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Everything posted by TxHawgs

  1. Wow that's immaculate, where did u dig that dinosaur up from, ebay?
  2. That's a good question as I'm gonna start doing this also. I wipe then down with warm soapy water. But gonna put a coat of pure carnauba wax on them.
  3. I'm also in the process of learning, for me it's easier with the BC rod simply because of how I can hold it. I think something worth mentioning is everyone says to loosen up on the brakes and after watching this video and thinking about it and taking it to the water it has helped a lot to make sure they are NOT to loose. If that reel is too loose as soon as it touches the water the the slightest decline in speed and it's all downhill from there. Next everyone brings up the reel but the rod is just as important if not more. Any decent reel can be used it just needs set up right. On the other hand u can't just use any rod. I'm using a F not XF because u need to be able to load that tip up for a good slingshot effect. Matching rod power to bait weight, u want that bait at the upper end of the rods specs so it's easier to load the tip. And last like in the video keep the rod down close and parallel to the water. Good luck hope this helps.
  4. I truly don't understand the issues everyone has w fluro? I've been using it for a cpl yrs and have never had any issues. I use sniper, reaction and tatsu. I use line conditioner while spooling it on reel. And give it a shot before I start fishing. Cast great no backlashes, and when I hang up and have 12lb. or higher on I know I'm cutting line. I get on top the snag point my rod straight down at it and pull that **** as hard as I can and can't break it off. And have several times had it come back with just part of the hook shank. Guess I'm truly blessed lol, but I really don't get it. The problems people have that is. Oh and I use a standard Palomar knot, I take my time make sure lines aren't twisted and that my final loop sits on top the knot. Pull tight slowly first and plenty wet.
  5. I have the FG knot on my spinning rod. It's a long leader so it goes through all the guides and onto spool. I forget how many overhand knots I tied at the end but definitely not more than two. I cut it as close as possible with sharp scissors and then put a dab of super glue on that end and squeezed it flat. It is by far the smallest knot. 20lb braid to 14 or 16lb sniper forget. I landed an 8.2lb last Thursday in a tournament and several others. So far so good and will continue to use.
  6. I have several questions on this topic also as I have or just about to purchase my heavy jig fishing gear. 1. For pitching/flipping I want to use braid, but I want to use high viz braid. Do any of u use high viz yellow cuz I want to use Smackdown straight to the jig? If it was green I would probably use it but yellow? I fish Lake fork and water is normally pretty clear. 2. Will a 3-4ft. Fluro leader completely eliminate line wary fish from hitting with 5 yards of high viz yellow line still in the water? You want your jig to fall straight down ex. next to trees. So if I'm doing that in up to 8ft of water I could have 5ft of bright yellow line above there heads and if there suspended even worst. Lake fork is heavily fished putting a lot of pressure on these fish making them quite wary. 3. When casting a jig if bites are more easily detected on fluro then that's what I will probably go with. I want to line watch but can't see 30/40 yds. of high viz line in the water and possibly through the strike zone not effecting some fish. Even with a 3/4ft. fluro leader. 4. IMO the FG knot is the best knot for tying a leader to braid, and hands down the smallest. Since I want to watch my line so much I thought of doing this. Was thinking of tying a 25 to 35yd leader to my high viz braid. It would keep enough of the yellow braid out of the water and still allow me to watch my line.
  7. Sniper, Shooter, Reaction and Seagaur Tatsu is all I use in fluro. Absolutely excellent line, never had a problem with either one. IMO there is nothing better.
  8. I'm picking up more than one rod, and I'm gonna need to pu more than one 16.
  9. Was looking at the new 16 Shimano Stile, why did Shimano put such a shallow spool on a 5.8 reel? I don't know anyone including myself that uses braid to throw CB's. Does anyone know if someone makes a deep spool for the Aldebaran? I'm thinking these 2 reels run the same spool?
  10. A lot of u guys are always putting the shallow spools on and I'm the complete opposite, I'm always wanting a deeper spool. Not one for every Mentanium I have on its way but for ones I wanna throw 20-25lb fluro on. Anyone know roughly how much 20-22-25lb fluro u can get on the stock Metanium spool?
