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Everything posted by TxHawgs

  1. Yea I meant orange not sure why I said yellow lol. Thanks guys I will just go with the Boca as they are an American co.
  2. Anyone have experience with Hedge-Hog air ceramic and the Boca orange seal ceramic abec7? Would I notice a difference between the 2?
  3. Man that is a sweet collection!
  4. Some great advice here. I commented earlier and wanted to come back and give another important pc of advice. BrianinMD touched on this, Angles! At home or wherever u practice casting u want to practice and practice your backhand cast until u r as proficient w it as your forward or strong arm cast. This will alow u to hit the backside or opposite side of targets as the boat goes by. This is so so important, I started in small club tournaments at the end of 2015. The guys I'm fishing w are not pros and more than half of them cant or are not confident enough to backhand cast and it leaves the door wide open for me. Obviously the pros are going to be able to do this but they will not always hit both or all sides of a target. That's where u need to pay attention and pick up the scraps, cuz one of those scraps could be a t-bone with a lot of meat left on it lol. Hope this helps.
  5. Thanks boss, hey I scored 6 NRX rods on the auction site last night! A 804C 852C 853C 854C 893C and the 822S SYR which I don't know if I'm gonna keep. Wonder if anyone has that rod and the 822S DSR? I had the 822S DSR and sold it to buy a green one. Anyway both rods r 6'10" and mag-medium XF both rated 6-12lb. However the SYR is rated 1/8-5/16 which I don't understand? Rated up to 12lbs. but only rated up to 5/16 lure? That's a spread of only 3/16, yet the DSR same line rating is rated up to a 1/2oz. the rod specs r the same as far as length power and action, wonder how much different they can really be. And I wonder how the shakeyhead rod would work for dropshot.
  6. Thanks bud, goin by your username do u or have used the Owner twistlock hooks for your Senko's and other worms? Man they r incredible! Been using them for a while now with great success and talk about getting your baits straight for that all important shimmy on the fall of stick baits. Man I just picked up some of the Owner Flashy Swimmers this past Thursday and Wow they r awesome with a Keitech type soft swimbait on them, very weedless also. Owner products, I'm hooked ughhuh...I know I'm a dork and a tackle junkie!
  7. Man that is sweet, did u get that handle with the knobs or did u have to buy them separately? Those knobs are gunmetal color correct? What length is the handle? And who makes that spool tensioner knob?
  8. I buy a lot of stuff and never thought of posting it. So gonna post a small amount of stuff I recently purchased. Wish I would of seen this earlier, but have a good amount of stuff being purchased in the next cpl months.
  9. These guys have pretty much covered it lol. Chatterbaits the spinnerbait mentioned above. Lipless crankbaits, here in Tx on lake Fork the fish are eating crawfish in cold water months before the spawn so everyone throws red lipless crankbaits. Also splitshot senkos in a dark color black with blue or red fleck. And flukes in green pumpkin with the tail dyed chartreuse to mimic bluegill.
  10. What? Every month or just the first? Either way I will try it for that!
  11. I'm having a hard time with it also, and consider myself a pretty good finesse angler. What makes it even more frustrating is when the boater is catching them on one but u can't. I watched a bunch of videos on it and the pros said just let it sit there, the water, boat and not being a statue would move the bait enough. So that's what I did and nothing, my boater on the other hand is casting it out and shaking his rod tip like crazy and catching them. He or we were also casting them out and dragging them in, but like I said he was putting fish in the boat. I also don't understand how it's possible to use a 1/4 oz weight or less, unless doing it vertically in dead calm wind. I was using 3/8oz but so was my boater. Like I said we were casting it out and working downhill back to the boat and it was pretty windy out. Any less weight and it wouldn't stay on the bottom it would just pendilum back to the boat. I was using a 2/0 owner mosquito hook and nose hooking a Roboworm, 20lb braid w a 10lb fluro leader. I fish Lake fork so I have the chance of hooking a big fish and there is lots of timber that's why the 10lb leader. Now I know the fish on Fork are heavily pressured and line shy so even with a long leader maybe I need to ditch the braid. The boaters were not using braid. I like what I read in the post above at casting towards high percentage spots and letting it sit and shaking a little bit then casting to another target where I think fish may be. Using small hooks doesn't bother me, should I go down to 1/0 instead of 2/0? Also I have only fished the dropshot twice so far for a total of maybe 4 hrs, I know I just need to catch a cpl fish and I will be ok. The thing that made me loose confidence the most was both times I used it I didn't even get a bite while my boaters were catching fish. Any advise would be appreciated.
