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About Golffnutt

  • Birthday 05/19/1948

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Weiss
  • Other Interests
    Golf, Movies, Music

Golffnutt's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. Thanks for the info GulfCaptain. Have a good one.
  2. Fixed, blown fuse. Thanks to everyone for your help and suggestions and have a wonderful and blessed day. Oh by the way save a few fish for this beginner.
  3. Thank you Snake head Whisperer for that info. Rick
  4. Fishing Rhino thanks again for the reply. I will check tomorrow my truck fuse diagram. I have a 2003 F150 truck. I bet it is just a blown fuse. By the way should I disconnect the truck battery while replacing the bad side marker light? Thanks a million for your help.
  5. Bassinhole thanks much for the suggestion and links. Which one of the tubes do you prefer?
  6. Fishing Rhino, great idea, I will check that, I bet it is just a blown fuse. Thanks. Rick
  7. To WaytoSlow. Thanks for the reply. No I do not have a volt meter. All lights work on my truck. It is a 2003 F150.
  8. Thanks Captain Fishstick. Where can I buy this stuff or should I just let me marine dealer do this? Thanks.
  9. Thanks so much Fishing Rhino. I can not find a fuse or fuse box, any idea on where it is located on the trailer? I have a '96 Ranger Trail. Thank you very much for your help. Rick
  10. Thanks BaitMonkey. I will have someone check it out.
  11. I may just take you up on that offer if I can't get it fixed within the week. I need a little vacation anyway.
  12. Thanks Dink, I am definitely getting it fixed before it goes in the water again.
  13. do you mean that maybe I cut some of the brass wires off when I stripped the vinyl off with my knife? guess I should invest in a wire stripper? how can I make sure I get a good splice even when using a wire stripper? is there a guaranteed way to get a good splice?
  14. Thanks BaitMonkey 1984 for the suggestions. Can you tell me how I check the ground? The wire that I spliced was a black wire running alongside a green and yellow or brown and yellow (can't remember which now) wire or wires.
  15. I had to cut the trailer wire to put on a different plug in for a side marker light that was out. When I did that it killed the running lights. I still have brake lights and I still have signal lights but no running lights. Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem. Thank you.
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