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Everything posted by fastcast54

  1. Hell yeah! Been wanting to give my bull shad a new paint job
  2. it seems to me that you would want a moderate action rod when throwing swimbaits because of the treble hooks but looking at all of the rods on the market most appear to come fast action? can any one shine some light or give some in site on why it is you would want a fast action rod over a moderate?
  3. Im not a fly fishermen. I have a build coming up wanting a 10' 7wt nemph rod. Im looking to get pros cons on blanks. Oppinions"experience" would be great try to stay away from mhx as i personally dont care for them
  4. Ok. What does timing have to do with it? I guess ill have to practis
  5. Ok. What does timing have to do with it? I guess ill have to practis
  6. Looking for some insite on marbling. What epoxies seem to be best "i would assume high build" or what pigments to use. Also if you have any techniques you want to share it would be much appreciated
  7. Ill post a picture when its done. Still waiting on more supplies
  8. If you have never used a comfort reel seat i would suggest it. The only down side is they seem to peel. I think Mudhole makes wooden ones that look real good.
  9. Thats bad!!! I am definitely going to try that on just about everything
  10. Great ideas i think im going to have to look up spray paint dipping
  11. I am building an ice stick and as you might know your limited to very little design do to small diameter. I was woundering if anyone has tryed to do a Tiger wrap if so how did it work out? Or if you have any other ideas i would love to hear them.
  12. I sure appreciate everyone sharing all of their experiences. I have came to an conclusion that im going to go with a glass rod "now the wife cant say i dont workout"
  13. get a shoe box cut some knotches to lay the blank across. put thread in coffee cups and run thread through some books "for tension" its a poor mans wrapper but it works well
  14. I cant deside if a would rather a glass or graphite rod to use for cranking. i know the advantages of both. but what i really would like to know how much a glass rod takes away from casting distance. Assume both are of equal length. Can any one point me in the right direction here?
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