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Everything posted by DanQS13

  1. I'm sticking with Dobyns, at this point most of my rods are Dobyns and I think I have 3 Envy Blacks for different things. I get a 30% discount on all Dobyns rods so for the price I would be hard to find something better for that deal. When I first bought my DX745 it was eye opening, took my jig fishing to the next level.
  2. This thread is originally from Spring of 2016. I had sent the rod back and pickup the *** finesse spinning rod (7'2 ML) which is still going strong. I didn't care for some of their other series of rods, but the Envy Black was good... wish they still made them. With that being said, I picked up a Dobyns Extreme 742SF later that year and it honestly is the best spinning rod I've used. Paired with a Stradic CI4+ it is an excellent combo. I'm actually looking to either buy another or might get the DX743SF.
  3. Ya I got it off with a pair of pliers, they locktite it with about 1/2 a tube apparently. The wooden one is the same as the knob one is shape and size so that definitely isn't what I'm looking for. It's only stock parts which isn't what I want.
  4. I strongly dislike the fat foam knob on it... it's the Supreme XT. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Pflueger_Supreme_XT_Spinning_Reel/descpage-PXT.html If I knew what brands would even be a whole handle replacement that would give me more knob options I would even do that.
  5. Ok so I finally found my calipers and took some measurements. Turns out the Pflueger isn't a 5mm shaft like I've seen in other posts when doing some searching. The one I have is using 4x7x2.5 bearings like most other reels. The issue I guess I'm going to have is the shaft length on the Pflueger is super short. ABU guys, is the shaft on those reels much shorter than shimano and daiwa shafts? If so can someone give me a measurement of the shaft. If I can cross reference the length with a Abu that might get me closer to finding knobs that will work on this thing. Getting closer to selling this thing and getting another Stradic or Aegis, lol.
  6. Lol guess that's a no This is what I get for trying something new instead of sticking with my Daiwas
  7. Can someone please tell me where the hell I can find a knob for a Pflueger spinning reel.
  8. I won't be selling any of my Steez reels I buy. If I ever get to the point where I don't use that specific reel anymore it will get retired and put on a shelf. Oh and I bought the Steez EX100HL 6.3 btw It is supposed to arrive this afternoon. I've got a DC reel on a DX704 that will be getting replaced. Guess a new rod will be in my future at some point too, lol.
  9. Im going to assume you meant DX743... so I'll just leave these here:
  10. Problem is me and my OCD which leads to me having issues buying used reels from people. I have the same issue with my guns too, lol. If I'm going to put a scratch on it so be it, but to buy something with some wear on it will do nothing buy irritate me. I put reel covers on all my higher end reels and don't throw my stuff around the boat. I've fished my Steez A TW a ton since the spring, probably a good 40-50 times out since purchasing, and you would think that thing came out of the box 2 weeks ago.
  11. What I'm looking at is a EX @ $340 brand new, the 103 new was $345... the price really wouldn't be a deciding factor that's why I was asking. I love my other Steez reels, but everything is a later gen. I can also get the new A TW for $360 (which is currently my favorite reel I own period). Decisions are a ***** sometimes, lol. @rippin-lips
  12. I'm using the 7'2 ML finesse version of the rod I think you are talking about, love it... Ned rig and dropshot it's a good rod. I also run a Ned rig on my DX742 w/ Stradic CI4, but thats for the 1/10 size or bigger. As far as line I run 15lb powerpro on all my spinning setups, leader for Ned I use 7lb sniper. 6lb Yozuri Hybrid works well too 100-150 there are options, but save your money and find a Stradic or a Stradic CI4. If you are deadset on not going higher get the Daiwa Procyon EX that is on sale at TW right now... those reels are a freaking steal for what you get at that price.
  13. STEEZEX100HL STEEZ103HLA/STEEZ100HLA I know with the 103/100HLA that the difference is spool capacity (maybe something with the braking system too, can't remember)... but besides the quick spool change thing on the EX is there really any other differences between these models... The choice is really between the Steez EX and the Steez103HLA. Thanks for any info guys. I have a lot of the new Steez models, but I want to get one of these for the sake of having one. Or should I say screw it and just get another Steez A TW(which is a freaking amazing reel)? Is it worth it to have the older ones or are they out dated by the new A and SV?
  14. Funny thing about Gander Mountain, it takes a "going out of business" sale and them having 10-15% off on their fishing gear to finally be at the normal price of everyone else Guns were always more than even BassPro would sell them for, which was dumb when Gander renovated a ton of stores into "Gun super stores" increasing their inventories by more than double. I did a 1000yrd build with an Savage FCP-k. MSRP of approx $950. Gander wanted $1000, BassPro had one for $825, I ended up getting one from Budsgunshop shipped to my FFL for $710. Atleast BPS was reasonable.
  15. Ill tell you the same thing, put the Hedgehog Kattobi bearings in it. It makes a huge difference. Also get two 4x7x2.5 bearings for like 8 bucks and replace the bushings in the handles. Link and discount code for tackletrap is above.
  16. Of all my Dobyns Rods and other brands I have, if I had to have one rod for the rest of my life... DC735 F/H is a freaking no-brainer. You have to own one regardless of whatever else you buy, lol. You can thank me later. For Carolina Rigging, which I don't do often as it bores the hell out of me, it would work fine. A longer rod would be better, but at the depths you are doing it at, I don't think it's gonna be a major deal breaker. I've done it on a 7ft before just fine, just have to make sure you take up line well before you try to set the hook.
