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Everything posted by TxHawgs

  1. My gf is always giving me projects to do around the house. And she is big into crafting, think it's time to return the favor. Hey babe come here got a video I need u to watch.
  2. I'm gonna pick up some high end Daiwa reels later this yr. Some in the Steez lineup. The decision I need to make so I can purchase this now is 5.2 or 6.4 ratio for squarebills and the more I think about it I'm leaning towards the 6.4. Just think the 5.2 is too slow. Actually I'm in a ton of timber on Fork also, can u tell me what makes the 5.2 better in wood?
  3. U mean as far as the drag change only? Wanted the Aldebaran because it's lighter and the small line capacity didn't matter since it would only be used for pitching. I can't find specs on both reels for the amount of drag, but if the Aldebaran has enough drag for pitching then that's the reel I want.
  4. 1. Is the Aldebaran ok for dedicated pitching rod as far as drag strength, does changing to Carbontex drag just make drag smoother? Or should I just go w a Mentanium? Not concerned w line capacity as it will be for pitching only just concerned w drag and would like the lighter reel. Will be going on a NRX 895C so maybe it's too light and won't balance nicely? 2. Calcutta Conquest for a dedicated CB rod. Is a 5.2 ratio too slow for squarebills or should I go w the 101HG which is 6.8? I would think 5.2 is too slow for squarebills. 3. Should I order the Yumeya deep spools for the Metaniums that I want to fish 20 to 25lb. fluro on? Or can I do 20lb. On the normal spool and not the 25lb? That's it, as I said I want to purchase these now. Finally got my new rods and others on the way. Wanted the 16 Mentaniums but can't wait till June. Hopefully u guys can help me so i can purchase these before there gone. Thanks in advance I really appreciate the help.
  5. Anyone else's would be greatly appreciated waiting to hit the buy now button. Thanks guys.
  6. This is asking for your guys opinions and feel it's better asked in her than in another thread. U guys like me are really into your tackle and that's why I posted in hear. I need a real for a CB and SWB rod. CB rod is gonna be for stuff like 1.5 2.5 squarebills but Shimano doesn't make any of there high end low profile left hand reels in low gear ratio. So it's either a Mentanium in the 6.4 or whatever it is or a Calcutta Conquest in the 101 size. I haven't owned a round reel for a long time and only concerned of the sz. for palming it and the weight. SWB and A rig rod isn't going to be for huge baits but stuff like 2 to 4oz. Don't think I have a choice with this one, if sticking w Shimano it's gonna have to be a round. Will a 201 cover me on the newer small A rigs and 2 to 3 oz swimbaits? Sorry it's a lot of stuff to ask and thanks guys.
  7. If those were sealed w U40 than I'm sold after what I read. I can't tell a change in the color. Some of the cork on these new rods is too light/white/bright or whatever u want to call it. The new MB orochi rods for example, like them but that cork, wow.
  8. Ok so the aldebaran doesn't hold much line but is a good amount lighter than the mentanium. Since I want it for a dedicated pitching rod I'm not worried about line capacity. But is the drag strong enough on these reels? And when u put a carbontex drag on them does the amount of drag change or it just makes it smoother? Thanks guys.
  9. About to make first reel purchase from eBay and seller is in Japan. It says buyer is responsible for import tax and or customs duties? Do we in the states get charged this and if so how much is it roughly? Thanks guys.
  10. Yes hate when that happens, unfortunately it's part of it. If I hook one right around the eye I clip the barb off the treble and remove it. Not gonna blind one over a stinger or mustad. I also don't like the way some of these guys on YouTube handle the fish esp the new cool thing of palm striking jigs out of there mouth. Don't mean to affend those who do but I don't find it necessary.
  11. Just posted it but the filter wouldn't allow it, which makes me wonder even more if it's ok. I mean it's a channel that posts 2-3 min videos on fishing tips tactics ect. It's not a person's channel it's a channel of a fishing website. I just Googled it and they have a forum which I didn't know, so I would say no.
  12. If someone has a questions in regards to whatever can I post a link from YouTube with a 2-3 min video from ***? Or a similar channel? Thanks
  13. Guess wet from rain? Re read TW review and yes it only says soft baits. Has anyone tried the eye surrender wraps and their A rig wrap? If not which are you using for treble and A rigs? Re read it and yes your correct only mentions soft baits.
  14. Hard question because my go to bait depends on time of yr and what water depth we start in which will determine what I start with. Or one of the baits on either of the 10 rods layin on the deck. This answer better explains my thoughts.
  15. Are the rod glove ones red? I want something for my hooks also as I'm a co-angler and read on TW that the red rod glove ones bleed onto your hard baits permanently staining them. Also what brand are you other guys using? And you guys using the bonnets, how do you attach your lure to the hook keeper with those on? Thanks
  16. Should I buy the U40 or whatever it is on TW? Is that what u use? Thanks.
  17. Magic eraser is ok on AAA grade cork?
  18. Hey DVT, do u seal the cork on your new rods. Wondering if I should on mine. And I sent u an email a cpl days ago about a rod and sending my reels in. Hope to hear back from ya, thanks.
  19. Where do you get or what's the liquid cork cleaner called? You guys using the U40, are u saying it's a once and done thing. And never needs done again?
  20. Got some new rods and never done it before. I assume it darkens it a bit which doesn't bother me. But what happens when it starts to wear off un evenly? Then u put another coat on which is un even and it starts to look like crap or? I say wear un evenly because your hand doesn't touch the whole grip while holding it so. Let me know what's the deal don't want to make expensive rods look bad down the road.
  21. Been thinking about adding some Z Man TRD and Shroom head jigs to my TW order. Anyone have any experience with these on the Texas resivoures? I fish Fork a lot and tourneys on it every 2 wks. Figured I would give em a shot as its such a high pressured fishery. And lately the club has been killin em on the Zoom Centipede. Only other question was with all the stumps I should go with the weedless jig they make and what's the hook up ratio with it? Is the weedgaurd too stiff or does it work well? Thanks guys.
  22. Love the Dirty Jigs Canterbury and also throw the Northstar and M-Pack jigs as I fish Fork almost exclusively and rarely lose an M-Pack but he doesn't offer enough colors. Also Dirty Jigs offers more colors on his site.
  23. Cool thanks man..
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