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Everything posted by HeavyTwenty

  1. I haven't tried that specific jerkbait, but I imagine you can make it stay in the 1ft range by jerking the rod tip up instead of down or horizontal. I can make a 3-5' depth jerkbait stay in about 1-2' of water by doing that.
  2. Translucent lures kind of blend in. I use them in really clear water, but I can't really say they do any better than standard shad color lures.
  3. 1/16oz-1/4oz white roostertail
  4. Are there any alternatives to the LIVETARGET Golden Shiner Swimbait? The shiner in my area look more silver than gold (I've caught a few in a cast net to get a good look) with redish fins.
  5. Sounds like something else... I've noticed the 832 bunching up whenever I'm tying a knot and it touches a rough callus on my hand or something (I just straighten it out). Maybe your guide is damaged?
  6. I use the Rapala Loop, might give the Kreh's loop a try. It could be my imagination, but I feel like my lipless crankbait gets a little more wobble when I use a loop knot. I also use it on spooks.
  7. I regularly fish with 7'4" rods but I have a medium handle net to help land larger bass fish. 7' or less probably would be more optimal if you want kayak focused gear, but I liked the feel of the 7'4" so much that I bought another...
  8. 23.5" red (PB so far) 21" with vegetation (circled in red) growing out of his side? Looked like its been there for a while because the flesh healed up around it. Manatee came and spooked me, and then spooked the reds I was sight fishing... Also ran into dolphins the last two times I've been out. They came within 20 feet of the kayak.
  9. I just made some adjustments and now can get to my crate fairly easy or get a new rod. Just a bit longer stretch than my Tarpon 120, but still safe. My old position required me to lean way over to get to it... felt pretty sketchy in the wind or current.
  10. I have the seat forward due short legs (~5'8") and pedaling. I've already found some suggestion on that facebook group, which I'll try to implement
  11. I just bought a Radar 135. Only complaint is that it seems to be designed for giants. No joke, even 6'4" owners have complained about the long reach to their crate/gear in the back. It might be less of an issue for the Radar 115. There's a pretty active facebook group. I watched the comments for a while before deciding to buy it myself. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1395601647122486/
  12. Just got a 4 piece Daiwa Presso 7' UL, just tested it out with a Pflueger President 6920. It has more backbone than I anticipated. I caught some bedding panfish and it didn't really load up at all. Took a 1 lb bass to get a good bend.
  13. Are you looking specifically for "fishing shirts" or just looking to protect yourself from the sun? I've read that regular clothing protect you fine from UV radiation, as much as UPF rated clothing. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2015/05/testing-sun-protective-clothing/index.htm
  14. Doctors Lake in Orange Park? There's suppose to be big bass there, but I just didn't have luck and I was really new to bass fishing with artificals back then. I did catch some reds and flounder. Its low salinity brackish https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/ofs/ofs_animation.shtml?ofsregion=sj&subdomain=0&model_type=salinity_nowcast. I don't think there's a motor size limit.
  15. Sometimes I get line twist and struggle to tie a proper palomar knot with braid. Never had that problem with fluoro or mono. It seems to happen mostly to my baitcaster with braid. I don't recall any issues with my spinning braid.
  16. I didn't like the double half hitch finish for the original FG; apparently it can come loose with slick braid and sometimes when I tightened them, it messed up my wraps. The rizzuto finish method has worked much better for me. This guy demonstrates it pretty well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5PFJefx3J0 I use this guy's method to do the wraps https://vimeo.com/161852666 I use 15-30lb braid + 20lb fluoro inshore no problems casting through micro guides.
  17. I like the 30s. It fits my hand. The size 25 is probably a knuckle buster. You don't really need any more line capacity.
  18. I had a glass ultralight and hated it (too whippy). I'd go with the graphite.
  19. Got bit by several large reds, but none of them committed... broke off a huge black drum trying to land him (too big for the net, also Berkley Vanish...). Caught a lot of dink trouts.
  20. Bank fishing: 75% spinning 25% casting Kayak fishing: 90% casting 10% spinning
  21. Oops, meant 8' depth
  22. I've caught more bass 1.5-2.5 mph trolling a 8' depth jerkbait than a 8' depth crankbait. Water clarity was 10'+. I usually catch more pickerel with that method than bass.
  23. I prefer left handed reels because I can usually work the rod better with my right hand (better dexterity, not really a strength issue), but I do mix in some right handed reels to help reduce wrist/forearm fatigue.
  24. Lol, I just got back from my Gander Mountain. They seem optimistic that they'll be one of the stores still in business. Sales were only 10%. Might increase in the summer.
  25. Just checked out my local Gander, discounts were only 10% for most fishing stuff. I was told they'll probably increase to max 30% around August.
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