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Rick Howard

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About Rick Howard

  • Birthday 01/27/1982

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  1. Unit is an HDS7 gen 3 hooked direct to the LSS 1. Side scan still works. 2d sonar works. Down scan looks like this....
  2. I have about a month or two until the ice is gone. To help pass the last few moments till fishing, reading a good Bass book might do the trick. What are you folks recommends? Thanks, Rick
  3. Great! Thank you. Just emailed them
  4. Hey folks I need some help fixing up a rod tip. I am familiar with the process but uncertain on the replacement part. I have a Fenwick Eagle 7' Medium Heavy Fast rod that needs a tip replacement. Anyone know have a part number and place to purchase a tip for this rod? It does not have to be OEM just comparable. I looked at some local places and all they carry are the crappy plastic versions. Thank you, Rick
  5. You can send all the stuff to me. Problem solved.
  6. Good thought on the Ryder Cup. That might be an interesting concept in fishing. Maybe it's between states though? I'd watch that. Every two years, new lake each time, 50 2person teams, match play, Winner takes home a trophy that passes to the next winners. What state are you folks betting on? A good point to an early comparison of golf and fishing. Golf reaches every continent, except Antarctica, in a very large way. Uhhhh humans have even brought the game to the moon! Kinda lol.
  7. Interesting numbers. I would be one arm short (probably the left arm) if I had made a bet on more golfers vs. anglers. I don't think those numbers give us the whole picture though. For one the number of people who went fishing is segmented. Golf is golf (they are not counting mini golf). I think a much higher percentage of people who play golf also watch it.
  8. I don't think TV coverage matters if your audience doesn't have cable. TV is there to advertise to those who already watch. If TV is their only plan than it's not a good plan. Let me frame my comment different. I read, BPT/MLF is going to grow the sport. I've read nothing on how they intend to do so. Currently we have a blanket statement on growing the sport. I would like them to acknowledge and address the other issues that lead them in this direction. Having another tour may be a a really good start. First it creates competition between tours to draw the best anglers to each. Second it has created more spots for more anglers. This is my speculation; Not MLF statement. Now that The Who is who isn't has concluded. I'd like to hear what the plan is for growth of the game. If they can't back up those statements it will appear as a cash grab by selected anglers desguised as something else. Food for thought... Maybe pro anglers are asking for more than the sport can provide. We all love this sport. Maybe our passion blinds us to the fact, Bass fishing is not that popular. In your day to day life how many of your friends and colleagues fish? How many for bass? How many exclusive to bass? Im not saying that you have to be exclusive but it's more likely that person is your audience.
  9. I fail to see how the MLF is growing the sport.
  10. I haven't counted. It's just never as many as last year
  11. 08 Ranger 198vx, 08 200 Evinrude etec
  12. Here is a green question. I've never owned an injected 2 stroke. I've been mixing my own for years. New boats injecte. The oil fill has no dip stick. The reservoir is not clear enough for me to see the line. No gauge at the console that I'm aware of... how do I check the oil? I said it was a green question but I'm turning red trying to figure this out... lol
  13. Anyone ever used this concoction to clean algae off their right? I tried it today but was nervous about potential ill effects. It worked great but I hosed it right off. I didn't want this stuff sitting on the gel coat for long. Any problems with doing this?
  14. I can tell you most do not appreciate the gift of tackle. I just got a boat for my wife. Best trade I ever made
  15. I'm leaning a bit more every time I mess with it. Spoke to the marina I purchased from. Sounds like I might have a compatibility issue with the lss-1 and the gen 3 Hds7. Looks like I have to by pass the box and hook the transducer directly to the unit. Before. Start pulling wires I will hook the gen 2 unit up at the bow with the current connections. Theoretically that should work... I think.
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