it, especially if I am catching fish.
  14. Here is my thought, if you have two reels, one is a 5.0:1 and the other is a 6.0:1 and the reels both use same exact spool. Lets call the arbor 1" for math sakes. Make 1 turn of the handle and the 5.0:1 reel picked up 5" of line and 6.0:1 reel just picked up 6". For both of these reels to pick up 5 inches of line on the first turn of the handle and to then stay equal with each other throughout the retrieval of line the 6.0:1 reel would need to a have a smaller arbor sized at .833 inches. Since both spools are the same besides the arbor dia. the one with smaller dia. will hold more line. Newton was a bit of a hack, now Einstein who by the way proved that some of Newton's idea's were incorrect, was a true genious.
  15. Never suggested that it would change IPT, only that it would take much more line to fill a 6.1 reel that has the same IPT as a 5.1 reel. The arbor will be smaller on the faster reel to reduce the amount of line pick up. Are we dealing in real world situation or hypotheticals?
  16. One thing I can think of is that for a 6.1:1 reel to have the same I.P.T. of a 5.1:1 reel, is going to require the 6.1:1 reel to have a much smaller diameter arbor on the spool. Having the smaller arbor means it is going to take even more line to fill the spool properly. Most spools already hold too much line in my opinion.
  17. I want to ask a serious question, so please give thought about it if you are so inclined to reply. Do you really care how much stretch a line has at or near it's rated breaking strength?
  18. Typically I use 10 PPS8 and a FC leader 6-8lb. Recently I have been trying Gliss in the 18 and 24lb test. I have to say that not having to tie a leader is nice and so far the line has really impressed me.
  19. Dave's not here man..... Sorry couldn't help myself. I have no idea who Dave is....
  20. If you listen to Rojas, he believes a H.B. frog actually acts more like a dying bluegill than an frog. Food for thought.
  21. I don't know man, that lead is some bad stuff, I would be very hesitant to melt it in the house. If you decide to give it a go, make sure you use a respirator regardless. Otherwise those kids are gonna be a mess.
  22. Yes you can, but if you ever want to have normal children, I highly recommend doing it outside.
  23. I heard it from a good source that they sit around and moaned, groaned and complained about stupid new Nylon line, super fast 5.3:1 fishing reels with 3 bearings when bushing were just fine, dang new carbon rods, with guides that don't grove and crazy long 6'6" lengths, stupid boats with 150 horse motors and 18ft long, darn gas is .55 a gallon. The fish could not take it anymore and just jumped in the boat.
  24. Ranger boat salesman from Chicago.
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