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Everything posted by Golffnutt

  1. Thanks for the info GulfCaptain. Have a good one.
  2. Fixed, blown fuse. Thanks to everyone for your help and suggestions and have a wonderful and blessed day. Oh by the way save a few fish for this beginner.
  3. Thank you Snake head Whisperer for that info. Rick
  4. Fishing Rhino thanks again for the reply. I will check tomorrow my truck fuse diagram. I have a 2003 F150 truck. I bet it is just a blown fuse. By the way should I disconnect the truck battery while replacing the bad side marker light? Thanks a million for your help.
  5. Bassinhole thanks much for the suggestion and links. Which one of the tubes do you prefer?
  6. Fishing Rhino, great idea, I will check that, I bet it is just a blown fuse. Thanks. Rick
  7. To WaytoSlow. Thanks for the reply. No I do not have a volt meter. All lights work on my truck. It is a 2003 F150.
  8. Thanks Captain Fishstick. Where can I buy this stuff or should I just let me marine dealer do this? Thanks.
  9. Thanks so much Fishing Rhino. I can not find a fuse or fuse box, any idea on where it is located on the trailer? I have a '96 Ranger Trail. Thank you very much for your help. Rick
  10. Thanks BaitMonkey. I will have someone check it out.
  11. I may just take you up on that offer if I can't get it fixed within the week. I need a little vacation anyway.
  12. Thanks Dink, I am definitely getting it fixed before it goes in the water again.
  13. do you mean that maybe I cut some of the brass wires off when I stripped the vinyl off with my knife? guess I should invest in a wire stripper? how can I make sure I get a good splice even when using a wire stripper? is there a guaranteed way to get a good splice?
  14. Thanks BaitMonkey 1984 for the suggestions. Can you tell me how I check the ground? The wire that I spliced was a black wire running alongside a green and yellow or brown and yellow (can't remember which now) wire or wires.
  15. I had to cut the trailer wire to put on a different plug in for a side marker light that was out. When I did that it killed the running lights. I still have brake lights and I still have signal lights but no running lights. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem. Thank you.
  16. Thanks Dink for the info. Mehy configuration is a little different. The 2 live well intakes are on the left and right of the main drain plug. The live well outlet drain hose (only 1) is to the right of all holes on the outside bottom of the transom.
  17. Where are the thru hull fittings located that you guys are referring to that I should check? What kind of silicone should I use to reseal fittings, etc., GE Bathroom found at Lowes?
  18. Mine definitely has specific Inlet lines for live wells and specific outlet lines for the live wells. Good idea on resealing the inlet and outlet fixtures I will do that. What kind of silicone should I use, something like GE Bathroom? Thanks for the suggestions.
  19. Thanks Dan. Please see my comments just above this post to Tom.
  20. Thanks Tom. I'm having dealer install all new live well parts including all new hoses, pvc elbow fittings, new valves, new aerators. Hopefully this will stop the water from coming in. Gonna cost me about $450.
  21. Thanks very much for the info.
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