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Everything posted by Dtree11

  1. You guys were totally right. I appreciate the help.
  2. So, I was watching the "live" coverage of the FLW Lake Cumberland Tournament and Scott Martin was using what he called a "Weight-Bait" it looked like a top water jerk bait that he slowly cranked. The movement was as if it swam from side to side. I did a little digging on google and here and could not find a "weight-bait". Does anyone know what else this lure is called.
  3. Sorry, that I had not responded sooner. I appreciate all of your inputs. Thanks
  4. So I am entering my 3rd year in my fishing club as a Non-Boater. We are based out of East Michigan and only fish Erie, St.Clair and the Detroit River. Naturally we only fish for Small Mouth and sometimes large mouth if we have no choice. I have been fishing with the same guy for the last couple years. And, he knows only one way of fishing big lakes.... Drifting / Dragging. We Drag for hours. Now, do not get me wrong, we catch fish. I came in 3rd place last year, so I cant complain too much. But, the same guys keep beating us and they talk about how they are moving around the lakes (Erie / St. Clair) all day long. My boater is really open minded and agrees that we need to try a different game plan on fishing a more localized area as opposed to drifting over a half mile pile of rocks. My thought is to use the trolling motor more and keep us drifting slower and reel in our lures (tubes) until we find a school and then attack that specific area. Can anyone share their ideas or practices on big water? Additional info: We do not use the fish-finder to spot fish. Even if we catch fish on a specific drift, we will continue on the drift until we hit weeds or not a rocky bottom.
  5. I am thinking a little out of the box here... Theodore Roosevelt. I know he was an avid fly fisher, but I think he would be the type of guys telling "dirty" stories while fishing.
  6. This happens to me when it is hour three and haven't caught anything yet.
  7. I can not stress enough, much like everyone else, how important having your PFD is. I am not sure how the wakes are on the Indian River, if they are anything like what I experience on Lake Michigan, I would suggest getting a safety flag.
  8. I live Michigan. Our winters cut straight to my dead grandmothers bones. (Horrible attempt at a joke.) My point is that, if I had your opportunities for winter fishing, I would fish year-round.
  9. Nice video, I wish some of the smaller lakes around me were as rocky as that lake is.
  10. Lake Vermilion is a great lake. It is one of the biggest in the state, I would recommend having a boat. Really good walleye and Perch fishing. I have not tried going after bass all that often. You might want to try the Central Bass Fishing Section of the website: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/forum/13-central-bass-fishing/
  11. My family from northern Minn (Hibbing) feel that bass are an intrusive fish. Walleye is king in those parts. Maybe they have never bring in large mouth because they never try.
  12. My Lake is very similar. 1. I also would run a spinner bait along side the lilies 2. Throw a weightless wacky senko 3. Long cast 30lbs test weedless frog into the thick of the lilies. 4. Maybe later in the evening use a hula-popper in between some of the thick parts. I have not had much luck with drop shot rigs in grassy areas.
  13. I have a pair of sanitary (vinyl) gloves just in case I have to help someone else. But, anything more than that will probably warrant you to head in.
  14. Looks like I have a new top water bait to try.
  15. I tried looking for this topic in the archives with no luck. Every now and then I will be working a spot and I will, out of the corner of my eye, catch either some movement, a jump, or bubbles. Here is the question, do you guys normally stop working the spot and move over the to the irregularity or continue to work the spot. Because, sometimes I can be overwhelmed with moving constantly based on some small hint of water movement.
  16. Rub it in a little harder It was 50 something on my way into work this morning. Finished my first real season of fishing, during the off-season I am going to collect a couple quality crankbaits and learn how to select the right ones. I watched a couple people this year catch some big-ums with the crankbait.
  17. I was working a Job that required 62 hours a week. So, I found a new job that pays a little less, but allows me to have normal 8am to 4pm hours. Although, it might be easier said than done. I would look into a new job that would allow you to fish more. Another thought, I am sure there has to be some out there who work 2nd shift that just fish late at night. Is this frowned upon? I know it might be a little dangerous.
  18. Thanks Blitzer, It is funny you said not to be hardheaded about the crankbait thing. We were fishing huron and he was crushing them on a crankbait and he told me to tie one on and I did not want to steal his good sense of what to use. I guess the next time I will listen.
  19. These are all great suggestions. thanks guys
  20. I have a lure 11.5 and I feel for its size (width and weight) that it cuts the water fine. I can make 300 yards in a couple mins. When it comes to these stable yaks like the larger Hobies, jacksons, and Feelfrees they all track the same. I think the jackson might edge out on tracking. I fish more than I travel, so stability is more important to me than speed and tracking. But, I felt that I did not have to sacrifce too much with the 11.5. I havent installed the rudder I purchased, I imagine that it will be nice once I have it on. When it comes to the rod holders, I know that most of the hobie guys around here rig up a milk carton as larger rod holder waaaayyyy in the back. On the Lure, the intergrated rod holders are angled towards the back keeping the rods out of the way of any cast.
  21. This summer I joined a fishing club as a non-boater. So, I am trying to be on my best behavior trying not to make a mess, get line caught in the prop, be too talkative or quiet, and so on... I cannot be more thankful for someone else who will let me fish on their expensive boat so I do not have to spend the 30k to 50k to get my own. With that being said, of all the boaters, what are the top things you expect or ask of your non-boaters on your boat?
  22. I have a mini trailer that I use for my Kayak. Not only because my Kayak is a 36" wide and 80lbs. But, the loading and unloading is quick. If you would like to be more avaliable to fishing "on the fly", I would suggest getting a small flat trailer. By small I mean 5x8 -250lbs trailer. And this is what I store my kayak on. Every night, when I am done using my kayak, I leave it straped (loose) in with my poles and tackel already on it. This means when I get home at 5:00pm, I can be, on the water, fishing at my local lake with in 30 mins.
  23. I also have a Feel Free Lure 11.5 and feel that it is super stable without losing all of the streamline "kayak" features. I did sit in a Hobie once and found that it was really nice and stable. Any Kayak is going to feel unstable for your first time. But, as you gain experinece on balance, you will be a kayak pro in no time. I would stick with sit-on(s) and one that has a comfortable seat.
  24. I also noticed that no one on that thing is wearing a PFD. They might be trying to say something about the stability.
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