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Everything posted by lindac

  1. Oh and I always have a pair of braid cutters clipped to my fanny pack so I'm completely geeked out.
  2. Aa a female bass fishergal. I am always a bit over packed but my husband and I will hike out a bit so I like to be prepared. I have a backpack for all my tackle, water bottle, baby wipes incase I need to go, bug spray, bandaids and antiseptic cause I am super clumsy. Which is all in packable size. I also bring a pair of small branch cutters cause I have cut my way into some great bases areas. Which my hubby should be thanking me for that 7lb largemouth. I also have a small fanny pack for my phone and stuff I want access to quicke, like hooks and plastics I think I'll use most. And of course my license and sunglasses.
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