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Everything posted by EricTheAngler

  1. Speaking of that, I left a hotdog pack in my catfishing tackle box a month and a half ago. Didnt go fishing for a while. A few days ago I went to go check to see if I ever did take out the hot dogs. To my surprise, there were these little brown dots on the outside of my blue plano tackle tackle box. I open it up, the most rancid scratch that PUTRID smell I have ever smelled in my life erupted from that small tackle box. I dawn the black grime buster gloves. I prepare for bilogical war. All hands on deck. Now or never. I lift up the trays, the nucleus of the infestation, nay the heart of the evil seeping from that plastic box. I take out the Carolina Links package with one dog missing that I used. Half the hotdogs are turned to a bio-hazard mush of frothing, pulsing, maggot filled decay. I make a grave mistake, I take a whiff. Instant gag, I throw up in my mouth. I put the the dogs back in box. I decide to take the loss on the rapala filet knife and fish grip scale along with some other odds and ends and some lures for bass. Im probably out like 55 bucks. But the death smell, the indescribable putrid smell that permeated everything rendered everything insavlageable. That folks is why you nee to clean out your stuff.
  2. I say, "Oh yea!" when I hook a big one.
  3. Its hard but it but better than the spike ones.
  4. Circle hooks are the best for sit and wait catfishing because they set themselves.
  5. Throw out some hotdogs on a 5/0 circle hook medium heavy spinning rod with 15 pound line at the deepest part of the lake. Set it in a rod holder and wait. BTW Welcome to the fourms!
  6. I like the spot remover with the spike when using trick worms, but the screw type for Zman worms.
  7. What brand did you eat?
  8. I just bought a 6 case of surepak mres from amazon.
  9. I just had my first mre my friend gave me. I enjoy the contents oddly. Anyone have any idea were to buy them for a good price?
  10. Number of liked posts.
  11. Ive heard of selling fishing gear on this site not live fish! Put a add in the fleamarket for it! good luck man!
  12. Time. It eventually it will get used to the reel.
  13. 6-7 months. Its been one bass after that stretch...
  14. The black zoom trick worm. Works for me!
  15. I can vouch for @Brayberry jigs. Highest quality jigs Ive ever had.
  16. LOL China-Mart.
  17. Hmm, My walmart is in the center of some big fishing hubs in the southcarolina region so mine might be a bit larger in the fishing department. I retract my statement and say if you can find it grab up a bag or two.
  18. Go to your local walmart and pick up a pack of mans jelly worms for under five dollars. You will find everthing you need, or want at walmart 80% of the time if you just look.
  19. The 12 inch mans jelly worm I like black berry for where I fish with stained water.
  20. http://www.amazon.com/Entsport-Gripper-Professional-Stainless-Measuring/dp/B01C85DN3U/ref=sr_1_1?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1457966543&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=fish+grip&psc=1 This one is what I have. IT works good for landing 12 pound cats I fish on a regular basis. Even when they twist is holds up.
  21. Do you track your food bill? Use myfitnesspal to track and not guess all of your calories. Ive lost 5 pounds in a few weeks by just eating a deficit. Good news on the cancer and weight loss great to hear!
  22. Anything that catches fish!
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