The thread is a bit old. I actually went through and purchased the Radar 135 after demoing the Native Slayer. The drive on the slayer had superior speed and feel (completely stable), but I preferred the hull and comfort of the Radar 135.
I'm surprised when you said it could keep up in a race. With both the demo and my purchased Helix PD, I usually can't get above 4.5 mph. I had about 5.25-5.5mph on the Slayer (I only demoed it 15-20 minutes, I tracked my speed with and against the wind). But the only times I go max speed are at the very start and end of inshore fishing trips, so the extra stability trumped the speed.
I actually didn't know about those knobs until recently. I tightened them up and the drive seems to wobble or flex a lot less. Only downside is I need to help pull it up when its not in use. I think the demo unit didn't have those or they weren't tightened; the drive shot up very quickly.
Black Creek Outfitters in Jacksonville.
The kayak hasn't been perfect. The storage compartments aren't sealed properly so it takes on water, the rudder assembly on the rear has come loose twice, a rudder tube has been pulled through the hull causing it to slightly malfunction, the drive wasn't greased in certain areas like the pedals or crankarms so eventually they started squeaking... I guess that's the price of early adopting a new product. I still think its worth it in my situation. Florida winds are no joke and unpredictable. I went out to a big lake when the weatherman forecasted 8 mph winds. Eventually it was 20+ and probably 30+ gusts, 3+ft swells. On my Tarpon 120, it was torture just paddling back to the boat ramp. I've recently gone out to similar conditions in my Radar 135 and barely broke a sweat. Only got wet during a significant swell of 4ft.
It does take some adjusting to get used to not having rods sitting right in front of you, but I found the benefits outweigh the cons.