  17. Here I made this easy for you, use the following to supertune your Tatula (using code BBC10 will save you 10% fyi) http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=898_2352_1865_1520&products_id=6462 http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=898_2352_1865_1520&products_id=6463 http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=898_660_731&products_id=9864 http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=898_2352_1865_2116&products_id=9349 The 2 Zillion TWS reels I have cast crazy far already, I did nothing to mine. But if you want just do the spool bearings and anything else I think would be a waste of your money.
  18. @rippin-lips Put some Hedgehog Kattobi bearings on the spool now and watch out. You have 4 real choices... Hedgehog, Hawgtech, Boca, ZPI... I personally use Hedgehog, but any will do very well for you. Make sure you check the retailer instructions closely. Hedgehogs are usually drop in and already oiled up and ready to go. ZPI for instance, you have to add oil or they say you can mess them up. By add oil I think all the retailers agree that means a SINGLE drop, no more. http://japantackle.com/tuning-parts/ball-bearings-pin-remover.html Here's a helpful little page for you if you need to figure out sizes. The Tatula will need some work, but can function amazing smooth if you put in the work. The Bearings you should change: 1) 4 Bearing in the knobs which should be 4x7x2.5s. Don't get anything crazy like ABEC7s, most retailers sell a good bearing that isn't over the top for the knobs. Tackletrap has a 4 pack of good bearings for $16 or something. 2) Line guide bearings. They make kits for this too, can't remember the size but can't be too hard to find. 3) Spool shaft bearings. Use the list that I linked, these are the bearings you want to put your money in, $30-36 is a good price for some amazing quality bearings. Be forewarned, turned your d**n brakes up before casting with new spool bearings
  19. It's cool, I don't mind helping anyone out. I get a lot of good opportunities as far as deals go and I'm always hunting the japanese sites for stuff. I found this guy for a great deal and get 30% from dobyns so I ended up doing this setup for about $600, maybe a tad more with shipping. Everyone should be able to enjoy these awesome reels and not have to pay freaking $450 for just the reel.
  20. @freelancer27 ^ This guy is right. Body shapes a very different if it is the older style Zillion or Tatulas. The closest you can get to the Steez A feel in the hand is the Zillion SV TW or the Tatula CT models. I have a CT Type R and that's a very good reel you can find on ebay for about $130. You can also get the Zillion for about $250 all day on ebay as well. Order from a reputable person. Now I love the older Tatula Type Rs and never had issues with the bigger body shape. All my cranking / chatter / spinnerbait setups I have are either on a Type R 100 or Zillion TWS. If you want a great solid setup that will cast as far as the Steez A TW, pick up a Zillion SV TW and put these bearings on it: http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=898_2352_1865_1520&products_id=6629 Use code BBC10 and get 10% off too. P.S. I give a lot of business to TW, but when it comes to ordering higher end Shimanos or Daiwas, I can always find a better deal on ebay and I have a 10% discount on everything from TW.
  21. Wait until the day you guys to change line roller bearings and have to remove those clips... they are a PITA and don't come unless they feel like it. As I said, I think something like the clip not being installed properly might have been the issue. With that said, pull the handle off and remove the side plates. Check and see if those pieces are inside the reel. If they are you put them back on. The reason I think they are in there is you said the pin fell out first, then you had weird noises in the reel. Those might be the washers / c clips rubbing and catching in the gear teeth in the reel. What is on the other end of that pin that is covered by ur thumb? Is there a clip on that side?
  22. Ya idk how that would have just "fell out" after 2 days of fishing. The reel has to be apart to remove that anyways unless you removed the clip from the end of it. Those retaining clips are a ***** to get off so either 1) it wasn't ever there or 2) you took it apart to clean the reel and left something off. I'll have to take mine apart and look. It's possible that clip wasn't fully pressed in when the reel was built and it pop back off. That's an easy fix but that clip would still have to be in the reel unless you took it apart (under the assumption it was partial installed on the pin to begin with)
  23. Really either would be a great choice. 8-18ft isn't that deep, so the 764 would probably be a good fit for you if you are worried about length. Now if you were dragging down 40ft ledges, then ya I would say go for the 804 all day and your hooksets would be godlike. 764 also doubles great for a football jig rod too if you're into that sort of thing IMO, if you don't own one already, anyone who fishes with Dobyns rods is required to own atleast one DC735
  24. Funny how quick the Shimano guys show up when one Daiwa reel has an issue... meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking of the last 2 shimano reels I sent back (Met MGL, Chronarch CI4+) that both had quality control issues. OP, the Steez A is an awesome reel and if you don't have the confidence in it and want some thing else, don't go to the Steez SV TW. Its the same reel with different knobs and a SV spool. Maybe the reel is just disappointed it's not on a Dobyns rod? Can you also answer the question people have been asking... what stabilizing pin are you talking about?? lol I have this reel and many other Daiwa & Shimano reels, the Steez A is easily my favorite reel. My Zillion SV TW with Hedgehog bearings and my Shimano Exsence DC are battling for 2nd place, but the Steez has quite a lead on 1st.
  25. I got a killer deal on that Steez A TW too, $340
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