  11. MH is fine for a 3/8 jig/t-rig unless your gonna be flipping pitching in and around heavy cover than I would bump up to the 4. Other things to think about, the 953 is a more versatile rod and can be used for more things. So if you don't have many rods and would like to use it for other techniques/baits it's a good choice. If you have plenty of rods and want just a dedicated pitching rod I would go with the 894. And last your not gonna want to pitch tight areas like docs and stuff with the 953, it would be a more open water pitching rod. Those are my thoughts anyway.
  12. I can't believe I haven't seen anyone post pics of the 16 Mentaniums yet? I just had to buy 13's because only the RH is available right now. Most which are selling for less than 13's! What a kick in the butt that is. The new ones IMO are nicer, I like that they are all silver. Just got new rods and couldn't wait till end of May/June for the new ones. Currently fishing tournaments with 2 rods 1 spinning 1 baitcaster and it's not very productive. So made the decision to buy the 13's now and the 16's when available. Will post pics of new NRX rods and reels once I get them.
  13. Yea I agree on the 301 being too big and actually ordered the 201HG earlier. If the 201HG is too small I will put it on the 7'11" glx cranking rod cuz need to buy that reel for that rod and will step up to a bigger one for the 916C. If it's not big enough I will put this on the 7'11" GLX CB rod I need to order and then pick up a 301 for the 916C.
  14. Yea I agree on the 301 being too big and actually ordered the 201HG earlier.
  15. No don't care about price just want the nicest stuff. I also have the recoil guides on my loomis rods so that's a plus that it's quiet. I picked up a spool of FX2 a little while ago and the Daiwa Samurai but wanted to see who was using what and likes and dislikes. Really was surprised with the reviews on TW of the Samurai, more bad than good and they either loved it or hated it. The majority of them said it would just break unexpectedly and send a lure to the land of the lost. Well looks like I'm gonna grab the Smackdown, wonder if they make it in 600+ or 1200yd spools? Will get green but would also like a high viz color for pitching rods, not sure if they make a high viz color. Another reason I asked about the braids is because I did find 1200yd spools of Samurai for a good price but after reading I doubt I will be buying it unless it blows me away when I try it. Really suprised about the Sunline also thought that was a hit amongst guys. Their fluro and the Tatsu is all I fish. Well thanks a lot for the advice I appreciate it.
  16. Yea the 201HG will be fine with 2oz. baits. Not sure how much bigger the 301 is in hand but I know it's 3 ounces more at 11 oz. and I want to stay away from that.
  17. Are u using the Smackdown for every technique u use braid for on a casting rod, topwater ect. not just on a pitching rod? If you were fishing in a ton of stumps and timber would u continue to use the Smackdown? Thanks
  18. Thanks man, off subject but what gear ratio do u throw chatterbaits, spinnerbaits and buzzbaits on?
  19. Palomar, needs tied a certain way and never have problems. Line or hook breaks/straightens out first.
  20. Need to buy braid for Mentaniums, Aldebaran i just ordered. Going to need it for topwater, pitching, frogs not sure what else kind of depends on water clarity. Anyone use it for buzzbaits with like a Sunline Reaction Fluro leader? Anyway the only braid I have used has been PP 20lb. On my spinning reel w a leader. Want to try one of the above mentioned. Thought the Daiwa was really good stuff but I think there was more bad than good reviews on TW site, so input on that braid would be great. FX2 vs SX1, thought I have read guys preferring the FX2? not sure that's why I'm asking and finally, Smackdown. So opinions on what you use and why, and if you tried more than one out of the group which ones and why you choose the one your currently using over the other please. I also want to try new high quality braid for the spinning rods also, one will be a dedicated DSR and other a SHR both with a leader. And I fish Fork so tons of timber, Thanks guys.
  21. Got it, I overlooked that. Then the 101 won't cover that, the line capacity just won't cut it. So I guess it's 2- 201HG's then. The 6.2 gear ratio will be good, but line capacity is 12/110 and I should be throwing that Bucca Shad on at least 20lb. fluro right? Don't know if that's gonna cut it. I'm new to the bigger hard body swimbaits like that. Need suggestions guys.
  22. Making some purchases and going to pick up a NRX 916C for swimbaits and one for A-rig. Going to put Conquest's on both, but want suggestions for sz. Will the 101 handle 2oz. swimbaits like the Mike Bucca's Bull Shad, on what 50lb. braid? And then the 201 for the newer small A-rigs like the 5 arm hogfarmer and 60-80lb. braid? Thanks guys.
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