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Everything posted by TxHawgs

  1. I currently have the NRX 822S DSR but it has too much tip. If I fish a Robo hook with it I lose fish. And even a traditional dropshot hook doesn't stick em very good. I'm sticking with the NRX line because I get a pretty good discount on them. Was going to order the 902S but was told it probably has the same amount of tip. And I would be better off with the 852S but with me wanting a longer rod the 872S should hopefully fill the bill. Does anyone have any of these sticks, 852S, 872S or 902S? If anyone has experience with them your input/suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  2. Sunline Shooter Defier not the Armilo.
  3. Yea your gonna love that 893C. I have the Metaniums and Aldebarans and I always tell people to pick up my NRX 852C w the Aldebaran on it, it's crazy light. Wait until ICAST this yr when Loomis brings out this rod that's gonna top the NRX in weight and sensitivity. Woops did I just say that? K gotta go.
  4. That's funny, me and Ott talked about it at a seminar class and he showed it to me.
  5. Lol, where did u come across this rig?
  6. @Dan_the_fisher which NRX did you buy?
  7. Dam, would of been sweet to come across a whole peg or two of 1.5 for a buck. Would of bought every one of em and at least sold the duplicates to my buddies for 3 bucks lol. Actually whenever I fill a bag of stuff I don't want anymore I take it to the lake and give it to the kids I come across till its gone. Makes me feel good to see how excited they get. Anywho I'm on my walk and was goin to wally world when done so I will c what they got.
  8. I did see your post above. You said do you guys know this is a Muskie reel and too fast of a gear ratio for swimbaits. And then post a pic of a 500? This whole thread starting from the beginning we have been talking about the 300 and 400? So could you help me understand what I'm missing?
  9. Yep we know son. And that's not the reel, that's the 500. Go on TW and look at the new 300 and 400 the gear ratios and size due to come out Jan 30th.
  10. No, was a super slow bite. 80% or so of the club got skunked. All my fish were dinks caught on the dropshot.
  11. Yes I have heard about pros that are well of financially hiring several guides to pre fish the lake for them due to the size of the lake.
  12. 41 IPT I'm almost positive he says what it is in the video I posted above. Yea we talked about doin some fishin together in IM. Finished 2nd amongst co-anglers yesterday on Fork.
  13. Your saying we can pre order them at TW and there supposed to ship Jan 31st ? I can wait till then. What do u mean by u hope some shops get them in? U said TW is going to? How much did the 500 cost? What yr is it? Thanks Sorry just seen one of the guys posted the price of 299 up above. How did u find out the price point? Glad that there not below that. That tells us it's gonna be a pretty high quality reel. Actually I just remembered that Matt Allen suggested this reel to me, wow. Yea hello lol.
  14. I would say no, especially if your not tournament fishing but that will be a decision u need to make once u receive them. Where did u score them half price from I'd like to pick some up. Thanks
  15. Then your in luck cuz I posted a New one in the flea market earlier lol.
  16. Eh I don't worry about price lol. U going out with a guide in March? If so which one?
  17. Found my new swimbait and A-rig reels lol.
  18. 41st and they weren't w the other baits they were on a small sale rack kinda out in front of the tackle isles.
  19. Sweet, I went to the Academy in Tulsa while up there and they only had the crawfish squarebill color or I would of cleaned the shelves.
  20. No, lol. Was hangin out afterwards w Roumbanis and we went out to his truck. Lol the stuff other than the swimbaits I got. And won that car battery jumper in a free raffle.
  21. Never fished one weightless either, will have to give it a go. But either way it depends on the craw itself length/thickness and if I'm pitchin it or casting it.
  22. New Bass Mafia terminal box, really like it.
  23. @kickerfish1 Yeah I thought the DC, I have the 13 & 16 Mentaniums but the cap on the handle is silver on the new ones which made me ask which one this is but I'm pretty sure it is the DC. And my Chronarch comment was in regards to the members above talking about a new Chronarch MGL coming out. Was wondering where they heard or seen that and if there is any pic's of it out yet.
  24. Is that the Mentanium DC? Chronarch MGL? Any pic's yet?
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