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  1. For now I need something I can carry by hand with 2 people and stand to cast. Also want the first boat to be cheap till I find out what I would prefer next.
  2. I would like to get my motorized boat and I think a Jon boat would be a good place to start. Can anyone help me get started? Tell me what to look for and what the boat will need. What are the limitations of a jon boat?
  3. I have picked up so many topwater lures and get nothing, I know I am doing something wrong, I just can't figure out what it is. I just want to learn to use that type of lure.
  4. I guess I just need to fish them at the right time, they have a purpose, and a very specific time they work, I would really like to learn to use them and develop some confidence that throwing them actually going to get some bites, so far when I throw them I spend an hour at a time trying to make them work and the whole time in the back of my mind I am thinking I could be throwing something else and actually catching fish, I think my lack of faith in the lure could be hampering my ability to use them correctly.
  5. I have been trying to use them every time I have gone out this summer and I am doing something wrong, I think I need to cast to the right targets, I don't fish much early morning either and I am sure that does not help, I just want to know I can use them, the poppers and frogs are the only things in my tackle I have zero luck with, I just think I should be able to use every tool in my box.
  6. Every time I try an all new type of lure I experience the all so common struggle to figure it out, then when I get it to work to works well and I can't understand how I could have struggled with it in the first place. How does a lure go from hard to use to easy to get bites on? I have been trying to learn to fish top water baits all summer long, poppers and frogs, so far its the same thing, I am struggling, why can't we see how easy it is in the first place, we watch videos, see others make them work and should all be easy yet I can't get a bite, does this stump you as well?
  7. I was assuming that a slow fall would always look more natural than a fast one. I never really thought the bass would bury them selves in the tangles of plant life. I know asking for the input of experienced bass men was a good idea, I am new here and just trying to understand rather than just do what is common, I can only have the confidence to keep casting something when I understand it well enough to believe it to advantageous.
  8. I know this may sound like a dumb question but I am still kinda new to bass fishing, what is the advantage of using a bullet weight rather than just fishing the same rig without the weight? Please forgive the dumb question, I am trying to learn. I was first taught to fish without the weight and fished it that way the entire first season, the cousin swore it worked better without weight due to being able to keep the worm on top of the weeds where the fish would see it, I question it at first but he was always catching more fish than me until I took the weight off, when I did we would catch the same fish for fish, now I figure there is some good reason I have never seen anyone else fishing a TR without weight, I just can't figure out what the advantage is and how the weight is used to make the worm a better presentation, I just want to understand.
  9. Now this is good to learn, knowing that there will be times that a good bait just will not work and that those times could last for days weeks even most of a season is very helpful info, thanks. The more I learn the less I need!
  10. Thank you for taking the time to give me all the tips, I am new and trying to learn. Its hard to avoid getting frustrated when its you lack of skill that is the problem, nothing worse than being angry with your self right? See! now this is exactly what I do every time! I get no action and switch to something like a square bill or drag a worm and BAMB! I get hit right away, this is what destroys my confidence in the lures.
  11. Is there only a small window of opportunity to use them, like dusk and dawn? I am new and I have no faith in top water frogs and poppers. Seems like a given bass fisherman would only use it cuz its exciting, same man could be more successful with other baits. I know they can work but I always quit using it cuz I think the lack of a bite means I should be using something else. I have watched every video I can find about using top water and I understand where I should be casting each. Every time I use them I get nothing, I always try to devote a full hour to learning them but nothing happens, it could just be that the conditions have never been right and I need to learn to read those conditions better. I have never caught a fish on top water and just don't think it could ever be the best choice for a given lake, it could be the best choice for a spot but never the best choice when you could go to a different section of the lake with better odds. Am I wrong to doubt the reliability of topwater baits like hollow body frogs or poppers? Please remember I am new and trying to learn
  12. My Pfluger president has a small enough gap along side the line roller to allow the line to get stuck, it only happens once every 6 hrs or so but I don't like it, is there a way to fix or prevent this? I figure higher end reels have tighter tolerances and the small gape is not enough space for the line to fit inside, but this is only my second season and I have already spent so so much money that this will have to do if I can only fix the problem.
  13. I think I may also have a faith problem if you will, I just don't believe they will hit it because it has only happened one time for me and I have been fishing since middle of last summer and have tried the frog quite a few times since I started learning to bass fish, I do well on many types of bait and can't get a bite on others, I think this affects my technique and limits the time it takes to give up before I say "this won't work" and throw something else that I have faith in, every time I give up I I am proved correct by catching a bass very soon after switching. I am only admitting that part of the problem may be in my head.
  14. 20 in 3 hrs........I'm impressed man.
  15. Well this week I have fished the frog for a solid hour 3 different times so far, tried everything I see in the videos and still get nothing. I am 90% sure I am doing something just a bit or a lot wrong, I tried early morning, I tried middle of the day, I tried at dusk, I just can't seem to get a 2nd bite, the first and only bite was last month and it was awesome, I didn't set the hook it but I do know to wait a few seconds, I will get it before the season ends if I am lucky. I ordered a few more frogs online just to see if the problem is the frogs.
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