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  1. I agree with you Catt, but the current fish population is not sustainable without a healthy ecosystem. Shad and other baitfish need vegetation to thrive, and gamefish fry need vegetation to survive their first year of life. Woody cover is neither fertile, nor safe for small fish. Let's all pray the spraying stops and our Toledo returns to normal sooner rather than later.
  2. Just got back from Rayburn. Man, that lake is what Toledo Bend used to be before our "experts" killed off our vegetation. Hay grass, milfoil, and loaded with deep water hydrilla. Bass and shad everywhere, even in January! One of the healthiest biosytems I've ever fished. I hope we've learned our lesson this time. Pray that our beloved Toledo can return to its natural, fertile state of being. Rant over, I appreciate all of y'all's great updates here. Good luck in 2020!
  3. No reports from this weekend???
  4. High Pressure, bluebird bassin’ through Sunday!
  5. Ok guys. Here’s my take. I just got back from the Bend. Been fishing it for 30 years. I fished this week from Martinez to Housen. The north and mid-lake regions look like a wasteland. By that, I mean thousands of acres of zero vegetation except for very little useful vegetation around Blue Lake. Housen on the other hand looks like the Toledo Bend I’ve know for the past 3 decades. The eco-system is alive, vibrant and the fish are healthy. The difference is vegetation from lily pads to hay grass to deep hydrilla, all of which is gone from the north and mid-lake. Now I ask what has happened??? We are in decline, why? It’s almost as if herbicide/poison has been indiscriminately dumped into the north? Any ideas?
  6. OUt on the Bend as I type. It’s frickin brutal!!!!
  7. Thanks for the helpful information Blaster!! Hope the knee gets better fast!
  8. That helps Blaster! Blue Lake is about the only place north of Pendleton where I’ve found any grass this year. What depth were y’all fishing?
  9. Yes, sorry Catt, co-angler. The regular guy like me division!!! Now, if anybody has any tips for next weekend, I’m all ears!!’
  10. Proud to find out my friend Craig Lewis won it all and took home the Big Bass trophy!!!
  11. I agree dog! We need to know what patterns are working. It’s that 10-30th place warrior that’s catching the numbers.
  12. Hope we get some good, informative updates after this weekend. Sounds like a lot of y’all will be on the Bend. Fishing has to be getting better because it can’t get much worse from what I’m hearing.
  13. Great information! Thanks guys. Hopefully they’ll be a few reports over the next 3 weeks that’ll shed some more light on what the fish are doing, even with this ridiculous heat!
  14. Making my annual fall trip to the Bend for a week beginning on October 5. I always catch the fish in the fall pattern in October. The bass are moving with the shad to the backs of coves and creeks. But, I’ve never seen a pattern where it’s still in the upper 90’s every day in September with zero cool fronts for at least temporary relief and cooling water. Do y’all think the shad move is based on shorter days or is the move triggered by cooler water? If its the latter, we may not see “fall fishing” until December!!
  15. Just looked at the fish totals and total weight for the Sealy Splash over the last few years. There is a noticeable crash in total fish and weights. Gotta think the killing of all the vegetation by the Authority is starting to take its toll. Hope I’m wrong but the evidence is sure compelling.
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