  12. I've had a cpl pair of Costas, Revos, Wiley X for trap shooting and wearing Maui Jim's currently on the water. The Costas I had both had the glass lenses and as stated by one of the other members I found them too heavy and after several hrs would hurt the bridge of my nose. Revos were very comfortable and light but the polarization wasn't as good as the Costas. My Maui's are nice but glass lenses and also too heavy, u think I would have learned my lesson. So I'm going back to Costas without a full frame and plastic lenses. Been looking at the Hatch, Galveston and Rockport frames if anyone has these and wants to comment.
  13. I'm going through the same thing being that I'm new to tournaments and a co-angler. To jump into fishing BFL tourneys is a big step for anyone especially a new angler. I have been fishing for 46 yrs and still learning everyday. I joined a club to start fishing tournaments and thought that would be best before fishing something like the BFL. My best advice for u is to think of it as a learning experience and not like your out to compete against these guys. Enjoy your day on the water and soak up the knowledge like a sponge and know that u will come off the water every time with more experience and a better angler.
  14. Man this is some funny stuff. I know a guy who is 7 yrs older than me and WAS a guide on lake fork, 30 yrs ago! Well that according to him made him the know it all god of bass fishing. Yet never owned or knew what a hollow body frog is, a dropshot rig and the list goes on. Well his parents have this incredible pond, it was nothing to catch 20 to 30 fish a day with the small ones being 3lbs. When I first started fishing it with him he would say that's not gonna work on this pond and then I would go and catch fish on what wasn't gonna work on the pond lol. After a few months of fishing w him I would pull up to his place and he would ask, what u gonna start with, my reply would be something that doesn't work on your pond. And when he would hook up the whole county knew it. Well it took a lot to walk away from that pond so that gives u an idea of what kind of guy that friend WAS.
  15. That makes two of us brotha lol. I don't understand why they can't release the LH reels w the RH? Unless they produce so many RH first and then have to change the tooling to produce the left?But you would think they are set up to run both at the same time?
  16. I have been looking at the studio composite handles and eva knobs for my new Mentaniums. Man between the handle and knobs your talkin $200 bucks. Plus I want a cpl of the Yumeya deep spools for loading some w 20-25lb. fluro. That's $300 total, as much as I'm paying for the Metaniums from Japan, crazy I know. Like any kind of hobby if u want to play w the best get ready to pay like the rest.
  17. Next time your a your local flea market or garage sale grab a beat up reel for dirt cheap. Take it home and tear it apart and learn how it works. Nothing to lose just possibly gain by learning and having enough confidence in the future to do simple maintenance like clean and lube.
  18. Crestliner is correct, they are 2 different animals. The leader material is stiffer and more abrasion resistant. Some guys will only use leader specific spools for this application and I am also making the change. If u fish topwater w braid and a fluro leader this is where it really shines w it being stiffer.
  19. I had the high end energies from a cpl yrs ago. Couldn't tell u the models but they were that chrome like finish. When I bought them the only reel above them was the KVD model but I just couldn't do red lol. They were pretty nice, didn't have much adjustability in the brakes just a dial on the side. My buddy bought the smoke reels and they were definitely a step up from those.
  20. Don't know about the mag 2's but man the z bones are bad to the bone lol. My buddy just got a ride w Kistler and sold me 3 NRX rods the 895 893 853 and a GLX 802 for 1k. They were fished 3 or 4 times, thanks Kistler lol. But seriously after I finish my NRX collection I'm gonna have him pick me up some Z bones, I think they are incredible and he says there customer service is excellent also.
  21. Been looking into trying HC braid for its no knot advantages as I like to fish a long leader on hi viz braid. Some guys are already using it for big swimbaits. Co. called Toro Tamer makes it all the way down to 20lb. I'm thinking 40 or 50lb. with a 18-20lb. fluro leader. Been watching videos on YouTube on how to serve the line. And am aware of the tools and jig u need to do this properly. So has anyone tried it or currently using it? I think Seagaur is or has already come out w their version of HC braid.
  22. Yeah that's a good price, I've been getting them from $284 to $320. I haven't been buying the 16's because there not available in LH yet. Drives me crazy lol. The 16's have been going for around $320 basically the same price. Which makes buying the 13's even harder to swallow for me.
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