Fished w a guide for the first time 2 yrs ago on Lake Fork. Really had no idea what was the norm and what wasn't. Well let's just say I paid a guy $500 to slam it up my butt for 9 hrs lol. Live and learn, never crossed my mind to research what the guide normally does. Well for $500 bucks I fished on the back of a 21ft Ranger while the guide fished in front of me all day. I caught like 5 dinks to his 15 or so with one being a nice 6lber. Needless to say I was furious half way through the day. And I'm not a quiet guy I have no problem telling anyone exactly how I feel. But this guy was probably in his 60s and I didn't know what was normal so I felt weird to say hey man throw down your weapon lol. Now I'm also not an idiot and in the back of my mind I was like this is messed up. Guess I could of should of said something? But then there goes having any chance of having a nice day as I'm sure it would cause tension on the boat and he could easily be like sure I won't fish and take ya for a boat ride the rest of the day. And then every spot you stop at becomes a "man we killed em here yesterday" spot lol! Teach me anything? lol we barely talked as he was too busy fishing. Obviously I didn't tip. And I kind of have an issue with the whole tip thing. He's not someone that works for someone else and doesn't make a decent salary like a waitress or cab driver ect. This is someone that made his rates and is making $14k a month. Yea I feel that $500-$550 to take someone fishing for 8-9 hrs is fair. And no I'm not cheap, people that work for tips I tip well